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December 2022 Sales Goals, Plans, and Expectations

Tis the season ... but is it a season of low sales or high sales, low fraud or high fraud, too little new inventory or too much?


What plans have you put in place?  What goals to these plans support?  What are your actual expectations, given the changes over the past 3 years?



RKS Solutions LLC logo
Ask me about SixBit and the tools I use to sell - I'm happy to share!
"A journey of a thousand miles begins by getting off the couch"
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December 2022 Sales Goals, Plans, and Expectations

It's a season a mid-sales. Just keep listing & source accordingly while keeping a close eye on your inventory level. Lot's of opportunities!!! The plan......patience!!! 😎

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December 2022 Sales Goals, Plans, and Expectations

My Dec 2022 goal is to continue making sales.  My plan is to continue listing new inventory to replace that which sells, and to get a handle on organizing my 'profit piles'.  My expectation is that sales will likely remain fairly steady and I still have a disorganized chaos when it come to my inventory.


I generally end all my sales a week before Christmas - gives time for those last few sales to be shipped with a decent chance of arriving on time.  I then schedule them to repost after Christmas or in January.  I want to spend time, while the grands are out of school, with my family doing things we enjoy and not worrying about having to run to the post office or where did I stash that widget or anything not family.



RKS Solutions LLC logo
Ask me about SixBit and the tools I use to sell - I'm happy to share!
"A journey of a thousand miles begins by getting off the couch"
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December 2022 Sales Goals, Plans, and Expectations

Currently set to be out for a week with plans of getting cut into by the doctor. Depending how it goes, I die, I live will depend on next course of action. Typically shut down for last/first week of year to do inventory. At least this year will be easier with one less B&M location that was sold off 2021 and finally got that inventory back into the states. It has been a great year and we are hoping next year will be much slower. 

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December 2022 Sales Goals, Plans, and Expectations

@rosachs  My plans haven't really changed. I do want to look into adding at least some International Shipping with the new tool (if and when it is available to me). I want to list more. Probably run a few more sales before the end of the year, continue to send out offers and  coupons/newsletters. I have plenty of inventory, just need to get it listed. I don't sell in high fraud categories, so not too worried about that. High or low sales? I don't expect high sales, but I wouldn't mind being pleasantly surprised.


I do wish ebay had told us up front that they would not be doing any real Holiday Marketing of the site this year...I might have made some other plans if I had known that. 

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December 2022 Sales Goals, Plans, and Expectations

Dec 17 I go on 'time away' with no sales.   All listings will come down, reviewed and then listing begins after Christmas into New Year.


Then again, we have someone interested in buying house and land.  If that begins to play out in the middle of the month, eBay comes to a screeching halt until all the pieces fall into place.    it's going to be a challenge and  don't need any distractions.

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December 2022 Sales Goals, Plans, and Expectations

@my-cottage-books-and-antiques wrote:

I do wish ebay had told us up front that they would not be doing any real Holiday Marketing of the site this year...I might have made some other plans if I had known that. 

I've seen some - mostly for eBay Motors.  Not sure it's working - we have a variety of auto parts and accessories at work and fewer-than-overall-average sales from that category.  Hard to tell - sales have been all over the place the past 6 months, altho generally trending down with brief periods of growth.  We did start a Store-Wide sale last Monday, ending at midnight tonight (or noon Monday, not exactly sure anymore) and got good results on Tuesday, but by Friday we were back to typical.  Boss is talking another sale this week and every week until the end of the year... maybe we'll finally find that discount-of-MSRP that buyers are looking for and we can adjust future listings to sell without any additional discounts!  🙂



RKS Solutions LLC logo
Ask me about SixBit and the tools I use to sell - I'm happy to share!
"A journey of a thousand miles begins by getting off the couch"
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December 2022 Sales Goals, Plans, and Expectations

@postcardcountry wrote:

Dec 17 I go on 'time away' with no sales.   All listings will come down, reviewed and then listing begins after Christmas into New Year.


Then again, we have someone interested in buying house and land.  If that begins to play out in the middle of the month, eBay comes to a screeching halt until all the pieces fall into place.    it's going to be a challenge and  don't need any distractions.

We've taken our house off the market - the offers we were seeing were not the best (not bad, just could have been better), so we put the whole thing on hold.  I'm continuing to unload 40yrs of 'stuff' - at times it feels like I've been doing that forever.  🙂  Too rainy in Memphis this weekend, even with the SUV, so we took a break and just spent time together.  And it gave me time to write out a list of things I want to get done with that project and what supplies are needed or already purchased.  There's just so much stuff left to move...


