01-01-2020 12:12 PM
My sales are dead for 2020. At this rate i'm going to have to pack up and leave eBay. I've made literally zero in sales in 2020 so far, the worst in more that 20 years. Ebay is a dead marketplace, that's for certain.
05-17-2020 03:30 PM
This is my first posting ever in my almost 21 years of selling on eBay. Like many of us here who have been selling for that amount of time, I'm sure you all see the difference.
Since 2016, my sales are going down, down and down. No matter what I did. I sell old/antique light fixtures. Over the years taste changes of customers and most like IKEA light fixtures etc... I can understand that as well. But the speed my sales went down in unbelievable. Even after 9/11/2001 it didn't decline like that. During the 2008 recession sales declined, but nothing alarming. Was understandable at the time. But really since 2016 a significant drop. This year with the Covid-19 emergency I turned on the vacation settings, but eBay still keeps charging their store fee. Not really seeing anything better happening in the near future, I closed the store to avoid the monthly fees. I was on a yearly plan and of course eBay charges me the early termination fee. I had about 3 months left on it. I know I signed up for it. But these are unusual times for everybody. Most car insurance company give you a percentage back. eBay nope you pay and that's it. The corporate greed is out of control. As mention before eBay fees are going up and up year after year and sales down and down. After all the cost involved in my particular business, fees, shipping etc... it really doesn't pay off anymore. It's very sad that most of the smaller business here on eBay who been selling for all those years have made eBay as large as it is. In the end we are left behind big time. And actually they should be working for us We are the ones paying the fees and paying their paycheck.
In the old days seller were making decent money, eBay for sure was making decent money. Everybody was happy, till corporate greed took over and here we are. All suffering. For me personally, I'm not sure if I will open up again a store. The fees are not worth it anymore for what you get in return. Maybe the name should be changed to feeBay. It's better suitable for this company at this point. Good luck to everyone selling. Stay safe...
05-17-2020 08:57 PM
For someone who's not really listing much and hasn't for a while, my sales are not bad.
05-18-2020 12:16 AM
@chapeau-noir wrote:For someone who's not really listing much and hasn't for a while, my sales are not bad.
So far this is trending to be my 2nd best year** yet 😄
**Best year I cheated, guy I knew bought out a toy store that was going out of business and his wife got mad and wanted the basement cleared, I got 50% of every thing I sold AFTER fees were paid, and he paid me to sit in his air conditioned basement and list his items (so I got paid twice to sell one item LOL)
07-24-2020 06:48 PM
07-24-2020 06:49 PM
07-24-2020 06:55 PM
MacBooks and parts have DOUBLED since March, 2020
GLAD I bought my 2007 - 2008 A1226 MacBook Pro parts donors last year.
$20 and $25 ppd.
THEN found an abused A1260 in my Ally with a good mobo...
A few weeks ago...
Put my Lid/LCD and keyboard onto it
Now like almost NEW!
HAD the same sort of luck building up a 2004 PowerBook G4
From Hanger Queens
late 2018
But no more!
Prices have gone thru the roof..
Good luck
07-24-2020 06:56 PM
PT Barnum had it right!
10-10-2020 10:20 AM
Sadly, EBAY has been dying on its feet for antiques sales over the past roughly 5 years or so (I've been selling on 3-4 ids here in different languages since 2004).
The reasons for this have largely been covered but just to hear the sound of my own voice, to repeat, yep it's EBAY's insane lemming-like policies, their seeming determination to go to war with their client base (i.e. the vendors), their greed, their childlike efforts to shoot for an impossible corporate mission - to become another Amazon etc.
They have totally lost sight of their original USP that gave them such a powerful place in the market. So, they're in terminal decline, though perhaps acting as just a distribution outlet for low-cost Chinese mass producers will keep their leadership levels in bonuses for a few years yet. What they perhaps never thought of though was that in driving serious vendors onto other platforms, they also lost a lot of their potential buyers who went with them. It's a textbook case study of how not to do things. They'll be studying it in business schools in 10-15 years.
To be fair though, there are some factors they couldn't really control - and I am speaking here of my own area of antiques - I know less about other sectors.
In Europe and North America, even 5-10 years ago, very many public auctions were not on line. The role of the antiques dealer was often to buy at public auction using their painfully acquired specialist knowledge, (notionally public auctions then were 'wholesale' or 'trade source'), clean/repair/research and re-sell through a shop or EBAY. There was a value-add and a consequent margin.
Today, that world has gone. Most public auctions are now online and buyers know that. Why should they pay say $150 dollars to a dealer on EBAY for a piece of silver when they can buy the same thing online from a public auction for perhaps $60?
Unfortunately, far far far too many wannabe dealers just haven't grasped this. Prior to COVID, every single week I saw literally hundreds of new entrants (in 2 countries) at public auctions frantically bidding on items until the prices hit the stars. What were they basing their bidding levels on? Yep, EBAY advertisements! Their idea of an item's potential re-sale value was based upon the price being asked by another dealer on EBAY who, they failed to notice, hadn't actually been able to sell their item as it was too expensive.
Quite often the winning bidder would show those around them the object and proudly proclaim they'd gone a bargain.
