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Does anyone find ?????????

Are any sellers finding that the make an offer people are become more aggitated and rude towards sellers that do not offer a huge discount?


I have had a rash lateley and they are getting more and more aggitated and rude and then sending messages like .....well why have a best offer if all your giving is a 1.00 off.....and ......Why even bother with dealing with you..... 



I mean Shipping has increased, I already have the lowest price and you (the offerer) want to send me a personal message asking why I only give a 1.00 off of a 22.99 item that has to be shipped at 7.50 bubble envelope and the product retails for 36.00 and you only offered 16.00 to start with.  Told the buyer if you buy more than one....(I offer free shipping).... then I can discount accordingly.......but then got some more inappropriate  email.  


Just wondering if anyone else has seen a larger number of rude buyers when refusing to accept offers....especially unreasonable ones.  I mean I don't email them and say, Can't you see I am already the lowest price why would you make such a rediculous offer?....but maybe I should.


I think Ebay has created another monster.  I used to just let them go but they seem to be increasing.



Message 1 of 35
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I understand where you’re coming from, I’ve not really had the rudeness but I like you try to but at a low end or average priced seller, but what I’m seeing is ridiculously low offers. I e started just refusing the offer outright and not even bothering with a counteroffer, I mean why bother if it’s a 50.00 item them offer 20.00.. come on ! I had a buyer this week make an offer on an item I accepted the Low offer because it had sit in stock for a while so I accepted a 10.50 offer on a 20.00 item. Shipped free, this buyer then messages after receiving the item about why it doesn’t have tags, lol it didn’t come with tags none of them do it was sealed in a bag. She then left feedback it was positive but said something to the effect about how you get what you pay for. I’m really sick of the buyer having all the power in any situation. Sellers have NO protection . What will ebay do if the have no sellers? Then buyers would have to shop retail . It’s really out of control with bad policies.
Message 2 of 35
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Yes i  have folks that  get testy when  I decline there low ball offer.  Like a duck I jsut  let the rain roll off my back.

Some  people come from  cultures where "dickering"  (negotiating, etc.)is simply  part of their culture and it is rude not to  play the  game - two  countries I  can think of are Japan  & Mexico.  I've been to both many times for  business primarily.

1.  In Japan any business transaction is not considered "successful" unless you have at least a three times negotiation -  price is not always the item that is  given  away - it could be payment terms, warranty coverage, shipping costs etc.  Even at teh retail level in the Ginza shop owner are will  to negotiate on most everything I have on cameras & pearls.

2.  The shops any Mexico mostt everything is negotiable - once a shop owner adn I were "haggling" over the price of a summer dress made in Mexico.  We couldn't come to terms I gave  him my final offer, he sadi no.  I left within in 30 seconds he chased me down the  street and said he would  accept my offer..

3. Lastly yes "some" people thing they are entitled to  being able to buy everyting at a "rock" bottom price because of who they think thy are.  Have a neighbor that is like that and "claims" she  can buy a Ford automotive product  car, SUV, pick-up at  Fords's actual cost at the end of the assembly line & final inspection far  below the  Ford Z plan - she never worked for Ford, neither did her  ex husband - but she  gets is because she  is who she is and  she ain't no spring chicken.  I'm  glad we  have a 6.5' tall x 200' long  solid wood picket fence with only small gaps between each board  dividing our properties.

Recently made a counter offer on  best offer that I could  live with (original offer was about a 37%  discount off my Fixed price, my counter  offer was equivalent to a 17% discount  amount.  Sold it today at a  price equal to a 14% discount off.  I'm Happy, the buyers is Happy (so far).    If you feel you  have the right price hang in there - some  days you will be a diamond, some days  just a chunk of coal - just make certain you have more diamond days than not.


"I have the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability." Ron White, Fritch, Texas
"Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution." A. Einstein
"The Devil made me do it!" - Flip Wilson
"If the band can only play loud - they ain't no good - peps too!" J.R. Johnson
Message 3 of 35
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Does anyone find ?????????

No. I haven't run into any rude buyers who want a discount. 

You just need to make good use of the auto decline option.

Or just don't use the OBO option. 


Just ignore the messages and delete them. Block at your discretion. 

