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Do you feel special? I'm just trying to find the truth with Ebay, but I still can't.

Hi. Do you feel special? I do. Ebay helps me to feel very special. If you already checking my account, you can see that I'm "power seller" with few hundred positive feedbacks and only 1 negative. More than that, you can see why I was trying to sell my items on Ebay - to collect funds for my blind dog. But... looks like there are a lot of "blind" people, who need urgent help. I'm talking about Ebay support workers, who restrict my account for selling digital goods (Oh, yes! I'm bad guy! Very bad, super bad guy! Torture me and punish me!), while not restricting accounts with thousands listings of digital goods. How's that? A miracle! A pure miracle! 
Know what's funny? hehe When you will contact and ask the Ebay workers why they do not take actions against accounts with thousands digital item listings, they say.... "You must report each item and we will investigate it"  Isn't this a miracle?! It's pure one! 1000+ listings on account and 100% of them are breaking Ebay rules. Your action Ebay? Let's investigate each! And after fake investigation (they actually do not check FAT accounts) do not take action 😃 Lovely!
How to call this? hmmm Will I be right if I will say that Ebay workers lied to me about the reason they restricted my account? Yes! Same items have been sold almost each day on FAT accounts even if you will report them billion times. Ebay, why I am so special? Maybe something is wrong with my blind dog? Not blind enough? 


Answer me please. I just trying to find the truth behind all your workers lies. All these cool stories. Answer me please, why I am so special? Or let's do HUGE, very interesting investigation on reddit and other media about tonns of digital goods which are now, right at this moment listed on Ebay (that breaks Ebay rules if you remember. Do you? Looks like you don't). Amount of transactions? Huge! Few hundred millions USA dollars each month? I think it's way more. I think it's freaking deadly interesting how is that possible that Ebay allows some people to break Ebay's rules and sell HUGE amount of BREAKING EBAY'S RULES items? Miiiiiraaaacleee?!

Message 1 of 156
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155 REPLIES 155

Re: Do you feel special? I'm just trying to find the truth with Ebay, but I still can't.


This is just other ebay users in the USA.  

A chat room... there is no one from ebay to hear you.

ebay is not here....

We are just sellers... talking about ebay.

Try Face Book... they seem to be there.

but they ain't here.

Message 91 of 156
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Re: Do you feel special? I'm just trying to find the truth with Ebay, but I still can't.


Yes, it gives people the opportunity to both buy something they want and do good for someone else.

Message 92 of 156
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Re: Do you feel special? I'm just trying to find the truth with Ebay, but I still can't.

@megadestroyers wrote:

"When you get a traffic ticket, do you tell the judge:
This isn't fair.. what about all the Other people who speed on that road daily?"



You know.  We really need to come up with a new analogy.  Anyone who has EVER gotten behind the wheel of a motor vehicle knows they can push their speed up to, say, a modest 56 or 57, in a 55 zone.  Hands up..............who has DARED even push, gulp, 60 in a 55?  Like bats out of hel.........  And that it is quite acceptable to do so!


(raises hand)

Yes, but in the buyers case he was warned and still did it.


If you had been stopped by the police and knew that stretch of road was being watched by them, would you keep doing it.


Also, if buyer is from Israel, this is not even his home board.  Doesn't Israel have one to go to where the rules may be different?

Message 93 of 156
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Re: Do you feel special? I'm just trying to find the truth with Ebay, but I still can't.

@femmefan1946 wrote:

There are also strict rules about charity listings.

It is rarely a good idea to include any personal details in a lisiting. Going on and on about how your dog is blind and your truck broke down and your lady ran off with your best friend and your grandmother is out on parole leads most potential customers to  roll their eyes and backbutton away.

Many sellers here are supplementing pensions or trying to pay off student or medical debt or are disabled . It's not a selling point.

Either your items are well photographed, well described, well priced and in the right category or the customer will find some seller whose items are well photographed, well described, well priced and in the right category.


And as an 'international' seller, we have our own differences and restrictions from US based sellers including a lot of shipping restrictions and different Paypal fees.  So you'r nothing special there either.


May Frankie Valli be your spirit guide.

+1.  Many people sell here because they have to.  I am sure there are a million sob stories out there, but ebay is a business, and it is unprofessional to cry on a buyer's shoulder.

Message 94 of 156
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Re: Do you feel special? I'm just trying to find the truth with Ebay, but I still can't.

@thenobletuckylife wrote:
Calling a fellow poster a liar will not get you very far.

You are frustrated but you are turning on the very ones you came to, to ask for advice.

I am surprised that this kind of vitriol has been allowed to continue here.

Rant if you must but please remember all of us here live under the same rules.

Mr C

Exactly.  Mt cat just got diagnosed with IBS and EPI.  So far it has cost $1,600 for vet bills and he will need special food, tests, enzyme compounding, and B12 shots for the rest of his life.


There went our vacation to Canada.  But such is life.  I still have to follow the rules here to maintain my account.

Message 95 of 156
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Re: Do you feel special? I'm just trying to find the truth with Ebay, but I still can't.

@gamer_for_gamers wrote:

Please, answer Ebay workers. I'm on the edge. I'm competely broken. 

