11-07-2024 05:00 PM
How do I add / delete / rename message folders in the new version?
since We can no longer switch back to classic view
11-07-2024 05:04 PM
There's a link to create folders just below the list of folders.
I do not see a way to delete or rename folders.
Hey elizabeth@ebay - can you find out if eBay will be adding an option to delete and rename folders in the new message format?
11-07-2024 05:15 PM
under the new ebay message format, there is no option to create folders in the left lower folders section 😕
11-07-2024 05:21 PM
11-07-2024 05:28 PM
i am using Microsoft edge, maybe it does show up on other browser, but not edge
11-07-2024 05:33 PM
11-07-2024 06:35 PM
I believe that there is (or was) a limit of ten folders, total. Once you reach that number you may not be able to create new ones until you remove an old one.
I do not see how to either delete or rename any of my folders, so it appears that I am stuck with my current lineup of folders. I do not see the option to create new folders, though that may change if I can manage to delete one.
I do not think the eBay app supports message folders, so that seems to be a dead end.
11-07-2024 06:41 PM
Put me in the column of users who do not like the new messaging formats foisted on us. Its not like it solves a problem or creates greater functionality and ease of use.
This messaging area is clear and easy to use. I bet they come up with some way to mess with it soon.
11-07-2024 07:20 PM
@eburtonlab wrote:I do not see how to either delete or rename any of my folders, so it appears that I am stuck with my current lineup of folders. I do not see the option to create new folders, though that may change if I can manage to delete one.
I was able to create a new folder, but have now realized that I cannot find any way to delete it. I swear, it's days like this when I feel like we're the only ones testing the new software.
11-07-2024 07:40 PM
Don't forget it started out as an app thing, and eBay is nothing if not consistent in trying to force the website to function like an app.
Winter 2022 Seller Update (link) told us this was coming.
"The beta version and the full launch of the new experience refer only to the messaging in your eBay App. On desktop, you will still see the old experience for the time being. We are working on bringing the new, updated messaging experience to desktop and will notify you in your desktop inbox once it is ready for you."
Here we are close to 3 years later and it's formally rolled out on the website.
11-08-2024 08:40 AM
@wastingtime101 wrote:
There's a link to create folders just below the list of folders.
I do not see a way to delete or rename folders.
Hey elizabeth@ebay - can you find out if eBay will be adding an option to delete and rename folders in the new message format?
Good morning @wastingtime101. Let me reach out to the team and see if we can get some clarification here. I'll touch base once I know more.
11-12-2024 01:51 PM
elizabeth@ebay wrote:
@wastingtime101 wrote:Hey elizabeth@ebay - can you find out if eBay will be adding an option to delete and rename folders in the new message format?
Good morning @wastingtime101. Let me reach out to the team and see if we can get some clarification here. I'll touch base once I know more.
Hi elizabeth@ebay : So, what's the good word? I would think this should be a quick one for them to answer. Please ping them again if you have not already heard back on this one.
11-12-2024 02:09 PM
I use Edge and it's there ......
11-12-2024 02:12 PM
I use Edge and it's there.
11-12-2024 02:35 PM
An additional question elizabeth@ebay :
A lot of buyers and sellers are submitting feedback on the new message format.
Is it possible we'll see some tweaks and improvements over the next month?
If not, should we not expect any new updates for a while since we're getting close to the annual year-end code freeze that extends through I forget when - Jan/Feb?