Message 4 of 35
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Does anyone find ?????????

@lex-talon wrote:

No. I haven't run into any rude buyers who want a discount. 

You just need to make good use of the auto decline option.

Or just don't use the OBO option. 


Just ignore the messages and delete them. Block at your discretion. 

I don't have many OBO, but when I do, I put the high-low range in so offers can be auto declined or accepted.


I just don't like that they are not obligated to have to pay immediately like my BIN listings. Some of those offers are just fishing escapades.

Message 5 of 35
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Does anyone find ?????????

Getting tons of offers for 30 to 70% off.  then nasty emails after a refusal.

Message 6 of 35
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Does anyone find ?????????

I've taken BO off most of my listings, I rarely get a good offer, all lowballs. I took one lowballers offer a couple weeks ago after 3 exchanges, he then never paid and I had to file on him.

Yesterday (not this site) a guy messaged me on an item and said, "Please lower the price and take off shipping so I can buy this item". Price was already dirt cheap and shipping was exact.

Yeah, OK 😞

eBay will survive just fine without most of its small sellers like me, they have massive China sellers now who dominate the site in every category, more coming on every single day. The server space goes to these big dogs, the rest of us get a crumb now and then.

Sad, but I truly believe eBay is over for many, many small sellers unless you are big box or China.

Message 7 of 35
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I don't have BO on most of my listings, but when I do get offers, they're almost always reasonable ones that I'm happy to accept.  I think the last time I got an UNreasonable offer was about two years ago (I had a mint-on-card action figure listed for $25 and a few people tried to offer me $15 or less... the loose ones were selling for about that price so no way was I going to sell a brand-new one for that little).

Message 8 of 35
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Does anyone find ?????????

@amricons wrote:

Getting tons of offers for 30 to 70% off.  then nasty emails after a refusal.

I periodically get offers on listings that have no best offers.


They are usually wayyyyy to low for me to accept, but, I have counter offered and made a few sales that way.


I explain to the low baller all the fees, taxes, etc I have to pay, and that their offer is less than my cost. They all seem to take it in stride.


I gave someone $10 off of an item that was close to $200 and they accepted. I also gave them a link for a promotion ebay was offering and that made them especially happy.


Someone else ended up buying several of my items because I countered their offer on 1 item and they wanted the same 'bargain' for 5 more items.


You just never know. To me, the main thing is to stay calm and polite, and engage them. That takes away any bad experiences they've had in the past.


The ones that continue to be nasty, which are very very few, just get blocked.

Message 9 of 35
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I don't use Best Offer on too many listings, because I list the items for around 20% off of the retail price.  If I have an item that has been sitting around for years, I may accept an offer if contacted.  I need to review my listings and see if I should add Best Offer on a few of them.


I've never had a buyer be nasty if I decline their offer, or make a counteroffer.  Maybe it's the nature of the items I sell.

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Message 10 of 35
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Does anyone find ?????????

I occasionally use Best Offer, but always set an accept price and a decline price. It is usually $5 less than the listing price, and I only use it for items of about $40 and up. But one time I accidentally listed a BO before the accept/decline feature existed and got several low-ball offers before the customer and I agreed.

Message 11 of 35
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Does anyone find ?????????

You are very correct on the China buyers controlling the market. Can’t compete with the fake **bleep** they sell all day at dirt cheap prices. The buyer will definitely get what they pay for at the end of they day but the China market makes up for it in bulk sales.
Message 12 of 35
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Does anyone find ?????????

Not applicable
And this is WHY I don't do Best Offer. Even without it, I'm STILL getting unwanted offers. Go figure. B )
Message 13 of 35
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Does anyone find ?????????

Hubby and I are getting annoyed with low-ball offers on things that do not have a BO or on auction.


What I find is that when I get these type of low offers I answer that offer is too low, or refer them to the opening auction price.  They typically want to keep a dialogue going hoping that you will come down.  I just ignore them after being polite the first time.


Funny thing is that a few have come back and bought the item at the price listed after they find that I am not going to keep answering their badgering for a cheaper price.





Message 14 of 35
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I had the same problem with buyers so I just changed over to buy it now. If they want it, they can buy it. I am not a discount seller.

Message 15 of 35
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