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DEFRAUDED again by a buyer!

I sold an item for $1400, 2 days after the buyer received it he claims the touch display didn’t work. The item is a HMI screen for a plastics press.   I have 35 years as an electrical engineer and perfect selling rating.  I test and video tape EVERYTHING before it leaves my facility.  The buyer “an individual with a small plastics press in his garage” after our communication breakdown he opens a case, eBay day on the case for over a week then found in favor of the buyer.   Eventually the item was received back to my facility electrically damaged.  The unit has 3 header style pin connectors for the 3 ribbons, 2 are the same 10 pin.   After a forensic inspection of the circuitry, and the cable connectors anatomy.  I discovered the damage would have been absolutely and unequivocally done by placing the connectors in the wrong places right down to knowing the 24vdc from connector 1 being placed into connector 2. Now you may ask, why are the connectors able to do that? First up say I’m not the manufacture.  B&R is, also I’m a qualified engineer. And not a back yard mechanic.  eBay threw me right to the wolves, Closed the case in the buyers favor and refused to allow me an appeal.  I’m FURIOUS! I took down all “over 800” listings with a combined worth in excess of 3/4 million dollars.   I pledged to file suit against the buyer, as well file a mail fraud claim.  I’m also looking for a class action against eBay and it’s flawed buyer return policy.  

Message 1 of 67
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Re: DEFRAUDED again by a buyer!


Message 16 of 67
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Re: DEFRAUDED again by a buyer!

I agree. The burden is on us when it comes to UPIs, but still an eBay flaw.  On my main account very few UPIs over the years.  On this account steadily increasing problem.  I know its because of the items I sell vrs this site and the other site.  Photos, postcards and military items vrs a board range of collectibles and antiques. 


eBay used to allow us a restocking fee. That went away too.   It was a tool that protected sellers, paid them for their time in effort in shipping, processing the return and relisting / restocking.   It also made a buyer think twice before opening a return.  They should bring that back  too but make it a reasonable %. 

Message 17 of 67
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Re: DEFRAUDED again by a buyer!

TY, I feel your pain.  I think we need to help eBay change.  Leaving them is the loss of another warrior to fight the good fight.  Yes, in your case it was wrong.  Still like Don Quixote, fighting wind mills is fun. 


I would also write a letter to the board.  I would be calling anchor store support and talking to them, and than a manger, and than ask for a phone number above them.  I would be sending clear messages to them.  


In my opinion, they don't care if they lose sellers. They do care if they lose buyers and market share.  It is pretty clear based on current polices. There year of the seller is almost all behind the scenes things to protect us but the simple way is to fix what is broken, returns, feedback and UPIs.


I also support your decision to file in small claims lawsuit.  I myself would take action within reasonable time, distance, cost. 


I also support your decision to open a mail fraud case.  


We currently have little or no recourse as sellers. 

Message 18 of 67
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Re: DEFRAUDED again by a buyer!

They did a trial in the computers categories where your best offer didn't count till you paid for the item. Either they axed it because it was too good of an idea, or one buyer cried that they missed out on something because they didn't pay. Shame eBay has something against good ideas...
Message 19 of 67
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Re: DEFRAUDED again by a buyer!

I just emailed my Corp atty with everything including the recorded conversations with eBay today.  I’ll use the time from selling on eBay to focus on a legal approach both toward the buyer and eBay themselves.  Already prepping letters to media outlets and scouring the internet for other victimized sellers.   

Message 20 of 67
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Re: DEFRAUDED again by a buyer!

I’m going to post a pic of what this buyer did.  You seem to know PCs.   You’ll see right away

Message 21 of 67
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Re: DEFRAUDED again by a buyer!

@partsforautomation wrote:

I just emailed my Corp atty with everything including the recorded conversations with eBay today.  I’ll use the time from selling on eBay to focus on a legal approach both toward the buyer and eBay themselves.  Already prepping letters to media outlets and scouring the internet for other victimized sellers.   

