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Cancelling all sales to international buyers who use a USA address

I am finding more & more sales where overseas buyers are using friends or relatives address & I am getting poked for international fees.     I rather lose the sale than get charged yet another fee.  EBAY needs to point blank put the load on the buyer for the international transaction fee..  Otherwise every sale will be axed and my response to the buyer will be >>  Sorry I am canceling the sale because I feel I should not get charged a INTERNATIONAL fee due to you being a foreign buyer using a USA based address.. Until eBay starts charging buyers that fee I will continue to cancel orders that pose an international fee to me which I didn't ask for.. 

Message 1 of 62
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Re: Cancelling all sales to international buyers who use a USA address

Peachy you still paid the extra fee is the point.  I am not in it for the feedback or any of the other stuff you mentioned.

Message 31 of 62
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Re: Cancelling all sales to international buyers who use a USA address

Really hasn't yet!  How would you know unless it happened to you. 


Message 32 of 62
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Re: Cancelling all sales to international buyers who use a USA address

in other words you don't check or care if your getting PORKED.

Message 33 of 62
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Re: Cancelling all sales to international buyers who use a USA address

since sept 2020 still selling - Ebay knows it & they know they are trying to put one over on everyone of us but like sheep most of you seem to enjoy taking the hit.


Message 34 of 62
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Re: Cancelling all sales to international buyers who use a USA address

My prices are set for USA buyers why should I make them suffer paying more for outta the country a holes.

Message 35 of 62
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Re: Cancelling all sales to international buyers who use a USA address

Yes, but I also obtained the sale of 9 items to 1 buyer - that we were more than happy to sell.


I respect that you do not want the fees - but I do want sales and they all sold for the asking pricing and we certainly would have accepted lower with the Best offer feature on each one.  I actually made more, even with the fees.  ymmv


You just really want to argue about this no matter how many helpful suggestions you receive.  If this is not avoidable except to cancel the order once received, I think others have pointed out this is likely not a good LONG Term business solution.  Might be better to embrace this variable some how that is, what it is - e-bay's sand box, e-bay's rules.  There is so much on this site and others that is unfair.....but whining about unfair does not pay the bills.  Sales, however.......





....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 36 of 62
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Re: Cancelling all sales to international buyers who use a USA address


The protection is indirect.  If a buyer wants to return an item, it is much more difficult to do so.  That provides protection .  

Message 37 of 62
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Re: Cancelling all sales to international buyers who use a USA address

@powell-memorabilia wrote:


The protection is indirect.  If a buyer wants to return an item, it is much more difficult to do so.  That provides protection .  


No if a foreign buyer wants to return an item but does not want to pay international shipping back to the freight forwarder then all they have to do is file and INAD case with their credit card company. This forces the U.S. based seller here on eBay to either issue a full refund or to pay for the return shipping label from the buyer's home country (international shipping label), all for a transaction that like the OP may not have wanted in the first place.


Every foreign buyer who utilizes a freight forwarder may not utilize eBay's Money Back Guarantee policy. They may end up utilizing the the stronger buyer protections offered to them through their payment method i.e a credit card, and the eBay seller is now going to have to dance to that tune.

Message 38 of 62
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Re: Cancelling all sales to international buyers who use a USA address


That is true of any sale/buyer.  We’re talking an incremental level of protection, certainly not absolute protection.


in my experience, charge backs are rare.  I’ve had one - for a GSP order that (supposedly) never made it to the buyer.  I did win that one.

Message 39 of 62
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Re: Cancelling all sales to international buyers who use a USA address



Interesting, the conflict between your post here and your user name. 


Message 40 of 62
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Re: Cancelling all sales to international buyers who use a USA address

Yes and I realized after I posted, there is the same rant/post from 2-2-21 lumbering around peeps are still posting on today as well.  So this is a multi-month rant - kewl. 


(I don't usually take the time to click on the poster info, but today did wondering how someone who sold here since 1999 was still here, but that unhappy with e-Bay.  The "about me" statement and the reply to his neutral was insightful.  It is not 1999 and we are not in Kansas any more.....and before someone blasts me - there are a lot of sellers stuck in "I worked hard and built my (insert whatever) on e-Bay and they just nickel and dime us and no one cares they built this site on our backs" mentality.  Yep.  That River dude did the same thing.  And countless other sites.  It sux, but you gotta adapt and get out of that rear-view mirror mentality.  I don't like the fee structures here either, but they are what they are.  If someone knows of a utopian sandbox, please let me know and I will met ya there).


....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 41 of 62
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Re: Cancelling all sales to international buyers who use a USA address

@sell-more wrote:

Until eBay starts charging buyers that fee I will continue to cancel orders that pose an international fee to me which I didn't ask for. 

Is this a recent decision, or did you also do that when you were faced with PayPal's international fees? 

Message 42 of 62
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Re: Cancelling all sales to international buyers who use a USA address

@luckythewinner wrote:

@sell-more wrote:

Until eBay starts charging buyers that fee I will continue to cancel orders that pose an international fee to me which I didn't ask for. 

Is this a recent decision, or did you also do that when you were faced with PayPal's international fees? 


I cant speak for the OP but speaking for myself the answer could be maybe.  In the past when a seller had a foreign buyer utilizing a freight forwarder then they paid 4.4% on the total sale and that included the sales tax collected on behalf of the state where the freight forwarder was located.


But starting on Thursday (new fee rates go active) when a book seller sells a book to a buyer utilizing a freight forwarder they will be paying 16.2% (14.55% + 1.65%) on the total sale to include the sales tax collected on behalf of the state where the freight forwarder was located.


16.2% IS A FAR CRY FROM 4.4%!


So when I see sellers like yourself trot out this red herring I have to wonder.......

Message 43 of 62
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Re: Cancelling all sales to international buyers who use a USA address

never got them with paypal.

Message 44 of 62
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Re: Cancelling all sales to international buyers who use a USA address

It is not a solution it is an executive decision I made with me myself & I.  Wanting other to realize they are probably getting porked & have no idea.

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