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Christmas season sales up or down?


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Re: Christmas season sales up or down?

Horrible,  beyond Horrible.  At least for me

Message 91 of 109
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Re: Christmas season sales up or down?

eBay is doing very little to no advertising to send traffic to the eBay site. I've only seen/heard eBay Motors ads and a couple of ads for eBay's Sneaker Authenticity Program which I sell a few items in but no sales there. eBay is terrible at communicating their strategy with sellers. We should all receive an email before the holiday season starts with a breakdown of how eBay plans to market to customers during this time and where we can find examples of these ads/commercials. We're supposed to be a team. Instead eBay is sending me emails telling me how to pay for outside ads to bring traffic to the site. What's more every time I watch tv I see an Etsy ad which are great. They have a total of 4 Christmas ads they're running and Amazon has a ton as well. Even Poshmark and a few others have Christmas ads but NOT eBay! I've been on eBay for over 20 years and it's a roller coaster for sure but Christmas time especially when you sell BMX bikes, parts, safety gear, and accessories like I do which are always great Christmas gifts should be selling better than they are. I've only sold 2 complete bicycles in the past 6 weeks which are on sale 20% off and more. IMO we're seeing a down economy in terms of buyers as the cost of living has gone way up, and we're seeing eBay overall traffic slower than usual as they have more marketplace competition while doing less than stellar/minimal advertising.

Message 92 of 109
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Re: Christmas season sales up or down?

From June this year, sales went down but this Christmas unbelievable.    

Message 93 of 109
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Re: Christmas season sales up or down?

@krazzykats ike I just received an eBay purchase with a beautiful colorful Temu ad in it. With coupon.


Your seller found it on TEMU,  stole the ad,and when you bought it, he went to Temu, bought it and had it shipped to you.

I wonder how much cheaper you could have purchased it on Temu?
This kind of "retail arbitrage" is not allowed by eBay.

Message 94 of 109
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Re: Christmas season sales up or down?

Unless Amazon makes one or two massive mistakes, ebay will never overtake amazon as #1.

Message 95 of 109
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Re: Christmas season sales up or down?

Congrats to you 🙂

Message 96 of 109
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Re: Christmas season sales up or down?

A markdown sale or public coupon code works better than paying ebay for promotions.  Both give the discounts to the buyer, rather than money to ebay.  You are rewarding the buyer who buys from you, its an added incentive to purchase from you and make the sale.  A public coupon code gets people coming in on items and more likely to browse your other items.

Message 97 of 109
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Re: Christmas season sales up or down?

Sales are way up for me. Last year, I didn't have a huge QUANTITY of sales, but buyers were purchasing my highest priced items. This year, QUANTITY is way up and buyers are looking for bargains. I did, however, sell quite a few of my higher priced items. 

Message 98 of 109
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Re: Christmas season sales up or down?

Not sure where it was shipped from, but Temu doesn't sell used books.  It was a used book I purchased on eBay from a large well-known book reseller that had the ad insert.  The kind of booksellers that have shooting stars, $3.99 books, and free shipping. 

KrazzyKats  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1998

Message 99 of 109
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Re: Christmas season sales up or down?

Agreed! Its amazing how ebay has a billions of dollars to hand out to their greedy investors, but can't seem to find any money to invest in any real and effective marketing.


The majority of consumers are on Youtube today, and its been years since I last seen a single ebay ad on Youtube. The Youtube platform is the most viewed site in the world, ebay just ignores it.


I too have been getting those notifications to advertise offsite. Don't we already pay for this? Apparently ebay taking 25% of the sale on average isnt enough, they want all the money!


I recently started raising prices, including on shipping, as I can no longer turn a profit otherwise. ebay and the post office are eating up so much of the sale there is practically nothing left for sellers once all the ridiculous fees are factored in.



Message 100 of 109
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Re: Christmas season sales up or down?

@rugerskick wrote:

Unless Amazon makes one or two massive mistakes, ebay will never overtake amazon as #1.

Overtake?  Never.  Amazon could buy eBay literally 5 times over and barely dent their wallet.  Quite a few seller I know locally are expecting a seller ejection there next year.  Hard to tell what may happen in 2024 being a general election year, all this buyer scammage of retail using cards online, theft rates in stores, stolen items appearing online and atop all that a counterfeit industry thats just booming across marketplaces.


Why I said in another post, folks should be contacting varied folks in Government.  Let em' know, they put the Shop Safe act into law they are loosing peoples votes. Millions of sellers, voters those numbers can make a big difference.  Some things can virtually guarantee, if our prior leader is elected and Bills come across his desk regulating third party marketplaces and/or social media he'll sign them *snap*.

Message 101 of 109
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Re: Christmas season sales up or down?

@gamersbaystore wrote:

Agreed! Its amazing how ebay has a billions of dollars to hand out to their greedy investors, but can't seem to find any money to invest in any real and effective marketing.


The majority of consumers are on Youtube today, and its been years since I last seen a single ebay ad on Youtube. The Youtube platform is the most viewed site in the world, ebay just ignores it.


