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EBAY PLEASE FIX - I have said it before, and I will say it again....

... because I received another feedback BEFORE any contact. Please make previous message contact with seller a condition to leaving N. feedback. Newbies, nuts and non-readers do not seem to know how to use messages for contact. Instead, they use feedback for contact (see my latest neutral). Make them learn how to use the message system - or no feedback privileges.


I will not ask for a limousine or signing bonus for use of this idea.


Message 1 of 46
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EBAY PLEASE FIX - I have said it before, and I will say it again....


The last time I contacted a seller with a problem, she accused me of scamming for a partial refund, committing feedback extortion and being a generally, all-around bad person.

I will never contact a seller with a problem again. I'm going straight to the Resolution Center, filing for a return/refund, and leaving appropriate feedback--whatever that may be.

Maybe you're not that kind of seller, but it only takes one experience like the one I had to discourage me from contacting a seller.
Message 2 of 46
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EBAY PLEASE FIX - I have said it before, and I will say it again....

@eleanor*rigbybrings up a good point. Many sellers already complain that buyers are trying to extort them for partial refunds by contacting them and the assumption is that they will leave negative feedback.


eBay does have a protection in place for it's Top Rated Sellers where a buyer can not leave negative feedback for 7 days after the transaction. eBay also tries to provide automated easy to use Feedback's that buyers can use in one click.


eBay also offers "Feedback Revisions" for the time a buyer leaves feedback without first at least having a conversation with the seller and the seller is able to resolve it. The seller can send a revision request to the buyer so it can be changed.


But Feedback is terrible from either side. Sellers hate the buyers can leave negative feedback without contacting them. Buyer's hate when they contact a seller to present a problem and the sellers respond rude and unprofessional.


The only real solution is to remove feedback, but I can't see feedback going anywhere.

Message 3 of 46
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EBAY PLEASE FIX - I have said it before, and I will say it again....

There have been recent seller posts that accuse buyers who contact sellers first of being scammers. That those buyers are trying to circumvent the dispute process perhaps because they have lost their MBG coverage.


So some sellers WILL complain about buyers who contact them first. Apparently buyers cannot win in the perception game. No matter what they do, some seller will accuse them of scamming.

Message 4 of 46
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EBAY PLEASE FIX - I have said it before, and I will say it again....

@eleanor*rigby wrote:

The last time I contacted a seller with a problem, she accused me of scamming for a partial refund, committing feedback extortion and being a generally, all-around bad person.

I will never contact a seller with a problem again. I'm going straight to the Resolution Center, filing for a return/refund, and leaving appropriate feedback--whatever that may be.

Maybe you're not that kind of seller, but it only takes one experience like the one I had to discourage me from contacting a seller.

Wow. Sorry that happened to you. You sound really angry. But you condemn all sellers for one bad apple?  Sellers really just want to help - and get positive feedback. Most of the time a simple contact can solve the problem for both parties. Just blindly filing for refund could be a costly mistake. I am afraid your situation was the exception - and not the rule.

Message 5 of 46
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EBAY PLEASE FIX - I have said it before, and I will say it again....

@the*dog*ate*my*tablecloth wrote:

There have been recent seller posts that accuse buyers who contact sellers first of being scammers. That those buyers are trying to circumvent the dispute process perhaps because they have lost their MBG coverage.


So some sellers WILL complain about buyers who contact them first. Apparently buyers cannot win in the perception game. No matter what they do, some seller will accuse them of scamming.

I just say no to scammers and complainers (attempting partial refund). And, better to ignore them after responding to find they just want to scam or complain about nothing. Then block.


The real issue here is completing a happy transaction for both parties. This cannot be done if the buyer does not know how to use (or even care to use) the message system. Communication is the key to saving seller and eBay PROFITS. 

Message 6 of 46
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EBAY PLEASE FIX - I have said it before, and I will say it again....

Why would buyers use the messaging system if they’re just going to be accused of being a scammer? It’s easier for buyers to interface with eBay rather than an angry defensive seller.


I think some sellers have caused buyers to “lawyer up” by appealing directly to eBay. Both the angry sellers and the scammer sellers.

Message 7 of 46
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EBAY PLEASE FIX - I have said it before, and I will say it again....

@the*dog*ate*my*tablecloth wrote:

Why would buyers use the messaging system if they’re just going to be accused of being a scammer? It’s easier for buyers to interface with eBay rather than an angry defensive seller.


I think some sellers have caused buyers to “lawyer up” by appealing directly to eBay. Both the angry sellers and the scammer sellers.

