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Ebay Promotional Listing Fees! 40.6%! REALLY! UNBELIEVABLE!


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Ebay Promotional Listing Fees! 40.6%! REALLY! UNBELIEVABLE!

     The race to the bottom. EBay must REALLY be desperate to try and increase their revenue at the sellers expense. 



Message 2 of 27
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Ebay Promotional Listing Fees! 40.6%! REALLY! UNBELIEVABLE!


What type of item was that for? (Asking so I know not to try selling them on ebay LOL)

Message 3 of 27
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Ebay Promotional Listing Fees! 40.6%! REALLY! UNBELIEVABLE!

And now we know why there are not Bots making my Big Mac.

Message 4 of 27
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Ebay Promotional Listing Fees! 40.6%! REALLY! UNBELIEVABLE!


Message 5 of 27
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Ebay Promotional Listing Fees! 40.6%! REALLY! UNBELIEVABLE!

Holy cow - I haven't seen anything above 8....

Message 6 of 27
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Ebay Promotional Listing Fees! 40.6%! REALLY! UNBELIEVABLE!

EBay must really have a lot of those and they must be slooooooow sellers.

I believe the higher the suggested rate, the less eBay wants you to clutter up the site with whatever it is.


Message 7 of 27
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Ebay Promotional Listing Fees! 40.6%! REALLY! UNBELIEVABLE!

Never promoted a listing, never will. I think the almost 15% I lose already is too much.


And it isn't necessary to pay extra if you are good at acquiring inventory at low prices and don't mind riding the eBay sine wave of selling/not-selling periods. Of course, ever since May it seems more like a square wave!



Message 8 of 27
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Ebay Promotional Listing Fees! 40.6%! REALLY! UNBELIEVABLE!

One thing I have noticed is the worse the item is and the more ebay is flooded with the item the higher the suggested promotion. Whatever that is it must be trash with almost zero cost of goods or ebay thinks it is.

Message 9 of 27
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Ebay Promotional Listing Fees! 40.6%! REALLY! UNBELIEVABLE!

ebay is doing this nonsense with my video games and movies too. Some of the suggested ad rates are now over 25% for me. The greed never ends. And if you don't bid the suggested ad rates, they will simply stop showing your listings to buyers.


They're essentially holding your listings for hostage. Either pay us 40% of the bill or no views for you.

Message 10 of 27
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Ebay Promotional Listing Fees! 40.6%! REALLY! UNBELIEVABLE!

Ouch! I have been doing some testing with promo percentages. I recently updated all of my promos from an average of 2.3% to between 25-55%.  All were higher than eBay suggested. Of course, I had to adjust the prices to not go broke. After two weeks of leaving these higher, I saw no difference in the promo numbers. In fact, they went down. I lowered my 200 listings back to my normal. After 23 years of selling and ever since promos were introduced, I find no rhyme nor reason as to why they go up and then drop for weeks, only to go back up. I even tested charity listings. No difference. I seriously believe they have some guy in the basement with a red stapler deciding whom he wants to highlight and whom he does not. I do get tired of eBay constantly "moving the cheese" on sellers and playing games. Just give up trying to chase the cheese they hold in front of us and operate as you see fit. They do the same with the free shipping bologna. With the increases in shipping and adding insurance, I am one step away from dropping my free shipping. On average everything I ship runs $10-$15. Getting old when you spend $500-$1,000 per month on shipping and insurance. Just my 2 cents worth.  Have a good one.

Message 11 of 27
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Ebay Promotional Listing Fees! 40.6%! REALLY! UNBELIEVABLE!

don't mind riding the eBay sine wave of selling/not-selling periods. 

🤣 This is exactly what I do; if it sells, great, if not, I just set it and forget it cause eBay doesn't pay my bills

Message 12 of 27
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Ebay Promotional Listing Fees! 40.6%! REALLY! UNBELIEVABLE!

I've been playing with promoted listings too. For a while, I was going with suggested ad rates in the 4-5% range. Then, the suggested rates kept rising, to 8-11%. I mostly stopped promoted listings. Then the recommended rates started dropping. Part of me wonders if the recommended promoted listing rate is a function of the seller's past willingness to pay listing fees; that is, does eBay just keep raising the promoted listing rate until sellers just aren't willing to pay it anymore.


I think promoted listings might be counterproductive. From what i understand, eBay prioritizes listings from sellers with good click through rates and good conversion numbers. Promoted listings will boost impressions but put click through rates and sales conversions into the toilet since they attract shoppers who weren't really looking for your particular products. Thus, relying on promoted listings probably hurts organic placement.


I mostly stopped promoted listings and my page views have dropped 85% but my page views are only down 1/3, and my sales have stayed about the same. Of course, my margins have improved. I'm not a big enough seller to do a statistically valid test with thorough A-B testing but from now on, I plan to use promoted listings sparingly. We'll see how it goes.


If I'm right and everyone catches on, I'm sure eBay will find a way to rejigger the search algorithm to favor promoted listings more strongly.

Message 13 of 27
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Ebay Promotional Listing Fees! 40.6%! REALLY! UNBELIEVABLE!

@gamersbaystore wrote:

ebay is doing this nonsense with my video games and movies too. Some of the suggested ad rates are now over 25% for me. The greed never ends. And if you don't bid the suggested ad rates, they will simply stop showing your listings to buyers.


They're essentially holding your listings for hostage. Either pay us 40% of the bill or no views for you.

Someone must be paying that fee as this is the same as Google/Bing Pay Per Click- advertisers 'bid' against each other and it shows you what $$ you need to bid for that 'phrase' to be on the 1st page.


I think it's the same here. So, some seller is paying that amount. 

Message 14 of 27
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Ebay Promotional Listing Fees! 40.6%! REALLY! UNBELIEVABLE!

I suppose there are some sellers out there that take eBay's "advice".  

Message 15 of 27
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