07-03-2022 11:34 AM - edited 07-03-2022 11:37 AM
I just did a search for old collectible type photos, using the following keywords, retro photos . I got 90 percent smut nudes, saw were pretty raw. None were art type nudes. Pretty tasteless stuff that should not show up in this type of (non- adult only) every day eBay search. I’m not a prude...but a few minutes earlier my 8 year old granddaughter was sitting next to me as I was searching, old car photos... eBay search needs some work.
07-04-2022 04:04 PM
Keyword used...photos... 90 percent were naked, pubic hair and all. Search sucks.
07-04-2022 04:47 PM
Oh no! Not pubic hair!
I went through 10 pages looking for smut but only saw regular old nudes and a couple of Christmas morning family photos…
07-04-2022 05:48 PM
< I just did a search ... using the following keywords, retro photos . I got 90 percent smut nudes >
I just did a search for retro photos ... on my first page of 240 listings, not a single one contained nudity. Wanna trade computers?
07-04-2022 06:04 PM
@gosimus wrote:
< I just did a search ... using the following keywords, retro photos . I got 90 percent smut nudes >
I just did a search for retro photos ... on my first page of 240 listings, not a single one contained nudity. Wanna trade computers?
That's so weird. Mine were almost all nudes. But I'm not offended by bodies (hint, we all have them), so whatever. But it's weird that when I searched the car parts, I got ZERO nudes, just boring old car parts & others are seeing a bunch of nudity.
What I'd really like to know is what is the difference for OP, since she sells very similar images herself? Or is it just about the search terms? It seems odd to be complaining about nudes, when you sell nudes.
07-04-2022 07:23 PM
@simply-the-best-for-you wrote:
What I'd really like to know is what is the difference for OP, since she sells very similar images herself? Or is it just about the search terms? It seems odd to be complaining about nudes, when you sell nudes.
Pubes? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
07-04-2022 07:26 PM
07-04-2022 07:29 PM
I need a new one too!
07-04-2022 10:00 PM
"Pretty tasteless stuff"
What's tasteless about naked humans?
07-04-2022 11:08 PM
I believe those are called Tramp Stamps
07-04-2022 11:22 PM
@sensualfriendz That cool photo of the NYC Wheelman "gilded age" will be better found if you replace "big wheel bikes" in the title with "highwheelers" which is what they were and are actually called. Great photo!
No comment on the subject - the argument of what is 'smut' and what is 'erotica' is age old. I didn't see any, though.
07-05-2022 12:52 AM
I have the same problem, old beer steins, got an eye-full from a lithophane bottom, yuck, clothing, don't need t's and a's...and vintage photos. I feel for the OP. Good thing my dog wasn't watching, she'd be grossed out. Just kidding.
And the problem with cookies is that a day or so later there are all these ads for topless and etc whatevers. I actually accused my hubs of watching p o r n on-line. But it was me, surfing here on eBay.
07-05-2022 12:59 AM
"(who no doubt cannot wield a crescent wrench) "
Hey, some of us babes can do way more than just wield a crescent wrench...I took a Volkwagon engine apart and put it back together once. Well, actually twice because I forgot a part so had to do it again. Probably why I am not a mechanic. LOL. I was a telecom engineer though, wielded ohm meters and cable layouts and schematics and the like, now I wield a piano. Stop, varmint, or I'll hit the D minor chord.
07-05-2022 07:46 AM
I think this is a good example of why all this artificial intelligence in search does not work well at all. Some people see this, others see that.... As far as the cookies- I agree but I also see the nudes when searching the ford part #s in a incognito tab so there is more to it than than that. Honestly the listings in question have a 4 digit location code code in the title and I think that is throwing off the search engine- but really its because the search is programmed to ignore the actual keywords and show what ever ebay has predetermined its wants us to see....
Remember years ago when it was a simple and true keyword matching algorithm? amazing results all the time.
As far as the the retro photos- its just bad programming to assume nudes with those two keywords. period.
For me its not about nudes- Nothing to be ashamed of there- woman are beautiful lol....... but as a seller- when my car part listings are not coming up in search because it shows naked photos instead! thats a problem. Ebay has long been challenged by search relevancy and I do believe its because they introduce too many other distracting metrics to the search like promoted listings, and for some reaon only showing items to people in certain states at any one time. its bizarre- simple is better....just show what people type in the box.
If I want to see a retro nude photo- thats what I'll type- not just retro photo.
07-05-2022 07:55 AM
Too funny. Checked the listings because of the OP's I.D. name. First and 8th photos showed naked ladies.
07-05-2022 12:10 PM
@moondogblues wrote:"(who no doubt cannot wield a crescent wrench) "
Hey, some of us babes can do way more than just wield a crescent wrench...I took a Volkwagon engine apart and put it back together once. Well, actually twice because I forgot a part so had to do it again. Probably why I am not a mechanic. LOL. I was a telecom engineer though, wielded ohm meters and cable layouts and schematics and the like, now I wield a piano. Stop, varmint, or I'll hit the D minor chord.
This babe can about check the oil; dad was a metallurgical engineer who let me handle the screwdrivers. (manual) Never learned to work on cars. My father could have figured out how to make new parts for your Vdub but actual assembly ...not gonna happen, and for good reason. I never learned and these days I"m too banged to do much more than add gas anyway.