06-25-2018 09:42 PM
Hello backmarker99,
This shows what got removed/changed:
We removed the option of blocking buyers who don't have linked PayPal account. Buyers increasingly want to use other payment options that are also safe. Limiting payments to only linked PayPal accounts negatively impacts on opportunities for sales.
We removed the option of blocking buyers with negative feedback because buyers are no longer able to receive negative feedback from sellers. This made it an outdated option.
We removed the option of blocking buyers with policy violations as eBay’s risk and security teams have evolved the process of tracking buyers with policy violations. This made the option obsolete.
We removed the option of blocking members who are not verified as eBay’s risk and security teams have evolved the process of tracking risky buyers. This made the option obsolete. Seller's who were choosing it were inadvertently blocking newly registered users from whom there was no risk.
06-26-2018 12:55 AM
We removed the option of blocking buyers who don't have linked PayPal account. Buyers increasingly want to use other payment options that are also safe. Limiting payments to only linked PayPal accounts negatively impacts on opportunities for sales.
We removed the option of blocking buyers with negative feedback because buyers are no longer able to receive negative feedback from sellers. This made it an outdated option.
We removed the option of blocking buyers with policy violations as eBay’s risk and security teams have evolved the process of tracking buyers with policy violations. This made the option obsolete.
We removed the option of blocking members who are not verified as eBay’s risk and security teams have evolved the process of tracking risky buyers. This made the option obsolete. Seller's who were choosing it were inadvertently blocking newly registered users from whom there was no risk.
Interesting, thanks for posting this. In particular, there were recent discussions here on this board about where the "PayPal Account Required" / Block Buyers Without a PayPal Account features had gone.
Why in the world doesn't eBay TELL SELLERS what they're doing!!!
06-26-2018 01:32 AM
If you’re getting purchases from buyers from countries that you don’t ship to then you must not be using the buyer requirement to “block buyers with a primary shipping address in a country I don’t ship to.”
I don’t really see how any of those things that they eliminated will affect me (or most sellers) in any way. I’ve never seen a need to block buyers without a PayPal account or a need to block buyers with a feedback number that was negative. Actually it’s been years since I’ve seen anyone with a negative feedback number!
06-26-2018 04:31 AM - edited 06-26-2018 04:34 AM
@ted_200 wrote:Why in the world doesn't eBay TELL SELLERS what they're doing!!!
A bunch of ebay employees sitting around a conference table eating breakfast.
"Should we make an announcement of policy changes?" one asks.
"Naw" says another, "whatever for? It's not like the sellers get a say in the matter anyway".
"But we're out of control" says the first.
"Well duh!" says another.
"We have 'evolved' the process of tracking risky buyers, so it doesn't matter" one says with annoyance.
"Tell that to the cell phone sellers" says an advocate.
"You're fired, you can leave now" says the head of the table.
06-26-2018 05:06 AM
They change policies to suit the needs of eBay. Not to protect sellers. Not to protect buyers. The policies are implemented to improve eBay revunes. End of story.
06-26-2018 05:11 AM
They are paypal decisions. Paypal is a separate company.......
06-26-2018 05:33 AM - edited 06-26-2018 05:34 AM
06-26-2018 05:34 AM
@backmarker99 wrote:
We removed the option of blocking buyers who don't have linked PayPal account. Buyers increasingly want to use other payment options that are also safe. Limiting payments to only linked PayPal accounts negatively impacts on opportunities for sales.
This would have become obsolete as soon as Adyen is implemented - I don't think it matters that they removed the option a little early.
We removed the option of blocking buyers with negative feedback because buyers are no longer able to receive negative feedback from sellers. This made it an outdated option.
This was outdated and no longer a relevant block.
We removed the option of blocking buyers with policy violations as eBay’s risk and security teams have evolved the process of tracking buyers with policy violations. This made the option obsolete.
I still see use for blocking buyers with policy violations but it sounds like whatever they changed internally made the block not function as it once did. If the new system of tracking violations didn't work with the old block feature then keeping the option to block was obsolete from a functionality standpoint. Everyone knows eBay is buyer-centric so instead of spending money on synching the new and old system they got rid of the block. Back when this block was put in place I don't remember buyers being banned for abusing the system, but in recent years I have seen it happen. I also think most sellers don't bother reporting buyers even though they should.
I agree with the other poster who said these changes won't have an effect on most sellers and you should utilize your ability to “block buyers with a primary shipping address in a country I don’t ship to.”
06-26-2018 10:53 AM
Its not so much the blocking buyers from countries I don't ship to, as when I offer items under "GlobalShip", it becomes a moot point.
What I find troubling is the removal of the requirement of the buyer to have a PayPal account, "as buyers want to use other payment options that are also safe". So now, if the buyer wants to pay via any form of credit/debit card, but does not wish to have PayPal do the processing, I will have to cancel the transaction, due to no longer having a merchant account. More to the point, does anyone else remember that "conducting business" on eBay, was not going to be possible unless you signed up with PayPal for processing of payments?