If they were near me and asked me, what could I say? I would sometimes ask these guys in a friendly fashion if they knew they could EBAY select based upon 'sold' prices not what other dealers were asking. Many hadn't a clue. Some reacted quite badly when they looked up the realistic price and implied I was trying to frighten them off from bidding in the public auction (as if it was my fault they didn't know how to use EBAY). Many others re-looked at the prices realised of something they'd just purchased and then went into near shock at how much money they were likely to lose.
Some told me I should mind my own business - which was fair enough and probably right I guess. I don't do it any more. I now just smile and say "great!" when a newbie dealer shows me something they've just paid miles and miles over the top for based on a poor understanding of EBAY pricing.
Think I'm kidding? I promise you I'm not. The auctioneers are privately splitting their sides in laughter at this behaviour and continue laughing all the way to the bank. It happens online too of course. Why people think you can buy something at a public online auction in COVID days and then put it back onto EBAY and make a big profit is simply beyond me.
Why does that matter? That's because I very very often see those same items popping up on EBAY a day or so later at 75-200% more than the person bought them for. The result is predictable - no sale.
EBAY is now stuffed to the gunnels with ludicrously overpriced antique items. That has also driven buyers away in droves. I know many big-spending collectors who now openly laugh at any suggestion they would buy on EBAY.
This phenomenon is being caused in part at least by the plethora of TV shows perpetrating the myth that antiques are an easy way to make money. The story goes - wander along to a public auction (or online), buy something, stick on a big profit, then put it on EBAY. Easy money isn't it?
Except it's not and doesn't work like that - nor has it ever done so.
This is hugely inflating prices and demoralising the few remaining buyers who scan EBAY. In my opinion, about 95% of the antique watchers on EBAY are now dealers looking at each other losing money and sometimes hoping for the odd bargain when one of their competition has become so desperate they've been forced to offer something on open low-start bidding.
One thing I do know as a fact is that today, where I live, a typical antique business lasts between 24-36 months after startup before they go bust or need to close down. A very high proportion of those are people who ran their business on the assumption they'd make sales through EBAY. Wrong!
It's sad. Again to be fair to EBAY, there are simply too many dealers and insufficient buyers now in the antiques domain. EBAY's woes and errors have just exacerbated that position (as has COVID because now vast numbers of people sitting at home think they can make money by trading antiques). I can't see it changing in the near future.
I do still advertise a few bits and pieces on EBAY. Honestly, I don't know why. It's mainly nostalgia but also a bit of market testing. Yes, you can get the odd good sale on EBAY - statistics are a funny thing. Generally though, it's dead, has been so for years and will continue to be so.
Gloomy but
10-10-2020 10:27 AM
It's sad. Again to be fair to EBAY, there are simply too many dealers and insufficient buyers now in the antiques domain.
You just put your finger on the crux of the problem.
10-10-2020 10:31 AM
Did you mean 2019?
Maybe you should wait another 364 days before you claim 2020 is a bad year.
10-11-2020 06:41 AM
Just like to say, I'm in no way anti-newbies. We all started in the trade as newcomers once and we all made howling mistakes as part of the learning process. New entrants deserve their chance and should be welcomed - providing they have met certain credibility criteria.
The trouble is, technology today makes it far too easy to buy and sell. Many of us had to go through one sort of informal apprenticeship or another in the trade (including in the basics of business management) before we could start to deal in antiques but that now doesn't happen.
Huge numbers of new entrants today just don't understand their basics such as their cost base, taxation profile, pricing, cash flow management, market intelligence & trends, basic trade versus retail mechanics etc. Many have done little or no research before they start buying and trying to sell with the result, they make terrible attribution errors and that sows doubt and suspicion in the mind of potential buyers about the credibility of the whole industry.
True, some were always like that and they went bust - fast. Today though, the sheer volume of new dealers flooding into antiques and the ease of trading is meaning that these problems are spilling over and affecting (destroying) the entire marketplace.
Now, most one-time traditional trade source markets have been turned into retail markets by the hordes of new entrants operating on a 'buy at any cost basis'. In fact, I've done some informal studies over the past few years and they indicate that prices at public auctions and clearances can now be at times 25-50% higher than retail on-sale.
By 'retail', I mean a realistic price for being able to sell the object concerned to the public. That is how bad the situation has become. Add to that the fact that many antiques areas are just not fashionable now and demand overall from the buying public has diminished hugely - and the result is a perfect storm.
I spoke to a mid-upper range dealer at the end of 2019. They had attended 6 shows and antique fairs over a period of 4 months in the summer and they have a shop. They also sell on EBAY. In that 4 month period, they had made only one sale - yep, one, from all their sales channels.
Eventually I guess it will self-regulate and correct but I've been saying that since 2015 and been totally wrong. Actually, 2020 so far has been a fair bit better than 2019 but it's still grim.
EBAY's madness is part of all this - but only a small part.
11-28-2020 09:02 PM
yes, same for me. So many sellers are just giving away their vintage items on ebay. WHY ?
11-29-2020 05:10 AM
Тhis is a pure truth. I'm crying.
11-29-2020 05:25 AM
Well now that we have 11 months of 2020 under the belt - it seems that two months of 2020 were the best of my 20 years here thanks to the Redskins name being banished - but the other nine months were indeed the worst.
I find it amazing that the OP could have predicted this on January 1.
11-29-2020 08:06 AM