08-17-2022 02:49 PM
Does eBay do shadow bans? The reason I ask is because I have done eBay on and off for years, and never had what happened to me, happen to me.
I have never one time had 0 views on any of my items, especially auction listings, but just yesterday I had a bunch of auction listings end with ZERO views.
Maybe people just are not buying things because of the economy we are in right now, however my list of auctions before this ended with a lot of views (as usual) with most of them selling.
The listings headlines in question had very popular words/themes in them which always draws some looks. None of them were against eBay policy.
Why would I be shadow banned is the question. I don't know the answer to that, but it happened after I questioned a policy they have about NFTs. Maybe they don't like to be questioned? Or maybe since there is no way to ask the question on site I had to go to facebook and ask the question to them on that platform. Could it be that they checked out my profile on facebook, and didn't like how I think? I am not Right or Left in politics, however I am for very very small government.
If this is the case we are living in scary times, when a merchant site like eBay where a lot of people earn money to live and feed their families is cut off because they think a certain way, or just question a policy. This is not cool at all.
Does anyone know if eBay shadow bans? Has it happened to you?
08-17-2022 03:38 PM
Okay you have doubts.....why?
08-17-2022 03:42 PM
you are unhelpful...History says otherwise...I have never once had zero views....why not try explaining why that would be instead of being a D... I have done this for years.
08-17-2022 03:42 PM
Not too long, eBay counted views for people AND BOTS. And eBay did not reset view counts.
NOW eBay displays a 30-day rolling view count AND FILTERS OUT BOT views. If you click on the view count you can see rolling view counts for longer periods of time.
This eBay change in counting views should account for some, if not all the reduction in view counts.
08-17-2022 03:56 PM
Views are WAY down on Ebay and not just because of the bots thing. Not sure what is going on but it isn't good.
08-17-2022 03:58 PM
Trust me, if eBay shadow-banned people for expressing views contrary to the company line, I'd never sell another thing on here, but I do.
Between it being mid-August (doldrums), NFTs having shall we say a bad moment in the larger crypto dump, and the change in view counts it's probably going to be slow. Also, eBay's demographics skew older, so the market may be smaller for NFTs. Try not to become discouraged and continue with your art.
08-17-2022 03:59 PM
That is a good question...let me look at that...I'll let you know
08-17-2022 04:02 PM
My auctions were not NFTs, and I already talked to ebay about that.
08-17-2022 04:03 PM
Thats not the point.
08-17-2022 05:11 PM
Then what is the point? Out of thirty million sellers Ebay has blocked your listings(because you asked questions,) so they could make less fees on your listings? Think about it.
08-17-2022 05:18 PM
@dawgwood2064 wrote:My auctions were not NFTs, and I already talked to ebay about that.
Okay. I don't flatter myself that eBay gives a ragged rat's rump about what I say or think. And, like the great majority of eBay sellers, I haven't bothered with auctions for ten years or more.
08-17-2022 05:30 PM
Hi - I am just replying to your post and haven't read any of the previous responses, it's not what you think, no one is out there to get you, they will probably spend more money on that than any seller's commissions.
I listed 2 items a few weeks ago and also paid 99c per auction to promote. both ended with 0 views, I relisted them the second time without promo and they both ended with 0 views. Something is broken.
08-17-2022 05:42 PM
What’s more likely: that eBay will hide a 27 feedback seller’s listings because they disagreed with a policy or that the artwork of an artist with essentially no online presence or following did not sell?
08-17-2022 05:54 PM
On the auctions you said that had zero views, how many days were they up for prior to you noticing? No, eBay does not "shadow ban", they will though ban you if you are violating policy, which it seems you are not. Maybe nobody wants to purchase those items or auctions are not the best option for the items. I have plenty of items in my store with zero views on them but most are only a week or 2 old, which is not old at all, at least for the mens clothing category in my opinion. We are not living in scary times on eBay at all. You need to be selling things that people want or things that are in demand and have the best possible listing you can have. photos, title, keywords, prices, return policy etc... I make a very good living selling on eBay and have never once thought I was living in "scary times", not to mention I sell in one of the most saturated categories on eBay. eBay is not cutting anyone off at all. At the end of the day the buyer has to be the one that hits the buy button and enter their payment details, not eBay.
08-17-2022 06:10 PM
this, ebay has been dead all week, its really bad. there's not even funds to pay/cover fees and we use to never have to worry about that.
08-17-2022 06:24 PM
I agree with others here, you probably aren't being shadowbanned. Can't know for sure, but doubt it.
What may be affecting you more is their less than ideal search algorithm on the site. So many people find google searching for ebay items seems to do better for them in terms of more precise results than ebay site searches.