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Cant sell diapers???

So my wife and I recently had a child. And we were gifted many diapers. Our son outgrew the newborn diapers within 2 months. I tried to list 5 unopened packs today for a very fair price. Much less than what you'd pay retail even. And ebay says I cant?!


I get they are cracking down on price gougers. I loathe those people who buy up everything and try to rip everyone off. But for the love of God. I was trying to be fair about it. Not gouging anybody. Not like how ebay gouges sellers by taking a percentage of shipping fees from fair sellers who use CALCULATED SHIPPING OPTIONS!  With all thier fancy computers in 2021 you'd think ebay would have gotten fair about things and could create an algorithm or just not take money from sellers who list with actual wieght and dimensions calculated! Because thats not money in our pocket .. Who's the real criminals?  Guess I'll have to get rid of these diapers elsewhere. And no we aren't GIVING them away ebay!! Lol. We live paycheck to paycheck and if we can make a buck or 2 selling them way under retail and still make some mother grateful, we will.  


Message 1 of 21
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Re: Cant sell diapers???

Want to go after the real crooks. Get the people with ps5s and Xbox's and scalpers off of ebay.

Message 2 of 21
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Re: Cant sell diapers???

What reason did eBay give to explain why you cannot list them?

Message 3 of 21
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Re: Cant sell diapers???

I can't find empathy for someone complaining about others making a buck, when they themselves are trying to make a buck. 


You get diapers for free, and want to sell them (no issues with that). You want to profit from something you paid nothing for (no issues with that either). But yet you want to rip on others doing the same thing, when THEY are trying to feed their families too. 


Why is it OK for you to make money, but other people doing it are scalpers and crooks? Seems really ironic to me. Especially in light that YOU were gifted them, and instead of gifting them to another person in need or offering them back to the givers so they may give them to someone else. 


It's odd and eye opening, how one person's moral compass works. You call others scalpers and crooks for trying to make a buck on items. Yet you yourself are doing the same with a gift. Someone else GAVE you something, and you refuse to give it away, instead expecting to sell them for money. Money for something you didn't even pay for. So how do you justify THOSE kinds of morals in your mind?


Not that I think you are wrong or evil for wanting to sell the diapers. I just find it odd how quick you are to rip on another person for making money, but you are just fine with yourself doing the same thing. Every person here, is not much different than you. We all have someone else to feed. We all need the money for life's expenses. NO ONE is being forced to buy anything listed for sale here. 


With the level of finger pointing and accusations you used here, you should be careful who you are pointing fingers at, least you become a hypocrite. 

Message 4 of 21
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Re: Cant sell diapers???

I wasn't aware diapers were part of the list of restricted items list during the pandemic. Makes sense, though.

eBay pre-approved sellers that were already selling those items and my understanding is you have to get eBay's approval to list them. 

Message 5 of 21
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Re: Cant sell diapers???

Donate them to a domestic violence shelter and take a tax write off.  

Message 6 of 21
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Re: Cant sell diapers???

It seems really odd that diapers would be one of the items that eBay has on restriction.

Just at WalMart yesterday here in NE Ohio and they have literally almost an entire section that is nothing but diapers, probably 8-10 brands in a million sizes.  Are they scarce somewhere? 

Message 7 of 21
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Re: Cant sell diapers???

General reply to multiple posts:


Cant sell diapers???

Covid has been with us for a year, and will be with us for several more months. Due to shortages and public outrage, eBay chose to restrict who can sell certain items - masks, sanitizer, disinfectant, paper towels, toilet paper, diapers, wipes, etc.


And no we aren't GIVING them away ebay!!

Did eBay really suggest that you give them away? I find that hard to believe.


Guess I'll have to get rid of these diapers elsewhere.

Yes. Since you can't list them here, I would use that list of Craig's - that would help out a neighboring mother, get you that buck or 2 you are so concerned about (because "no, we're not GIVING them away!!"), and reduce the overall cost because no one has to pay shipping.


they have literally almost an entire section that is nothing but diapers{snip} Are they scarce somewhere? 

They used to be scarce, like toilet paper and paper towels.

I doubt eBay was interested in tracking availability and maintaining an ever-changing list of items that happen to be scarce in some area at some time. That would have been even more confusing and frustrating for sellers.


Message 8 of 21
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Re: Cant sell diapers???

...for heaven sake...more States are going fully opened...these call "essential" merchandises are filled up every grocery's not crisis to get them anymore...


...better report WalMart and Target about price gouging...Clorox Disinfectant Wipes container is from $1.89 for 75-80 wipes to $3.69 for only 35 wipes...


...maybe eBay needs to accordingly adjust their policies more suitable with current market...



Message 9 of 21
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Re: Cant sell diapers???

I completely agree with @farmalljr . I myself have sold a PS5 on eBay for not much more than the MSRP. All you see is how I am making a profit from the people wanting a console, but you never consider how hard it was for me to refresh the same pages every single day since the console launched so that I can get 2 of them (one for myself, one for sale). Plus, nobody forced anyone to buy the console from me. In fact, if I can get 2 PS5s without using a bot, anyone can do the same, too. But no, I am an a**hole and a scalper for trying my best everyday to BUY the console and resell it, while your actions of getting something for FREE  and selling them for a profit is justified.

Message 10 of 21
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Re: Cant sell diapers???

I was unaware that diapers were on the list

but I guess being essential  for babies   I guess they would fall in that  essential list of items under  that policy

Message 11 of 21
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Re: Cant sell diapers???

Once again

Xboxs are non-essentials

sellers are free to ask any price they  want  in the US FREE MARKET

In time the prices will go done when  retailers/sellers are stuck with unsold merchandise at the presently high price point.  




Message 12 of 21
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Re: Cant sell diapers???

@fashunu4eeuh wrote:

What reason did eBay give to explain why you cannot list them?

Diapers were banned in March of 2020, along with baby formula.

Have a great day.
Message 13 of 21
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Re: Cant sell diapers???

@bbravo65 wrote:

...for heaven sake...more States are going fully opened...these call "essential" merchandises are filled up every grocery's not crisis to get them anymore...


...better report WalMart and Target about price gouging...Clorox Disinfectant Wipes container is from $1.89 for 75-80 wipes to $3.69 for only 35 wipes...


...maybe eBay needs to accordingly adjust their policies more suitable with current market...



Now that Ebay sellers can't buy up all the stock to sell here, yes, you can find these items on store shelves.

Do you know what would happen if Ebay dropped the ban?

Look at how many sellers are still trying to sell the banned items.

Have a great day.
Message 14 of 21
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Re: Cant sell diapers???

You can feel good about this by donating the diapers to a local food bank. These are items often overlooked and unavailable - and greatly needed!

Message 15 of 21
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