Good luck with the potential sale, and better luck with finding a new place you like as well or better!



RKS Solutions LLC logo
Ask me about SixBit and the tools I use to sell - I'm happy to share!
"A journey of a thousand miles begins by getting off the couch"
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December 2022 Sales Goals, Plans, and Expectations

I have been MIA. We decided in  October to move and not sign a new lease at the rental place. We bought a small place and are now 30 minutes (16 miles) from the DD, SIL and two GS instead of the 90 minutes it was when they moved this way. DH now has to commute 50 min to work, but he found this house. I feel we overpaid, and it was at the very top of our budget, but it's ours and at least we're paying a mortgage again instead of thousands a month in rent to a company which refused to make repairs or maintain the property.


With such short notice and all of my listed and unlisted stuff, it was ROUGH to do in a month's time. I gave away more than I want to think about, just because we ran out of time, mover was scheduled for 2 days and quit after 1, several vanloads, at least 3 Uhauls and we had more, but time and energy were depleted.


I haven't listed in a month, other than a few things. I no longer have 1200Sq ft of basement storage or an office, so there are some challenges. My previous office was the dining room, but in this house I wanted that to be a sitting room for Noah to hang out. That way he's not closed up in his room, but his toys and video games are not taking over the entire family's living area.  I have a desk in the bedroom and will have to figure out how to make it work. I'll deal with that after Christmas. We're still unpacking and trying to fit it all in. Even with giving away a TON of stuff, we're still out of space. 


Bob, maybe housing sales will pick up in the spring again. I noticed when we were moving, a lot of houses were sitting longer than just a few months prior. Plus, it gives you more time.. This move was so awful I don't ever  want to move again. 


Postcard, good luck on the potential sale. I know getting off of that hill will make it easier on the two of you.


I didn't set a selling goal this month because I knew without listing that sales would slow down, and I was right. After Christmas I will get my act together. Right now I have two storage units that I was shoving stuff in as we moved. The first goal will be to consolidate those. I can't afford one, much less two! 


Happy holiday week everyone! 

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December 2022 Sales Goals, Plans, and Expectations

Moving can indeed be 'the pits'.  We moved a few times in MN - one apartment, one townhouse, and finally to our first house.  Looking back, those were a walk in the park!  Furniture, a few boxes/bags of clothes, and dishware.  Super easy...compared to moving out of a 40yr occupancy.  🙂


Congrats on returning to home ownership.  I like the fact that we have zero maintenance costs at the apartment -- dishwasher died and was replaced at zero cost to us -- but I'm not that keen on the fact that we can hear every move they make, every step they take in the apartment above us.


I'm still making slow progress on getting the house emptied.  There are a few things left to bring down to the ground floor, but a lot of what's left is likely to end up in the trash.  I did actually turn down another bulk PC lot - there were some interesting pieces, but I haven't fully recovered my funds from the last purchase and, truth be told, I simply don't have any space left until I get that storage unit better organized.  Interestingly, I'm not all that upset about it.  I'm taking that as a good sign.  🙂


Christmas plans are underway - we've got gifts for the youngest grands and either cash or loan balance statements for the older ones.  🙂  We're hoping to have a quiet holiday - the kids are mostly doing their own things with in-laws or nieces/nephews.  I'm going to get a turkey next week, after Christmas, so I can have more turkey left-overs!  Mashed taters too... the chunky kind made with just potatoes and butter.  🙂


Simple mind, simple pleasures.


Sales have been decent - selling a bit more PC components, still selling the elongates, and at work it appears that the slow descent has reversed and is now a slow climb.  I'm sure the store-wide clearance sale doesn't hurt either.  🙂  We're closing one of the retail outlets and trying, again & still, to empty more of the warehouses and drop the lease overhead.  I'm going to try and get my hours back up to 40/week - I've been taking an hour or so off at the end of the day to spend time working on the house and storage.  It hasn't been working as well as I had hoped, and I want to get back to a better weekly check.  🙂


Been taking time off the boards as well lately - I've got to start getting to sleep earlier.  Apparently 5hrs of sleep a night is not enough... 6 is better and 7 is heaven.  But we all have our vices.... 🙂


Happy Holidays everyone, however you celebrate them.  And may we all have a much better 2023, with less inflation, more employment, better wages, less crime, more community, and less division.


