08-17-2022 02:49 PM
Does eBay do shadow bans? The reason I ask is because I have done eBay on and off for years, and never had what happened to me, happen to me.
I have never one time had 0 views on any of my items, especially auction listings, but just yesterday I had a bunch of auction listings end with ZERO views.
Maybe people just are not buying things because of the economy we are in right now, however my list of auctions before this ended with a lot of views (as usual) with most of them selling.
The listings headlines in question had very popular words/themes in them which always draws some looks. None of them were against eBay policy.
Why would I be shadow banned is the question. I don't know the answer to that, but it happened after I questioned a policy they have about NFTs. Maybe they don't like to be questioned? Or maybe since there is no way to ask the question on site I had to go to facebook and ask the question to them on that platform. Could it be that they checked out my profile on facebook, and didn't like how I think? I am not Right or Left in politics, however I am for very very small government.
If this is the case we are living in scary times, when a merchant site like eBay where a lot of people earn money to live and feed their families is cut off because they think a certain way, or just question a policy. This is not cool at all.
Does anyone know if eBay shadow bans? Has it happened to you?
12-24-2022 04:21 PM
What is up with all the zombiee threads?
Why can't people start their own instead of coughing up old news?????
02-26-2023 02:02 AM
They may or may not be shadow banning based on a person's social credit score (it's here already, trust me) but they are definitely trying to force everyone to "promote" their items.
02-26-2023 05:03 AM
Yes they absolutely do. They've been bold enough years ago to even tell us they do. Anyone on here saying no either does not know or works for ebay. If more sellers got tired of their antics and left like I am in 2 days then they wouldn't be collecting millions of dollars in store sub fees monthly, while not having to lift a finger to do anything.
03-02-2023 08:18 AM
I do believe they do. On occasion when I believe I'm being shadow banned I notice they will not bug you about promoting your item. Those options won't even be available to you. I currently have an item up with only the views of links I sent people. Those Items gave me no options to promote my Item. My wife lists an item the same day(on her account) and all those promotion options are available. Something is definitely going on here, just not sure what.
03-02-2023 10:11 AM