A series of unfortunate events. I am fairly new to Ebay. I have been listing items with a free return policy. I received an offer on an item, to which I sent a counter offer. Upon listing an item this evening, I noticed that it was listed with a no return policy. Upon review of the items I have listed in the last few days, all of them have a no return policy. I went through them all and revised the listing to the proper return accepted policy, but one would not change. I continued to change all that had this policy and went back to the listing, but it still would not change. I went to my "business practices" and noted that there was a no return policy with a number attached to it and an edit button. It still would not change, so I decided to delete it and relist it, which I did. Only after doing so, I suddenly realized that this was the listing that I has sent the counter offer on, and realized that this is why it probably would let me change the listing-it was attached to a counter offer. What so I do now? I can try to relist it, and notify the person to whom I sent the counter offer of the new listing offer, or what?????
Thanks in advance. Ward