...Oh my...😶

Message 22 of 67
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Re: DEFRAUDED again by a buyer!

One plug houses the 24vdc power supply. The other is the com port for the touch display.  The ignorant buyer plugged them in the wrong places.  

Message 25 of 67
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Re: DEFRAUDED again by a buyer!

The buyer is only 77 miles away -- in the SAME state?


Sic 'em!


And good luck from all of us who've also been burned!

Message 26 of 67
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Re: DEFRAUDED again by a buyer!

Here is another issue.  On my main account I was top rated plus buyer.  I meet all the guidelines for years. It gave you the nice badge on your listings  and a discount on final fees.  


I can't recall what the initial discount on fees was but I know they change it to 20% and than 10%. On the last change they said if you wanted to continue being a top rated plus seller you had to offer..... a free return policy.


I still meet all the requirements for top rated plus but that is where I refused to be forced to do what eBay wanted...….. a free return policy. I don't like being told what I have to do because eBay decided that is what should be done and be penalized because I did not agree. 


It was a deliberate policy change to force their best sellers to comply with their new policy of free returns.  Another way to allow the buyer to just return an item, be it buyer remorse, he decided he overspent, over whatever reason, and have the seller pay the charges.


By having the buyer pay for a return at least they have thought about and the seller is not paying for it.   


eBay is not there competition.  Even their main competition doesn't have across the board free returns.  It was about the buyer and market share.  It was not about protecting the seller.


That would be the fourth thing which requires a change in my opinion. 

Message 27 of 67
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Re: DEFRAUDED again by a buyer!

77 miles. Im in pa he’s in Ohio. 

Message 28 of 67
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Re: DEFRAUDED again by a buyer!

I am not certain, but can't you refund only 50% to the buyer if they return your item damaged? I think that is an option for sellers effective October 1st. I would check with eBay on that first thing in the morning.

Message 29 of 67
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Re: DEFRAUDED again by a buyer!

Today I had a buyer open an item not described case for something they ordered last week and received on Monday. Today is Thursday. They stated the finger was broken and was sending it and the finger back to me. They did not contact me first. They just opened a case.


I contacted eBay anchor support. I felt something was wrong with this case. It was three days after receiving the item. We know we pack securely. Call it my gut and 20 years of selling experience under my belt.


After talking to eBay anchor support. They informed me they had ordered the same item the day after mine from another seller. That second item stated it was missing or had a broken finger.


They did not open a case against that buyer. That buyer stated sold as is and doesn't take returns.


In our opinion they either opened the case against the wrong seller, opened a case against us because the other seller doesn't except returns or it really was damaged.


We hoped they had made the mistake on who to open the case against us and do the right thing. That is open the case against the other seller. Contact eBay and close this case against us.


No that is not what happened. The rest of the details were long phone calls to eBay. A waste of my valuable time but I do like to fight windmills.

This was a five dollar item. The point is a matter of principle to me, not the money, and integrity. Integrity of people and integrity of the eBay return system. This example is another good one to point out the flawed eBay return system.


I received a message from eBay which stated they were going to refund the buyer as a courtesy, I would not lose my money or receive a defect and of course report him inside internal channels.


I of course reported the possible abuse of buyer return program through the correct channels.


Normally that is the goal I try to achieve, buyer happy / seller happy.   This time it was all good but on one point. Why refund the buyer in this scenario? By refunding the buyer it reinforces negative and bad behavior. It causes sellers to waste valuable resources because nothing is done to the bad buyer until repeated bad behavior has occurred and been reported. Do we really need buyers like that?


One other thought, the reporting system on buyers needs to be fix.  In my opinion it is too narrowly focused / restrictive on what and what cannot be reported.  More importantly it doesn’t cover all the things that can and do occur. It used to be a better reporting system for far ranging issues and details.   So that would be number five thing to fix.

Message 30 of 67
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