12-21-2018 03:54 PM
This month I have until now 0 sales the last month only one. This is a disaster !!.
What is going to do Ebay in order to stop a collective crash and in consequence the similar destiny for the Company in general?. WITHOUT SELLERS EBAY WILL BE OUT !!
01-08-2019 08:08 PM
01-09-2019 07:07 PM
01-10-2019 05:58 PM
01-10-2019 06:00 PM
01-10-2019 06:00 PM
01-10-2019 06:02 PM
01-10-2019 06:05 PM
01-11-2019 09:59 AM
My sells have fallen through the floor and down past the basement. If this keeps up, I really don't see justification for maintaining a store.
Ebay, get it together. We sellers are not going to continue paying for lack of service.
01-12-2019 06:54 PM
01-12-2019 06:59 PM
01-12-2019 07:17 PM
@calistas_closet33 wrote:
This has been going on since May/June of last year...then nose dive in October.
I find this to be a very interesting comment.
My June 2018 sales were UP 55% over June 2017 The first 6 months of 2018 I averaged an increase of 62% per month over the first 6 months of 2017
MY sales for July 2018 were down 16% from July 2017
August 2018 down 6%
September 2018 down 23%
October 2018 down 15%
November 2018 down 20%
I've been selling on EBAY for 19 years. The only changes made June-July were made by EBAY and not me,
To see steady growth month in and month out and then to see a sudden reversal? There is a cause, somewhere.
01-12-2019 07:19 PM
01-13-2019 06:27 AM
Our Feebay stats:
2017 gross sales: 200k
2018 gross sales: 170k with more expenses and less prfit margin
2019 projected: 140K (account=throttled)
Our purchases on Feebay:
2017: 25K
2018: 22K
2019: $0 (we no longer purchase anything from Ebay...ever)
They want to play games, we downsized, reduced subscription, reduced items for sale, moved elsewhere, started our own site, all other selling areas doing great ebay sales....down, down, down, worse, more fees, more restrictions, less customer care, more lies on the phone with reps. On and on....move on, Ebay is done.
01-13-2019 06:55 AM
What I wish is that ebay would give the sellers some HONEST answers as to what the real problem here is and what they are doing to remedy it if anything. Too may sellers including myself are hoping for changes and hanging in there thinking things will reverse. If they would be honest and say we will continue to go in the same direction and you cannot expect things to get better unless you are either Chinese or are selling new things in bulk then there would probably be a mass exit. Just some explanations would be nice.
01-13-2019 08:23 AM
My sells also went down but they normally do for about 3 months. When Baseball picks back up in Feb, sales will pick up quickly. I am beginning to see a lot of movement again already. That looks promising.