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Devin Wenig, eBay’s president and chief executive, has resigned today Sep 25, 2019.

Devin WENIG, eBay’s president and chief executive, has resigned as the online retailer pursues an extensive review of its business and weighs whether to sell more of its assets, the company announced Wednesday.

WENIG, a former Reuters CEO, joined eBay in 2011 and had held the top job since July 2015. The company’s chief financial officer, Scott SCHENKEL, will serve as interim CEO while the board searches for a permanent replacement.

“In the past few weeks it became clear that I was not on the same page as my new Board,” WENIG said Wednesday in a posting on Twitter. “Whenever that happens, it’s best for everyone to turn that page over. It has been an incredible privilege to lead one of the world’s great businesses for the past 8 years.”

He did not elaborate on the differences.

Thomas Tierney, the board chairman, praised WENIG as a “tireless advocate for driving improvement” in a statement. “Indeed, eBay is stronger today than it was four years ago. Notwithstanding this progress, given a number of considerations, both Devin and the Board believe that a new CEO is best for the Company at this time.”

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Devin Wenig, eBay’s president and chief executive, has resigned today Sep 25, 2019.

Graceful exit other words it means...You're FIRED!

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Devin Wenig, eBay’s president and chief executive, has resigned today Sep 25, 2019.

Yeah has someone been listening to us - the small sellers wrecked by GTC.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Devin Wenig, eBay’s president and chief executive, has resigned today Sep 25, 2019.

Good bye, don't let the door hit you on the way out!

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Devin Wenig, eBay’s president and chief executive, has resigned today Sep 25, 2019.

Rejoicing Sellers, be careful what you wish for! The next person and the Board may be worse! Do you really think the EBay Board cares about Managed Payments and GTC? I'm not saying they shouldn't; it just seems unlikely.

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Devin Wenig, eBay’s president and chief executive, has resigned today Sep 25, 2019.

It has been an incredible privilege to lead one of the world’s great businesses for the past 8 years.”

Should say for the past 7 out of the last 8 years. The past year has been a disaster on too many levels.
Message 6 of 20
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Devin Wenig, eBay’s president and chief executive, has resigned today Sep 25, 2019.

Don't let the door, hit you on the way out. My nerves are shot over these forced changes. After 20 years of eBay....I'm scared that my little business is going to take a hit. Waiting days for payment will not work for me. Looking for a side job... Impossible to make a living doing this.
Message 7 of 20
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Devin Wenig, eBay’s president and chief executive, has resigned today Sep 25, 2019.

Managed payment makes eBay the merchant a distinct  departure from the past policy that eBay was just a venue.  Promoted listing is a return to past failed SEO methods. Neither policy change helps generate top line sales.   The legal implications alone of becoming the merchant of record are troubling and of course bidding for placement has not worked as the internet has pushed back on that type of SEO. It is small wonder eBay is having difficulty with push back from Google etc.


Paying a dividend is blood in the water to  Wall Street as it signals maturity in a company. Together with stock buyback , lack of vision, lack of an effort to be a growth tech company and paying dividend reflect the lack of leadership of upper management.   Over the past 8 years eBay has lost opportunity cost, market share , credibilty among other things.


Put the money into a 5 year plan to develop eBay as a brand ( or improve the existing brand). Brand development is absolutely necessary and also  place a huge effort into developing R & D.  R & D may return eBay back into a tech company and will add assets while branding is critical what eBay is about  and will also add value to the company. ( Brands alone have value )


Start a 5 year advertising campaign to place eBay into the top tier of internet companies rather than on focusing on how low prices are at eBay  and different individual products. ( All which are already known) Simpfy the platform rather than keep adding one thing on top of another , stacking the pile higher and higher with a weak foundation.  ( The site is error ridden and there are no fixes no matter what they say) ) Perhaps, have new sellers and buyers enter thru a buyer lite or seller lite until they understand the complex eBay has become at which point  they can move to the next stage. 


Up to now, eBay has focused on the wrong thing , they need to get GMV up, and build assets . Both will trigger growth of the stock.


Just saying... 

Message 8 of 20
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Devin Wenig, eBay’s president and chief executive, has resigned today Sep 25, 2019.

Every company except eBay has a franchise or dealer advisory council.
I know this from decades of day job experience.
This dozen member council listens to seller concerns and negotiates with the parent company for a fair deal.
At eBay under Devin Wenig it has been a dictatorship issuing unfair policies against sellers.
The new CEO must institute the franchise advisory council for eBay sellers or more will migrate to other selling websites.

Message 9 of 20
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Devin Wenig, eBay’s president and chief executive, has resigned today Sep 25, 2019.

Did ebay also coincidentally die today as well?


I have had an astonishing grand total of $0 in sales and a combined zero views on any of my new listings today!


Ebay!! Can you tell me how many fingers i am holding up??



Message 10 of 20
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Devin Wenig, eBay’s president and chief executive, has resigned today Sep 25, 2019.

No ebay is on life support and the future looks promising as of todaychart_with_upwards_trend

Message 11 of 20
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Devin Wenig, eBay’s president and chief executive, has resigned today Sep 25, 2019.

Hopefully, there will be no more stupid, senseless "improvements" like GTC, the new print label page and managed payments.

Message 12 of 20
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Devin Wenig, eBay’s president and chief executive, has resigned today Sep 25, 2019.

There is no question that Ebay has been on a steep downward spiral for some time. The real question will be can anyone turn this around or are we looking at the demise of Ebay? For a long time I really enjoyed selling here and it was very profitable for many. Over the course of the last 5 years it has gone downhill and presently is quite horrible for many sellers. I truly hope for good changes here but am concerned for the future of this site.

Message 13 of 20
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Devin Wenig, eBay’s president and chief executive, has resigned today Sep 25, 2019.

Same here. I listed an in demand item at about 5:00 last night. It has two views. Probably the initial bot views.


And the big goose egg for sales today.


He musta gave orders to crank that black out algorithm up to a million when he walked out the door. (:

Message 14 of 20
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Devin Wenig, eBay’s president and chief executive, has resigned today Sep 25, 2019.

Thank God. Now it's just time to hope for someone with some common sense.

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