Merry Christmas To All, And To All A Good Night!



RKS Solutions LLC logo
Ask me about SixBit and the tools I use to sell - I'm happy to share!
"A journey of a thousand miles begins by getting off the couch"
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December 2022 Sales Goals, Plans, and Expectations

DRSK congrats on being a homeowner!!!  Glad you are moved and settled.  Hope the new home works well for you.


Hurricane Ian hit us hard.   Our house had inside water damage and we have not been able to move back into it since Oct 16.   We spent 48 days in Sarasota (40 miles from home) near Siesta Key.   Now, the suite we were in was nice and SK is lovely but we had enough.  For the month of December we rented a nice apartment only about 5 miles from our home here in our home town.   That is good because I can now harass the workers and do some things out in the yard.   We are moving back home next week regardless of how far along the repairs are.   We had drywall and insulation ripped out (repaired now), flooring damage (not done yet) and new shingles on the roof (also not done).  But the repairs are moving along.  The insurance company thus far has been OK....better than OK actually.


My wife has held up good with our displacement.  Her health seems to have not been effected much if any by all the hassle.   I have been soooooo busy but I always am.   Billi the Australian Shepherd really misses her back yard and chasing her lizards.   She has to be too much of a house dog now to suit her.   I walk her....long walks....three times a day.


Selling some on eBay and more on other e-commerce sites.   My listing supply line has been disrupted due to the hurricane and folks not having yard sales.   But after the  holidays things should pick up.


Merry Christmas....


Onward and upward...


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December 2022 Sales Goals, Plans, and Expectations

Merry Christmas!

Yeah, a bit late, but that's what happens when you spend time with family. 🙂  I hope everyone had a safe, warm, and electrified Christmas - that Arctic Blast did a real number on a major portion of the country, and it's not quite over yet.  Our daughter shivered thru a 12hr power outage and we've had to deal with rolling blackouts due to damaged equipment and excessive demand.  It has definitely been a Christmas to Remember, and hopefully one I'll get to recall to the first of my great-grands sometime in the coming 8-10yrs.


So Merry Christmas and may you all have a blessed and wonderful New Year.  May you receive what you need, achieve what you desire, and accumulate enough friends and acquaintances to keep your days interesting.


See ya in 2023!



RKS Solutions LLC logo
Ask me about SixBit and the tools I use to sell - I'm happy to share!
"A journey of a thousand miles begins by getting off the couch"
Message 12 of 20
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December 2022 Sales Goals, Plans, and Expectations

Constant rain has finally broken us free from the ice. 


Sales are fine - chugging along.  I was gone overseas all of November and didn't get going again until December.


I saw 'simple minds, simple pleasures' somewhere in this thread - yeah, that's me.  👍

“The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer.” - Henry Kissinger

"Do not obey in advance." Timothy Snyder "On Tyranny"
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December 2022 Sales Goals, Plans, and Expectations

Aahhhh!!   It's snowing again!!!!

Driveway was 90% clear all covered with snow again.  And the cold temps mean it won't be clear tomorrow.  Glad I went super grocery shopping before the arctic blast hit, we will be fine for two more days.


Christmas was quiet.  Have a lot of work done on listings and been doing rough drafts for everything scanned or pictured. 


Prospective house sale has been pushed back by weather (hard to get motivated to attack the stuff), holidays, doctor visits and vet visits (Rusty the Terrorist has emerged from his cocoon).  But I have numbers for both sides (the least we will accept) and the most we will pay. 



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December 2022 Sales Goals, Plans, and Expectations

@bokhoma Oh no! That is a long time to be displaced!  Hopefully you get back home soon! Does the insurance cover the cost of your temporary housing?  


@postcardcountry snow? Oh yuck! We've had the terrible cold but no snow over here. Hopefully your housing sale/buying venture works out!


Bob, yep, the "free" replacements of broken appliances/anything needing repairs and such are probably the only plus to renting. We'd been renting since we moved down here  10 years ago. I never want to do it again .


We had two days in a row of no power. I was beyond miffed that our 7.5hours of no power on Christmas eve  when it was 15 degrees out was due to rolling blackouts by our power company! That should be illegal.


Then we were without heat on the main floor for several days. Luckily heat traveled up from downstairs to make it tolerable, but what a pain!


December sales have been pathetic, but I have barely been listing.  I still don't have a photo booth space. 😞 



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