I realize that the shift to Ayden is on the horizon, but I have been told that it will not be fully completed until 2020; which likely means my opening another merchant account, for the buyer(s) opting to not transact with PayPal; which was my original preference. A year from now, I see the cycle repeating itself, when(insert Ayden), now becomes the officially approved/endorsed processor(remove PayPal and possibly all other third parties).
In regards to one seller's comment about eBay having banned /blocked buyer(s), I would like to see documented proof, as "unpaid item strikes", seem to no longer carry weight as banning is completely discretionary; I dare not say what I think it would require a buyer do, in order to be banned.(Please note there was some seriously tasteless and offensive statements listed here, but after reading through it again, full redaction was deemed the only sane option).
06-26-2018 12:29 PM
eBay’s risk and security teams have evolved the process of tracking buyers with policy violations.
Translate: This is pointless, since it is impossible for a buyer to receive a policy violation.
06-26-2018 12:44 PM
@ted_200 wrote:eBay’s risk and security teams have evolved the process of tracking buyers with policy violations.
Translate: This is pointless, since it is impossible for a buyer to receive a policy violation.
Buyers can check out as guests so it doesn't matter if they receive policy violations on a registered account.
06-26-2018 12:48 PM
@backmarker99 wrote:
What I find troubling is the removal of the requirement of the buyer to have a PayPal account, "as buyers want to use other payment options that are also safe". So now, if the buyer wants to pay via any form of credit/debit card, but does not wish to have PayPal do the processing, I will have to cancel the transaction, due to no longer having a merchant account. More to the point, does anyone else remember that "conducting business" on eBay, was not going to be possible unless you signed up with PayPal for processing of payments?
I did not read the entire block of text but I did read this part.
I don't understand why would you would need to cancel a transaction.
If you don't have a merchant account then the buyer's CC payment would be processed by PayPal as a guest. The buyer does not have to have a PayPal account for PayPal to process their CC payment on eBay. If the buyer didn't want PayPal to process their payment they just wouldn't buy from you or any other seller without a merchant account.
06-26-2018 12:55 PM
@Anonymous wrote:
@ted_200 wrote:eBay’s risk and security teams have evolved the process of tracking buyers with policy violations.
Translate: This is pointless, since it is impossible for a buyer to receive a policy violation.
Buyers can check out as guests so it doesn't matter if they receive policy violations on a registered account.
Buyers could always just get another User ID too, but since eBay won't give a buyer a policy violation, for anything, no matter how egregious, no matter how many times they do it (like 1,203 invalid bid retractions), there's really no need to do any of that, or anything at all, is there?
"Evolved the process". Our crack research has shown giving buyers a policy violation provides a "bad buyer experience", and makes them less likely to shop on eBay.
May as well throw open the jailhouse door, the prisoners escaped long ago anyhow...
06-27-2018 01:59 AM
@backmarker99 wrote:Its not so much the blocking buyers from countries I don't ship to, as when I offer items under "GlobalShip", it becomes a moot point.
Actually it isn’t a moot point as the gsp does not ship to all countries and does nor ship all items to the countries that they do ship to. It isn’t uncommon for buyers to purchase from a gsp listing even if their country isn’t listed and then ask for an inovice. If you use that block it saves you the hassle of having to cancel in a situation like that.
What I find troubling is the removal of the requirement of the buyer to have a PayPal account, "as buyers want to use other payment options that are also safe". So now, if the buyer wants to pay via any form of credit/debit card, but does not wish to have PayPal do the processing, I will have to cancel the transaction, due to no longer having a merchant account.
As pointed out by another poster PayPal processes credit cards even if the buyer doesn’t have a PayPal account so there is no need for you to have a merchant account. Also, when you blocked users without PP accounts, you also blocked anyone who didn’t have their eBay and Pp accounts linked. There are various reasons why someone would not want them to be linked.
06-27-2018 02:08 AM
@backmarker99, Thank you for posting!
Here is the validation you might have expected to be widely expressed on the boards:
It IS outrageous that ebay makes changes to policies without notifying sellers.
That the block preferences may have been ineffectual does not negate what I see as eBay's obligation to keep sellers notified of changes.
You are right, it is another sign/progression of a seller's decreasing ability to choose with whom we want to do business.
The best line of the document you quoted was, "Seller's who were choosing it were inadvertently blocking newly registered users from whom there was no risk." Definitely LOL!
What block preferences might have been useful in place of the obsolete blocks?
In my dreams .... Block buyers who have above average SNAD return rates....
For me, I am still here, still "listing" ("I'm a seller not a lister," I used to say to myself!), expending the extra effort now required to stay level-headed, make the right choices, don't get waylaid by fear or anger or boredom.
Good luck!