09-12-2023 05:51 PM
When did ebay have to start getting other people to do their work?
I thaught I was paying ebay to sell my items! I post interesting and unique stuff and only get three or four looks at my items!
I post same item with the (promotion) and it sells quickly but cost me over a third of the money in fees for both ebay and promotion sponsor.
Why am I selling on ebay, sounds like their sponsors should have their own site to sell your stuff. Why can't ebay promote my listing, isn't that what I pay them for?
Why has ebay gotten this bad?
09-12-2023 06:03 PM
You pay eBay to have a platform to sell.
They don't sell your items.
Advertising costs money, sometimes selling faster at higher expense isn't worth it.
Maybe you should try out some other marketplaces, I personally like eBay after have trying numerous other ones.
09-12-2023 06:39 PM
The answer is simple "They Can", many sellers here don't value time, they think it's worthless until they are my age, lol
09-12-2023 06:41 PM
So 30s then ?
09-12-2023 06:46 PM
No, more like 70s
09-12-2023 06:53 PM
As robbie31415 mentioned you pay eBay for the platform they provide so you can list your items along with a number of other behind the scenes services. Unless you are paying for a store or are doing abnormal things with your listings then you don't pay eBay anything until you actually sell something.
Unless you have another ID you have been on eBay less than 2 months and have 1 item listed and none sold. To this point you have paid eBay nothing. Using PL is a sellers choice but for your fees to be at 33% you would have to be promoting at somewhere around a 15-16% rate which is pretty high.
09-12-2023 07:36 PM
@marflo_8892 wrote:I post same item with the (promotion) and it sells quickly but cost me over a third of the money in fees for both ebay and promotion sponsor.
Why did you choose to set your promotion rate that high?
09-12-2023 07:38 PM
I've been to the top sellar range before about twenty years ago and a few times since and trust me ebay was the best place to sell hands down. But, I only paid insertion fees and a small percent fee and I never had less than 125 views at any item I was selling because ebay did it's job. Now, you have to start all over, you can't get your old ratings on your profile because they delete you after so long of not selling. Ebay needs to go back to the way it was, now they are losing so much business to other sites and trust me their sites are booming.
09-12-2023 08:20 PM
@marflo_8892 wrote:I've been to the top sellar range before about twenty years ago
There's your problem. The things that were popular and sold well 20 years ago probably won't sell as well today because times change and trends change. Heck, I don't even sell the same stuff I did five years ago because trends change.
09-12-2023 08:48 PM
What do mean by paying eBay to sell your stuff? When you pay to promote you aren’t paying them to sell it but paying for better search placement. Too many sellers act as if eBay should be able to create a market for whatever you are selling and this just isn’t possible. They can make your listings more visible but cannot make a buyer search for what you are offering.
09-12-2023 09:01 PM
I've been to the top sellar range before about twenty years ago and a few times since and trust me ebay was the best place to sell hands down. But, I only paid insertion fees and a small percent fee and I never had less than 125 views at any item I was selling because ebay did it's job. Now, you have to start all over, you can't get your old ratings on your profile because they delete you after so long of not selling. Ebay needs to go back to the way it was, now they are losing so much business to other sites and trust me their sites are booming.
I agree with you with regards to the other sites. The quasi monopoly eBay once had is long gone and the competition was exponentially fueled by the pandemic. I have been selling for quite some time and eBay used to constitute about 80-90% of my sales but that number has dwindled to under 20% these days. Some of that is due to being forced to other platforms/venues by eBay's ever expanding restricted items policy and the VERO program but a lot of it also deals with rising costs. Most of my sales these days are on local venues/platforms with low or no fees where the buyers do not have to pay for shipping and worry about loss, damage or having to return items.
09-12-2023 09:35 PM - edited 09-12-2023 09:38 PM
@luckythewinner wrote:
@marflo_8892 wrote:I post same item with the (promotion) and it sells quickly but cost me over a third of the money in fees for both ebay and promotion sponsor.
Why did you choose to set your promotion rate that high?
Im sure he is talking about a a third of the items selling price - Pretty sure you already know that but just in case...
Sell a $30 item here with $10 shipping and $2.50 Sales tax = $42.50 total transaction
Without a store, if you promote this item at 7%, you end up paying 20.25% of the entire transaction in fees + a 30 cent transaction fee, which amounts to fees of $8.90.
Now since you sold a $30 item, $8.90 fees is very close to 30% of that items selling price - So you see, you dont have to promote to a super high degree to get to that outrageous and ridiculously high selling fee of one third of the items price...what maybe 8% rather than 7%?
But wait...here's the kicker... If you owned that item for half of the selling price, that means ebay took right at 60% of the profit you stood to make in the sale before you even start to factor in applicable selling costs above and beyond product cost... You would be lucky to put $5 in your pocket on this sale after all is said and done...HAPPY EBAYING EVERYONE!
09-12-2023 10:00 PM - edited 09-12-2023 10:03 PM
@isaiah53-57 wrote:
@luckythewinner wrote:
@marflo_8892 wrote:I post same item with the (promotion) and it sells quickly but cost me over a third of the money in fees for both ebay and promotion sponsor.
Why did you choose to set your promotion rate that high?
Im sure he is talking about a a third of the items selling price - Pretty sure you already know that but just in case...
Sell a $30 item here with $10 shipping and $2.50 Sales tax = $42.50 total transaction
Without a store, if you promote this item at 7%, you end up paying 20.25% of the entire transaction in fees + a 30 cent transaction fee, which amounts to fees of $8.90.
Now since you sold a $30 item, $8.90 fees is very close to 30% of that items selling price - So you see, you dont have to promote to a super high degree to get to that outrageous and ridiculously high selling fee of one third of the items price...what maybe 8% rather than 7%?
If he thinks the fees after including his chosen promotion rate is too high, then he chose a promotion rate that is too high. Whether that promotion rate was 1% or 99%, he chose it.
Personally, if I could promote and item and always get a sale and keep 60% of my selling price, I would do it in a heartbeat.
I measure the success of a sale by the dollars I earn per hour invested, not based on a phony made up percentage.
09-12-2023 10:06 PM
@luckythewinner wrote:
I measure the success of a sale by the dollars I earn per hour invested, not based on a phony made up percentage.
To state it another way ...
If I buy an item for $5 and sell it on eBay and make $20 profit, I don't care whether eBay took 1% of the buyer's payment or 99% of the buyer's payment. I made $20 either way.
09-12-2023 10:40 PM
To add to your pain, if you do sell your rock specimen, please realise that you will not be getting the payment for anywhere between 14-30 days. Just a heads up, a whole LOT has changed on eBay.