12-19-2018 07:52 PM
Suppose there was a buyer who felt that they had a great relationship with their seller, having bought from them before. They could not come up with a reason as to why they would be blocked but they were. Of course this does not mean there wasn't one. Sellers want sales, and don't block lightly.
Granted, there is a small chance this buyer may have been blocked by mistake, but given that blocking is serious, care would be taken to be sure the right person was blocked. It isn't labor intensive and there aren't a lot of characters to enter. One would want to be sure the right user id was blocked.
Do you think the blocked buyer should try to contact the seller even if messages don't go through? By having a friend contact them or by pulling the seller's PP info to contact them?
IMO, the seller has indicated they don't want to do business with the buyer, and the buyer would be best served by directing that energy to another seller who does want their business. IMO, contact, even if just once, may be viewed by the seller as harassment and not accepting the block that they have placed, and that buyer could be reported for such.
By the way, I am NOT the buyer here, LOL!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this.
12-19-2018 08:11 PM
I would just move on and purchase from someone else.
12-19-2018 08:12 PM
12-19-2018 11:04 PM - edited 12-19-2018 11:06 PM
If blocked because of seller mistake or for no reason, do not bother attempting to question that seller.
For the truly desperate buyer, realize that even with that block, that buyer may possibly still be able to make a purchase.
12-20-2018 04:38 AM
As a seller I never reply to any blocked bidder who questions me. For one thing, I can't remember why I blocked a person. I have hundreds on my list.
In addition, I'm not going to give them a chance to argue/justify their side of whatever the issue was.
As a buyer, I know how to get around being blocked, but I would never use thaat knowledge if a seller wanted to block me. I would move on to another seller.
12-20-2018 05:00 AM
12-20-2018 05:06 AM
I don't believe it's against policy to contact with another ID. It would be against policy if they used the other ID to bid.
12-20-2018 05:28 AM
I'm sorry but if you're not the buyer - why the interest? We've discussed blocking buyers before and both the good and bad that can come of it. There are plenty of threads to refer to already.
12-20-2018 05:37 AM
@fab_finds4u wrote:I don't believe it's against policy to contact with another ID. It would be against policy if they used the other ID to bid.
If you have checked, don’t allow this buyer to contact me or whatever it says, I would think that would go against policy. I may be wrong.
12-20-2018 07:54 AM
Blocking is serious ? You have to be kidding. Blocking a buyer has the same impact as leaving glowing feedback for a buyer who has been nothing but a jerk; you got no choice. Anyone Blocked simply needs to change their ID and their back again. If ebay was serious about blocking buyers/bidders they wouldn't make it so easy to have, change or create new ID in a comments notice. Let's not forget, if you do happened to actually start blocking buyers/bidder by using their Paypal address or customer code; that's an ebay violation that can get you booted. Now that should tell you how serious ebay is about this.
12-20-2018 08:04 AM
@loveyourimagination49 wrote:
@fab_finds4u wrote:I don't believe it's against policy to contact with another ID. It would be against policy if they used the other ID to bid.
If you have checked, don’t allow this buyer to contact me or whatever it says, I would think that would go against policy. I may be wrong.
At one time it was a big no no. eBays latest stance on that ,coveyed by the blues, is that ebay would take no action against a buyer using a new ID to circumvent a block unless it was to be disruptive. Like to buy, do a false SNAD, leave false neg feedback, buy and not pay, or some such. If they just buy and pay, or do no harm, eBay will do nothing.
12-20-2018 08:19 AM
12-20-2018 08:20 AM
12-20-2018 08:21 AM
12-20-2018 08:24 AM
No, if a buyer has been blocked they should just move on and forget it, there are millions of other sellers.