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Do you think a Blocked Buyer should contact the seller who blocked them?

Suppose there was a buyer who felt that they had a great relationship with their seller, having bought from them before.  They could not come up with a reason as to why they would be blocked but they were.  Of course this does not mean there wasn't one.  Sellers want sales, and don't block lightly.


Granted, there is a small chance this buyer may have been blocked by mistake, but given that blocking is serious, care would be taken to be sure the right person was blocked.  It isn't labor intensive and there aren't a lot of characters to enter.  One would want to be sure the right user id was blocked.


Do you think the blocked buyer should try to contact the seller even if messages don't go through?  By having a friend contact them or by pulling the seller's PP info to contact them?


IMO, the seller has indicated they don't want to do business with the buyer, and the buyer would be best served by directing that energy to another seller who does want their business.  IMO, contact, even if just once, may be viewed by the seller as harassment and not accepting the block that they have placed, and that buyer could be reported for such.


By the way, I am NOT the buyer here, LOL!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this.

Message 1 of 60
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Re: Do you think a Blocked Buyer should contact the seller who blocked them?

Knowing whether these comments were made by a buyer or a seller would help me understand the other person's opinion.

Great point, but many have seen both sides, buyer and seller.


Since most sellers don't buy much or frequently, a buyer who does buy a lot all the time has a perspective and experience that, although it may be largely rejected by sellers, is all too true nonetheless.  

Message 46 of 60
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Re: Do you think a Blocked Buyer should contact the seller who blocked them?

@castlemagicmemories wrote:
Knowing whether these comments were made by a buyer or a seller would help me understand the other person's opinion.

Great point, but many have seen both sides, buyer and seller.

With how fast Ebay changes rules for sellers, it is those that are current sellers that are typically the best at advising what is happening in the current climate of Ebay.  Certainly not all sellers as some do not stay current on the rules and is clearly evident from the threads.  


I understand you use to sell.  But things have changed dramatically since you last sold on a regular basis.  And I understand that you try to stay current on the rules.  I get all that.  But that alone does not give you some of the experience that is sometimes needed to best help other sellers.  And sometimes the information you provide to sellers can be misleading or incomplete.  That is not meant to insult you in any way.  You have the desire to help, that is clear, but sometimes because you haven't sold in so long and you don't have current experience as a seller, there are things that you just have not experienced or have a complete grasp on.  Again, I'm in no way trying to insult you.  


Trying to stay current on the rules is a chore for all sellers.  So I respect the time it takes to read, learn and understand as changes happen.  But some things require experience to really come to an intimate understanding of what certain rules mean or are applied.  So sometimes those without that experience can unintentionally give incomplete advice and it could cause another member to follow it and do harm to their account.  I know that would absolutely not be the intention, but it is a possiblity that should always be considered.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 47 of 60
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Re: Do you think a Blocked Buyer should contact the seller who blocked them?

Again - no one is rejecting your perspective as a buyer - what we reject is lumping sellers into one group. You make blanket statements such as "Since most sellers don't buy much or frequently " - which is totally false because you have a random sampling of a few sellers here who have said they don't buy as much here - while others have said Ebay is their go to place.


If someone hasn't sold in years - they have no idea what sellers go through these days. You may read about it here on the boards but you can't actually understand - while tho I don't buy frequently - I do have experience with buying. To make a correction - it was stated that jen was no longer a seller - which is incorrect - she sells on other platforms so is still well versed with the problems sellers go thru.

Message 48 of 60
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Re: Do you think a Blocked Buyer should contact the seller who blocked them?

@castlemagicmemories wrote:

Suppose there was a buyer who felt that they had a great relationship with their seller, having bought from them before.  They could not come up with a reason as to why they would be blocked but they were.  Of course this does not mean there wasn't one.  Sellers want sales, and don't block lightly.


Granted, there is a small chance this buyer may have been blocked by mistake, but given that blocking is serious, care would be taken to be sure the right person was blocked.  It isn't labor intensive and there aren't a lot of characters to enter.  One would want to be sure the right user id was blocked.


Do you think the blocked buyer should try to contact the seller even if messages don't go through?  By having a friend contact them or by pulling the seller's PP info to contact them?


IMO, the seller has indicated they don't want to do business with the buyer, and the buyer would be best served by directing that energy to another seller who does want their business.  IMO, contact, even if just once, may be viewed by the seller as harassment and not accepting the block that they have placed, and that buyer could be reported for such.


By the way, I am NOT the buyer here, LOL!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this.


Message 49 of 60
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Re: Do you think a Blocked Buyer should contact the seller who blocked them?

 But that alone does not give you some of the experience that is sometimes needed to best help other sellers.



