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Concern About A Potentially Questionable Buyer

Maybe someone can help me with my recent sale? I was selling an expensive new jacket and a person seemed very interested. He asked me a million questions, all of which I answered. He was trying to get me to accept a bid that was low and he was so persistent that he was annoying me. I gave him my lowest price that was acceptable and then I told him that was my lowest price. He then started questioning whether the jacket was authentic and was getting even more annoying. He never accepted my lowest price at this time, but instead starting making bids below what he knew I would accept. 

I felt that a scam might be in play and that he might claim that he never got the item or that it was defective or something else so I blocked him from making any more bids. After I blocked him he kept messaging me over and over but I ignored him at that point because he seemed a little unstable to me and I didn't want to get scammed by him. I really don't want to get stuck for the high price that the item costs me. The very next day the item that I was selling was purchased by another person (in the exact same size and color that the first guy was interested in) and from the same city. Even the ebay names of the buyer and the blocked individual had the same phrase in them. It's obviously the same guy although the buyer says that it's for his daughter blah blah blah.   

So now what would you guys recommend? Should I ship out the expensive jacket and take a chance even though I don't really trust the buyer not to pull a scam? He's paid for it on Paypal. This blocked guy seems a little obsessed and a little unstable to me. I really don't even want to ship him the item where he would get my name and address off of the box, to be honest. So what do you guys recommend that I should do? I'm certain that the buyer is the same person as the one that I blocked.


P.S. I've been selling on ebay sporadically for years and have a perfect rating. I just don't want to get a bad rating or get scammed on this expensive item. Thanks!

Message 1 of 93
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Re: Concern About A Potentially Questionable Buyer

" I guess he would have to confirm or he won't receive a refund? Am I correct about that? "




Message 76 of 93
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Re: Concern About A Potentially Questionable Buyer

@rgraf2zacharia wrote:

I actually got a call from a woman who says she's the buyer. She wanted to know why I canceled the purchase. I was shocked that she could so easily obtain my name, town and phone number from Ebay.

I told her that I was out of the item and she said okay. 

That's not going to stop the defect for an OOS cancellation, though.


"Nothing is obvious to the oblivious"
Message 77 of 93
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Re: Concern About A Potentially Questionable Buyer

@castlemagicmemories wrote:

OP, DO NOT forget to BBL this buyer and his alternate id!




He can just make up another one.

Message 78 of 93
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Re: Concern About A Potentially Questionable Buyer

@modulok! wrote:

"...have a blessed day."


That right there says that if you ship that coat to this buyer you will be out your item and your money.  Mark my words.  Also if you relist it or another one this buyer will constantly be hounding your item.  You see, in this buyer's eyes, you have personally wronged him by blocking one if his IDs and his scam attempt.  I wouldn't relist this item or one like it for awhile - give him time to scam somebody elses coat - because after all, it is getting cold out and apparently this coat is the only coat in the world to this buyer/scammer.

Many people use that saying in their listings.  That in itself is not an indication of a scammer imo.


But I agree with the rest of the post.  OP, if you decide you can live with a defect, pull the item completely.  Give this person time to take his focus off of you and onto someone else before you relist it..

Message 79 of 93
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Re: Concern About A Potentially Questionable Buyer

@rgraf2zacharia wrote:

Thanks. Won't I have to explain what the problem with the adress was? It's really sad that this is what happens when you want to sell something on here.





That will backfire if he disutes it, and from what you have described, if he does not get what he wants he will try to take you down.

Message 80 of 93
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Re: Concern About A Potentially Questionable Buyer

"...A million questions" is a HUGE RED FLAG of a problematic buyer. Ignore and block.

Message 81 of 93
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Re: Concern About A Potentially Questionable Buyer

I did that but then they bought the item under another user ID.

Message 82 of 93
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Re: Concern About A Potentially Questionable Buyer

The buyer is messaging me and asking why the sale was canceled by me. I answered them already on the phone today. Do I need to reply in writing to them or can I ignore all of their queries from this point on?

Message 83 of 93
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Re: Concern About A Potentially Questionable Buyer

Ignore and BLOCK

Message 84 of 93
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Re: Concern About A Potentially Questionable Buyer

I would have blocked him after the 4th question

Message 85 of 93
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Re: Concern About A Potentially Questionable Buyer

Yeah, I should probably have blocked him after the 4th (or 14th question) but there was no way to prevent him from buying the item under a different account. Will Ebay frown upon me not answering their question about why I canceled the transaction? Obviously, they don't know about the phone call today.

Message 86 of 93
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Re: Concern About A Potentially Questionable Buyer

I mean answering the buyer's questions. I told them oin the phone that I no longer have the item. Do I need to tell them in writing too?

Message 87 of 93
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Re: Concern About A Potentially Questionable Buyer

If you have already cancelled the order and refunded his money, then the transaction is over.


No need to have any more conversation with this buyer.


Delete all further messages.

Message 88 of 93
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Re: Concern About A Potentially Questionable Buyer

I will tell you what I would do. Some people will jump on me for it but I don't care. I would cancel this sale in a heartbeat even if I get a defect. I do not bow to the ebay gods and if I get booted so be it. I never let them win. It is up to you but once you show your hand you can't change it. I will not be an ebay lemming and knowingly let somebody scam me. Don't count on cs to be forthcoming. They don't care if you get scammed, they are on the buyer's side. Always. Another thing I would do is make other arrangements to sell that jacket. And not C's List. Nothing but scammers there also. Been there, done that. I wish you good luck.


'They won't get it all, and they won't have it long.'

'You gotta see those creeps crawl...' Echo & the Bunnymen-"Crocodiles'
Message 89 of 93
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Re: Concern About A Potentially Questionable Buyer

Good for you OP if you cancelled this sale. The more buyers like this get their way, the more sellers are going to be hurt.


'They won't get it all, and they won't have it long.'

'You gotta see those creeps crawl...' Echo & the Bunnymen-"Crocodiles'
Message 90 of 93
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