12-21-2018 03:54 PM
This month I have until now 0 sales the last month only one. This is a disaster !!.
What is going to do Ebay in order to stop a collective crash and in consequence the similar destiny for the Company in general?. WITHOUT SELLERS EBAY WILL BE OUT !!
01-03-2019 06:58 AM
This article never really explains how vintage or antique items will be seen because there is No catalog for these items and no way to group them since most are different. Ebay needs to explain this further and to start to be honest with the sellers. If they are not going to show these items in a search then why are we being charged 35 cents per listing. Something is really wrong with this and is very much showing in the sellers sales of these items.
01-03-2019 07:53 PM
01-04-2019 06:27 AM
One thing I have found is the shipping amount. I ship almost exclusively small flatrate box for $7.05. So many sellers are asking double and tripple that for an item I know can ship for $7.05. So I just don't buy from them and they wonder why there item didn't sell. It is almost as though eBay put in calculated shipping all on their own.
01-04-2019 06:06 PM
I am also having the same problem with 75% decline in sales last two months. Ebay is telling me it is a bug and they don't know when it will be fixed. At this point, I will likely end up closing my store. Unbelievable.....
01-05-2019 11:10 PM
01-06-2019 06:17 PM
@ladyhamilton_forever wrote:One thing I have found is the shipping amount. I ship almost exclusively small flatrate box for $7.05. So many sellers are asking double and tripple that for an item I know can ship for $7.05. So I just don't buy from them and they wonder why there item didn't sell. It is almost as though eBay put in calculated shipping all on their own.
I agree. I hit the back button when a seller wants to charge me $10.00 for shipping when I can mail the same item to him for $2.66
01-07-2019 01:06 AM
changing their name just paves the way for them to CONTINUE to screw us over ALL OVER AGAIN... All they do is show the buyers how to extort and screw us sellers over and get our items & their money back at the same da@# time. WHICH IS SO A€$ BACKWARDS SINCE US SELLERS IS WHAT MAKES AND MADE EBAY WHAT IT IS.....EBAY WIULDNT NE JACK IF IT WASN'T 4 US....I CANT WAIT FOR SOMEONE TO COME AND KNOCK EB & PP OUT THE BOX #WAIT4ITWAIT4IT
01-07-2019 01:10 AM
changing their name just paves the way for them to CONTINUE to screw us over ALL OVER AGAIN... All they do is show the buyers how to extort and screw us sellers over and get our items & their money back at the same time. WHICH IS SO BACKWARDS SINCE US SELLERS IS WHAT MAKES AND MADE EBAY WHAT IT IS.....EBAY WIULDNT NE JACK IF IT WASN'T 4 US....I CANT WAIT FOR SOMEONE TO COME AND KNOCK EB & PP OUT THE BOX WAIT4ITWAIT4IT
01-07-2019 01:40 AM
01-07-2019 05:37 PM
I agree, i think they are trying to direct everything to their big stores. I am thinking of leaving and finding some one else, amazon, bonanza and there are others.
01-07-2019 10:24 PM
01-08-2019 07:55 AM
01-08-2019 05:49 PM
01-08-2019 07:48 PM
01-08-2019 07:57 PM
This is very interesting to me as I've not experienced this issue. I have 25 feedback ratings and I do get lots of sales each month and I seem to maintain around 50-60 sales in the last 60 days. It is possible the reasoning behind this is because I make my prices extremely competitive and do accept quite a few "Best Offers". I'll be honest - I do not offer FAST N' FREE, I give at 4-day maximum processing time, etc. and still seem to be satisfied with the amounts of sales I am getting. I am wondering why this is happening to everyone else. Good luck everyone! Hopefully, this won't happen to me.