I too have been getting those notifications to advertise offsite. Don't we already pay for this? Apparently ebay taking 25% of the sale on average isnt enough, they want all the money!


I recently started raising prices, including on shipping, as I can no longer turn a profit otherwise. ebay and the post office are eating up so much of the sale there is practically nothing left for sellers once all the ridiculous fees are factored in.



I've seen ad's on Roku, Weather Channel, youTube, Social Media, numerous cellphone apps, several ad networks at popular sites online like news venues etc.  eBay doesn't directly manage advertising in house, they use external digital advertising entities as most do.  I've relative works for one and its actually quite complex albeit the company he works for is one of the best known for TV/Streaming.


Youtube is #2 to Google and rather expensive to advertise on but that's immaterial eBay has no events to advertise via the lions share of its sellers and even if they did, retailers offer new products and the pricing this season is rather insane.


The offsite advertising is towards Google as Google has changed course towards their eCommerce search/shopping comparator engine.  This is easy to see, a year ago could type in a product and see a literal plethora of eBay results.  Now, there are a handful but if you place "eBay" into the search string, bang it all comes up.  I target Google, 30% of my page views come from there but that better suits what I sell people far more likely Google search than organic in my case.


Turning profit with DVD's really difficult now.  I know one of the sellers here who blows tons of the stuff in lots like 100 new/used movies for $50 or less, same with music CD's.  He sells quite a bit of em', basically triple his costing.  I wont bother where he gets them but allot of those folks who travel thrifts know the name well and he's an endless supply.  Basically its not worth said entity to deal with the movies coming in which they pay $0 for and they get so much of it they've two problems: 1. Cost of dumpstering it all and 2.  The Environmental costing of recycle as they cant just have it end up in landfill.  


End of last year he sent me 10 cases about 800+ PC games end up mixed up w/ the DVD's etc titles just having me pay shipping on them, I've not even looked at the stuff yet.


Now you want make money, 3D printing.  We've a local board games place where some months back I hooked with the owner, became sorta friends.  We're talking about the miniatures some months back, I know CAD and the tools albeit surely not at expert at it but showed him what online courses take and what tools use, what printers to buy.  Hooked him up with another friend who's a computer store here in town to get the computers on the cheap.  Fact few weeks ago I made him a network so he could offload printing to a print server, wants put a network in his house too now.  Things are selling like hotcakes.  So there ya' have it friend, you want a money maker that has very little per print costing.  There's bunches of that market not really touched at least here and some is but the options are crazy.  He does gaming miniatures but there's all sorts of things, dollhouse pieces, miniature diorama stuff, the list goes on and on.

Message 102 of 109
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Re: Christmas season sales up or down?

ebay told sellers they were going to use the funds from promoted listings to pay for ads, including in Google shopping. There's no reason why they should be begging for more money the way they are.


ebay did in fact lose millions of buyers this past 2 years, which is obviously going to have a huge negative impact on sellers. The media reports do not lie.


Yes, I sell a lot of DVD's, but I am not a closed book and open to other products. I got my start here selling vintage products, but stopped selling them simply because its getting impossible to obtain them anymore.


I don't plan to stop selling DVDs either, rather I'm just raising my prices to coincide with the rising costs. If ebay and the postal service are going to charge more, then I have to as well, just the way it goes.


It really doesnt matter what one sells, ebays fees are ridiculous, and its getting very difficult for sellers in general to turn a profit anymore.

Message 103 of 109
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Re: Christmas season sales up or down?



I also received a Temu and other printed ads in with my order of 3 hardcover books.  Purchased books from a mega bookseller here on eBay.

Message 104 of 109
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Re: Christmas season sales up or down?

@gamersbaystore wrote:

ebay told sellers they were going to use the funds from promoted listings to pay for ads, including in Google shopping. There's no reason why they should be begging for more money the way they are.


ebay did in fact lose millions of buyers this past 2 years, which is obviously going to have a huge negative impact on sellers. The media reports do not lie.


Yes, I sell a lot of DVD's, but I am not a closed book and open to other products. I got my start here selling vintage products, but stopped selling them simply because its getting impossible to obtain them anymore.


I don't plan to stop selling DVDs either, rather I'm just raising my prices to coincide with the rising costs. If ebay and the postal service are going to charge more, then I have to as well, just the way it goes.


It really doesnt matter what one sells, ebays fees are ridiculous, and its getting very difficult for sellers in general to turn a profit anymore.

I dont know where eBay said they'd use PL revenue for Google Ads but where revenue comes from towards that is rather immaterial.  Such ad's would be general positioning, I forgot what Google deems it terms wise, been a while.  I can go on Google and pay for CPC ad's that target MY products versus eBay in general.  eBay is providing an interface to that basically.