So, if that's the case, counsellors who help R victims, child abuse victims, etc...can't best help the victims because they haven't experienced any of that themselves? I'm asking because counselling is my daughters job.


At least castle has done some selling and keeps up with policies, my daughter has never been a victim of anything, but she still does a fantastic job.

Message 50 of 60
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Re: Do you think a Blocked Buyer should contact the seller who blocked them?

@*madison wrote:

 But that alone does not give you some of the experience that is sometimes needed to best help other sellers.



So, if that's the case, counsellors who help R victims, child abuse victims, etc...can't best help the victims because they haven't experienced any of that themselves? I'm asking because counselling is my daughters job.


At least castle has done some selling and keeps up with policies, my daughter has never been a victim of anything, but she still does a fantastic job.

OMG PLEASE.  A comment about something on Ebay does not mean it applies to EVERY subject on EVERY thing on Ebay or outside of Ebay.  If you are going to try and compare everything said here to everything out in the world, nothing ever said here could possibly be helpful.


I said absolutely NOTHING about Child Abuse or any of the other serious subjects you brought up.  If you want to discuss them FINE.  We can do that.  But at this point in time there was ZERO on this thread that covered those subject or even remotely implied they did.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 51 of 60
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Re: Do you think a Blocked Buyer should contact the seller who blocked them?

It's being implied that castle can't advise sellers properly because of lack of seller experience, and I'm saying that's nonsense. My daughter has no experience of being a victim, but she can still give great advice to victims.


Message 52 of 60
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Re: Do you think a Blocked Buyer should contact the seller who blocked them?

@*madison wrote:

It's being implied that castle can't advise sellers properly because of lack of seller experience, and I'm saying that's nonsense. My daughter has no experience of being a victim, but she can still give great advice to victims.


HUGE difference between advising someone on a business practice and Empathy one can feel for another in a crisis.  There is simply no comparison.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 53 of 60
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Re: Do you think a Blocked Buyer should contact the seller who blocked them?

Hello everyone,


This thread is getting a bit heated.  Please remember that it’s fine to disagree with others, but discussion should always remain courteous and respectful.


Thank you for your cooperation.

Message 54 of 60
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Re: Do you think a Blocked Buyer should contact the seller who blocked them?

I get you maddy, I do. But, and it's a big but...your daughter went to school for YEARS in order to do what she does. It's most admirable. I'd also bet she holds at least one professional license/certification to effectively counsel others about things she's never experienced. That's also necessary.

Business is a little different. Most long time sellers here are definitely graduates of the school of hard knocks. If nothing else, we are survivors trying to operate in an ever increasingly hostile environment. I'd bet that few of us have business degrees, but our hard earned experience has value, and I'm glad that so many offer those experiences up here.

Déjà Moo: The strange feeling that I've heard this bull before...
Message 55 of 60
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Re: Do you think a Blocked Buyer should contact the seller who blocked them?

Yep, whereas often an MBA only qualifies you to be an MBA = )
Reality is the leading cause of stress.
Message 56 of 60
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Re: Do you think a Blocked Buyer should contact the seller who blocked them?

madison - I have to agree with mam and there are others like us who have had to go in and make corrections to advice given. Her heart is in the right place - no one will deny that - but different situations need to be handled differently - there is often not one pat answer for a problem someone is having. That's why other's get upset to see their advice being repeated because in that particular case - the advice they gave to a previous poster is not beneficial to the current seller's problem.


I've worked in healthcare for 30 yrs. - I've learned a lot - but I'd no sooner think I could do a nurse's or surgeon's job - nor could they take xrays. Knowing about something and having the experiences from doing it are 2 different things.

Message 57 of 60
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Re: Do you think a Blocked Buyer should contact the seller who blocked them?

@mam98031 wrote:

@*madison wrote:

It's being implied that castle can't advise sellers properly because of lack of seller experience, and I'm saying that's nonsense. My daughter has no experience of being a victim, but she can still give great advice to victims.


HUGE difference between advising someone on a business practice and Empathy one can feel for another in a crisis.  There is simply no comparison.

There isn't a huge difference, counselling isn't just about empathy, there is so much more to it, including all the legal stuff, my daughter isn't just a shoulder to cry on.

Message 58 of 60
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Re: Do you think a Blocked Buyer should contact the seller who blocked them?

Perhaps, but they ARE taught to have "insights" that the client often doesn't have. That's part of the process.
Reality is the leading cause of stress.
Message 59 of 60
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Re: Do you think a Blocked Buyer should contact the seller who blocked them?

Hello Everyone,


Due to the fact users continued to post content that goes against our Rules of Engagement in spite of the warning previously issued here, this thread has been closed to further replies.  Please feel free to start a new thread if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.


Thanks for understanding!

Message 60 of 60
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