I do not disagree that there are bad attitude sellers (and buyers). But, I want to save eBay (and seller) profits. If buyers or sellers have happened upon a bad apple, then cease discussion and block. One bad apple can spoil a barrel full (fungus spread, or something) but people can think. In the rare occasion that one has a bad engagement, people can defend themselves with a block. And if you weigh the bad experiences, versus all the good, saving the profits, experiences - I vote for the latter. Let them talk and work it out. If not, cancel the profit, feedback and block.

Message 8 of 46
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EBAY PLEASE FIX - I have said it before, and I will say it again....

They don't want buyers to work with sellers to resolve problems. I had less cases back before eBay made sending a message automatically open a return. I don't know why, but it seems the grand plan now is to have sellers working against eBay and buyers.
Message 9 of 46
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EBAY PLEASE FIX - I have said it before, and I will say it again....

@jgrit wrote:

In the rare occasion that one has a bad engagement, people can defend themselves with a block. And if you weigh the bad experiences, versus all the good, saving the profits, experiences - I vote for the latter. Let them talk and work it out. If not, cancel the profit, feedback and block.



Oh, please do let me know where that block for buyers is--because this seller continues to badger me via eBay messaging, and I can't find a way to block her from continuing to send me messages. And, while your at it, let me know where I can block her as a seller so I don't accidentally buy from her again--kind of like a seller's option of putting an id on a Blocked Buyers List. Can you link me to a Blocked Sellers List? Thanks!

Message 10 of 46
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EBAY PLEASE FIX - I have said it before, and I will say it again....

@thehonorabletrader wrote:


eBay does have a protection in place for it's Top Rated Sellers where a buyer can not leave negative feedback for 7 days after the transaction. eBay also tries to provide automated easy to use Feedback's that buyers can use in one click.


eBay also offers "Feedback Revisions" for the time a buyer leaves feedback without first at least having a conversation with the seller and the seller is able to resolve it. The seller can send a revision request to the buyer so it can be changed.




Isn't there also some newer "seller protection" for Top Rated Sellers who offer free 30-day returns whose buyers file for and receive a SNAD return/refund? Then if that buyer leaves a negative comment, eBay will remove the comment, no questions asked? It's something like that, anyway . . .  

Message 11 of 46
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EBAY PLEASE FIX - I have said it before, and I will say it again....

I understand your concern but can tell you most buyers who have been on Ebay for awhile have been burned by contacting a seller before leaving a negative. If a buyer messages you and say they will leave a negative you can call CS and have the negative removed making the whole feedback system useless. A refund does not always mean a happy experience as some sellers seem to think.

Message 12 of 46
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EBAY PLEASE FIX - I have said it before, and I will say it again....

@coolections wrote:

I understand your concern but can tell you most buyers who have been on Ebay for awhile have been burned by contacting a seller before leaving a negative. If a buyer messages you and say they will leave a negative you can call CS and have the negative removed making the whole feedback system useless. A refund does not always mean a happy experience as some sellers seem to think.

I do not understand what you mean by burned. Burned by seller for contacting before feedback? How does a seller "burn" a buyer? Buyer has all the power. Power to block, power to ignore, feedback power (there are also positive powers - power to learn, power to save the transaction). Cancelling the transaction cancels eBay (and seller) profits. Cancelling (without communication) also allows a misunderstanding to pervade between buyer and seller which sustains an unhappy eBay experience in the memories of both.

Message 13 of 46
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EBAY PLEASE FIX - I have said it before, and I will say it again....

@jgrit wrote:

Buyer has all the power. Power to block . . .



I'll ask you again: how does a buyer block a seller?


@jgrit wrote:

Buyer has all the power. . . . power to ignore . . .



How does a buyer ignore a seller?


@jgrit wrote:

Buyer has all the power. . . . feedback power 



There are ways sellers can get feedback removed described in this thread.


@jgrit wrote:

Buyer has all the power.  . . . power to learn . . . 



What is the "power to learn?" And how is that exclusive to the buyer?


@jgrit wrote:

Buyer has all the power. . . . power to save the transaction . . .



I'm not sure what that means, either, or how it is the exclusive power of the buyer.


@jgrit wrote:

Cancelling the transaction cancels eBay (and seller) profits. Cancelling (without communication) also allows a misunderstanding to pervade between buyer and seller which sustains an unhappy eBay experience in the memories of both.


Buyers cannot cancel a transaction. Only sellers can cancel a transaction, so I would consider that sellers have all the power in that regard--power that is apparently not infrequently abused, if one can judge from the number of threads buyers post about sellers cancelling transactions by using the "buyer requested" option when the buyer did no such thing. Sellers can--and definitely do--deny a buyer's request to cancel a transaction.

Message 14 of 46
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EBAY PLEASE FIX - I have said it before, and I will say it again....

The "7 Day" Rule applies to Powersellers and not TRS Sellers.

"Those who enter the arena unarmed or unprepared are quickly dispatched."
Message 15 of 46
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