Sure eBay's lost buyers, I can cite oodles and I mean oodles of reasons for that and every single one of them be valid.  Some are within eBay's realm directly and most are not.  For example the mobile experience I deem very unfriendly and I'm a software engineer, I've done UI's and by no means a UI expert but even I can shape things up better than they are IMHO without knowing "Whats behind" the UI interface, that'd be important in design/developing a UI.  Folks not getting what they ordered be that non-delivery, wrong item, counterfeit, this/that, all bad Karma for traffic retention.  Anything other than "Smooth as Silk" can result in loss of buyers.


No standards in listing, another no no these days.  Sellers should be selecting from product list, "New", "DVD", "DIE HARD" on and on and on and eBay creating the listing STATIC.  Consistency counts.  When I'm looking to buy Die Hard last thing I want do is sift through 1000 listings or need drill down.  Listing entry need mimic consumer search in as much as possible and toss in some "Fuzzy search" to get other related  items exposure as that's how folks shop, its how cross sell can happen.  Have to better control consumer search to find qualifying Database result.  In other words since ever so many now shop mobile the "Mobile First" paradigm in engineering for a site like eBay is NOT just display, its the whole shebang.  In order for it to be the whole "Shebang" and smooth as silk buying experience both sellers and buyers need be forced into a mobile paradigm by nature of user interfaces.  That's considerably changes and due to sheer amounts of "DIE HARD" movies for sale, still has a plethora of exposure issues, where Amazon shines.  eBay COULD leverage even more, "I want buy the DIE HARE New, lowest price total from vendor with best performance curve."  Bang, nothing needed, one button.


eBay's lost allot more buyers to competitors, Etsy's growth, Poshmark's growth, Temu being a rocketship and of course mainstream retail working in Walmart's footsteps, likely the biggest reason.  Retail has mainstreamed the web, no longer a "Wonderful little add on" and that changes the face of the web as now its more similar to brick and mortar where its always been a "Competition for the dollar" aka: Getting the customer shop with me when they've finite money spend.  I've said it before, study after study been done about Walmart, when they set up Super stores all forms of businesses struggle as people buy more there leaving less money to spend elsewhere.

"I can get my TP there, my frozen dinners, some fruit, that pesky garden hose, pick up my prescription, get my shoes and sox, that gallon of paint, toy for Lil' Bonzo's birthday, the wife wants some plants and oh, yeah, my Magic The Gathering cards... All in one stop and more at prices that generally are better than if I travelled all over to get those things spreading my money around.  Why I can even get flowers for her rather than paying three times as much at the Florist."


Compare how many flowers Walmart hauls into every store for Mothers Day, Valentines to any other entity.  Boy they clean up!  There online model is killer!   Now we have to compete against that!


Now my common sense think, "Well I sell ancient software so I dont compete with Walmart or Macys at all!"


Yet I still do, because they are sucking in dollars and sucking in traffic that has those dollars whom are not spending them here as they've finite money.


Retailers my friend KNOW their business FAR FAR better than pretty much any of us.  They dont care WHAT people buy, they care WHERE they buy.


Take you're inventory, you pay for it not consign it.  They all consign it.


You consider you're inventory a monetary asset, "I feel its worth $$$$nnnn."  Retail inventory is WORTH "$$$$nnnn" because they can return it for price protection, credit towards other merchandise.  So to them, sorta like money in the bank in that even unsold they can turn it back into credit for other merchandise.  You on the other hand may not be able to and thus reality is, you're inventory is not asset, its liability until such as a point that it sells and is turned back into money, an asset.


THATS REALLY HARD to compete against and its why small businesses as a "whole" get demolished by big business.  They are trying to compete at basically a loss at every corner, traffic, traffic retention, acquisition, operating capital, all of it.  That "Overhead" you spoke of in prior message is for most part a complete write off for the big players, its an asset, not a liability as long as they make enough dough.  A little store cant write off $2000 a month rent when they only made $20,000 all year long, cant make money from loss when the monies not there.  Yet Walmart write off a million dollar a year lease for each store as they've $400 Billion in revenues and atop the consigning most everything.


You take those models online and apply them to delisted, overstock, manufacturer blow outs and what they can creatively do as OEM's like say Cuisnart whomever, there just no way any cottage seller going to compete against that FOR THE CONSUMER spending.  It's yet another part of Amazon's model as a retailer that has put them SO FAR atop ANY Other player its just night and day.  Their only concern is Walmart as there sits an entity who not only has the abilities but the asset to come after em' and market shares with storefronts all over the place changing the consumer confidence equation, "Walmart will always do right by your online shopping experience. Period."


Now ebay,  they are literally being punched whichever way they try turn.  Punched by retail, punched by focalized competitors, punched by manufacturers, punched by attorneys, punched by government, punched by the USPS, punched in every single direction.


As I've said many a time my friend there's lots of yelling go about on these forums but at best a VERY VERY VERY miniscule if ever discussion whereby sellers are inventing idea seeds to actually help eBay do better.


Lots of folks know the myriads of problems but at best there is handful who even attempt think of ways whereby things might be better.


As I said before Government solution to all such matter is "Kill the marketplaces" for cottage sellers. Done.  That was clear as crystal with the introduction of the Shop Safe Act. 

Message 105 of 109
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