May I suggest you seek some counseling? If this has had such a huge effect on you and you are still this upset six months later without being able to move on and are "on the edge", I would encourage you to seek help somewhere.


eBay CS does not read these boards, and even if they did they would not give you the answer you are looking for, only the answers they have already given you.


As previously stated, we are other eBay sellers, mostly US-based, not eBay CS reps.

Message 96 of 156
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Re: Do you feel special? I'm just trying to find the truth with Ebay, but I still can't.

Well, at least the old phrase "going like 60" isn't hopelessly out of date.

Message 97 of 156
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Re: Do you feel special? I'm just trying to find the truth with Ebay, but I still can't.

LoL - This cracks me up. You break the rules and then get mad when you're caught breaking the rules. It has nothing to do with anyone else breaking the rules. Follow the rules and you won't get punished. 

I know... that's almost too simple.

Message 98 of 156
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Re: Do you feel special? I'm just trying to find the truth with Ebay, but I still can't.


Is there anything you can do to help clarify things for the OP? Thank you.


OP, I'm very sorry to hear about your dog's blindness and your ebay issues. I sense the desperation and frustration in your posts. Aren't there any local organizations in Israel equivalent to the SPCA that may be able to offer you help. I appreciate and understand your need to sell here to help with things. Your dog looks like a real sweetie and they're lucky to have someone who cares so much! I hope things can be resolved and perhaps you can find something else to sell if your account is reinstated. Try to relax and give your dog some hugs!! Pets can be such wonderful companions.

Message 99 of 156
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Re: Do you feel special? I'm just trying to find the truth with Ebay, but I still can't.

Not applicable

@gamer_for_gamers wrote:

Hi. Do you feel special? I do. Ebay helps me to feel very special. If you already checking my account, you can see that I'm "power seller" with few hundred positive feedbacks and only 1 negative. More than that, you can see why I was trying to sell my items on Ebay - to collect funds for my blind dog. But... looks like there are a lot of "blind" people, who need urgent help. I'm talking about Ebay support workers, who restrict my account for selling digital goods (Oh, yes! I'm bad guy! Very bad, super bad guy! Torture me and punish me!), while not restricting accounts with thousands listings of digital goods. How's that? A miracle! A pure miracle! 
Know what's funny? hehe When you will contact and ask the Ebay workers why they do not take actions against accounts with thousands digital item listings, they say.... "You must report each item and we will investigate it"  Isn't this a miracle?! It's pure one! 1000+ listings on account and 100% of them are breaking Ebay rules. Your action Ebay? Let's investigate each! And after fake investigation (they actually do not check FAT accounts) do not take action 😃 Lovely!
How to call this? hmmm Will I be right if I will say that Ebay workers lied to me about the reason they restricted my account? Yes! Same items have been sold almost each day on FAT accounts even if you will report them billion times. Ebay, why I am so special? Maybe something is wrong with my blind dog? Not blind enough? 


Answer me please. I just trying to find the truth behind all your workers lies. All these cool stories. Answer me please, why I am so special? Or let's do HUGE, very interesting investigation on reddit and other media about tonns of digital goods which are now, right at this moment listed on Ebay (that breaks Ebay rules if you remember. Do you? Looks like you don't). Amount of transactions? Huge! Few hundred millions USA dollars each month? I think it's way more. I think it's freaking deadly interesting how is that possible that Ebay allows some people to break Ebay's rules and sell HUGE amount of BREAKING EBAY'S RULES items? Miiiiiraaaacleee?!

Hey everyone, I just wanted to step in and clarify that we are always working to review the site for possible listing issues and while we are not able to catch everything with our filters, we also do not rely solely on member reports. When you see something concerning, you are welcome to report this to us for review and we will use this information to improve so we can keep the site as safe as possible. Though I cannot go into detail as to what we look for with these kinds of concerns, I assure everyone that nobody is targeted over anyone else and we have teams that work around the clock reviewing listings for removal and appropriate education.


On the specific subject of digital goods, check out: for more information on how to list these appropriately.

Message 100 of 156
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Re: Do you feel special? I'm just trying to find the truth with Ebay, but I still can't.

Stop your LIE!

Message 101 of 156
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Re: Do you feel special? I'm just trying to find the truth with Ebay, but I still can't.

Stop your LIE! PLEASE! How is this possible that your ........ filters 😃 can catch only newbie accounts while are even more blind than my dog for HUGE accounts breaking same rules?!

Message 102 of 156
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Re: Do you feel special? I'm just trying to find the truth with Ebay, but I still can't.

Honestly, just give it up already. You've gotten your answer and you don't like it. That's not going to change anything. You broke the rules, you got caught. End of story.

Message 103 of 156
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Re: Do you feel special? I'm just trying to find the truth with Ebay, but I still can't.

No way! This not gonna happen! They lie in each message and try to hide the truth. Why should I forget about this? I need the answer from them!

Message 104 of 156
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Re: Do you feel special? I'm just trying to find the truth with Ebay, but I still can't.

It appears you have never taking business 101, or know how the corporate world works.
Heard the saying give respect, get respect?
Your rants are going to get you nowhere, besides into the hospital.

Everyone has options. Just be sure the best option is right for you.
Message 105 of 156
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