08-07-2019 04:27 AM
Once again I sold a PICK-UP ONLY item to someone who expected it to be shipped for free.
This is a pool ladder being sold for under $20, and shipping the oversize package would be triple-digits.
I don't know how to make it any clearer that it is pickup only, Capital letters in title and on picture, repeated twice in description in bold (see my 401829135525). Doesn't stop some people from buying (and sometimes paying), then wanting me to ship it for free.
Think its free to cancel an order and make a refund?
Paypal deducts an additional amount, larger than the refund.
When I cancelled due to customer asking to cancel, ebay now says it will be automatically relisted, with their fees tacked on.
As usual, seller gets the entire brunt of the buyer's refusal (or inability) to READ. I pay fees, plus the item is off the market for as long as the buyer takes to respond (if they bother to do that).
12-03-2019 11:24 AM
@herecometheplayas wrote:I wouldn't want to go through the extra expense of shipping to a buyer who then asks for a return as soon as they got the item, but I DO think we should at least be able to refund minus the paypal fee or minus a restocking fee. And I also think buyers should give a reason why they cancelled immediately after buying. eBay would probably NEVER allow that, because sellers would most likely find that it was because eBay showed the buyer cheaper items from other sellers as soon as they clicked the "purchase" button
I agree. In fact I've suggested is several times on various threads and on the Weekly Chat. IMHO seller should be able to charge a 3.5% processing fee on cancellations requested by the buyers that have already paid for the item. That should be just enough to cover the PP fees.
It isn't Ebay's responsibility to make up those fees to sellers as PP is just another vendor for sellers. But I do think Ebay can give us a tool to enable us to be made whole on a cancellation request by buyers.
12-03-2019 11:27 AM
12-03-2019 11:37 AM
@herecometheplayas wrote:
eBay sees nothing wrong with collecting tax from the buyer and tacking on the extra few cents to our PayPal fees, it would be nice if they would do this for us
Well that I can't agree with, because it is simply not true. Not only did Ebay have to develop or purchase the software to actually do the sale tax collections on buyers, they have to maintain and update that software as well. Ebay also has to collect the money, account for it, file a report with each state involved and pay those states the proper amount of money. While you may thing this is nothing or doesn't cost Ebay anything, that is simply not true.
Ebay isn't responsible for PP fees. PP is a separate company and Ebay gets nothing from their fees. So Ebay owes us nothing because Ebay charges a fee for sales tax collected and that is completely different from what we were discussing about cancellations. These are two completely separate issues.
I think it is very nice of Ebay to offer this tax service at NO COST to sellers. So in my mind, the little bit I pay to PP for processing that portion of the payment for sales tax is a very small price to pay. I'm saving far more than I'm paying. I like that.
12-03-2019 11:46 AM
12-03-2019 11:55 AM
@herecometheplayas wrote:
Well, when you put it THAT way... 🙂
I hope they get the bugs out soon. I've noticed taxes being taken out in states where there is no tax (yet), and a couple of sales from my own state that had taxes added as well
I know. We often forget that there are real costs associated with the site. There are all kinds of real people in the background running, maintaining and managing all these programs. It is really quite expensive to run a site of this size.
There aren't any bugs in the tax collection system that I'm aware of. What have you seen?
What states are you speaking of specifically? What state are you in?
12-03-2019 12:01 PM
Since the State requirements are on EBay to collect and remit sales tax in MF states, I don’t see how it is nice to sellers to do it for free. Programming and maintaining the system is their burden and something they have to do to meet the laws.
12-03-2019 12:02 PM
I've seen a couple in Arizona and here in Texas. One lady told me they are not supposed to collect for AZ, but I've seen a couple of sales where it was taken out, and from a city that it wasn't taken out for the same city a day previously. And if I am supposed to collect it for Texas, I don't like to see it taken out as I have on a couple of occasions. Either do it all or let me do it all, I don't want to have to also keep up with what eBay took out and what I took out and have to be able to show both
12-03-2019 12:08 PM
@the*dog*ate*my*tablecloth wrote:Since the State requirements are on EBay to collect and remit sales tax in MF states, I don’t see how it is nice to sellers to do it for free. Programming and maintaining the system is their burden and something they have to do to meet the laws.
We view it differently. I'm glad they aren't charging us for their service on this. I have no idea if the laws allow them to do it or not. I'm just glad I don't have to pay for it or try to maintain all that stuff.
12-03-2019 12:13 PM
@herecometheplayas wrote:I've seen a couple in Arizona and here in Texas. One lady told me they are not supposed to collect for AZ, but I've seen a couple of sales where it was taken out, and from a city that it wasn't taken out for the same city a day previously. And if I am supposed to collect it for Texas, I don't like to see it taken out as I have on a couple of occasions. Either do it all or let me do it all, I don't want to have to also keep up with what eBay took out and what I took out and have to be able to show both
Texas jointed the list of states requiring the sales tax to be collected by Marketplaces on October 1st.
Arizona also started on October first.
As of October 1st you were no longer able to collect sales tax from your Texan buyers on Ebay. Ebay would be blocking you from doing that.
You need to check with your state as to your reporting requirements on retail sales after October 1st.
For my state I'm still required to report all my retail sales, no matter where that sale happened, Ebay, Etsy, Amazon or wherever, then I take a deduction for the sales that had taxes collected by a Marketplace. My balance may be zero or it may have a balance such as yours should because you were responsible for collecting sales tax for the first 9 months of the year.
Keep GOOD records and check with your state for your reporting requirements.
12-04-2019 01:31 PM
12-04-2019 01:32 PM
12-04-2019 01:36 PM
@movieman630 wrote:
They would have to lie in order to force a return and as long as I still have their written reason for wanting to cancel when I call CS they will clearly see that they are lying to force a return.
That may be true, but they will still win if the seller tries to dispute it.
12-04-2019 01:39 PM
12-04-2019 01:44 PM
@movieman630 wrote:
Not if you call and speak to them. CSR's are not dumb they can see when something is being manipulated by the buyer just to force a return. Especially when they wanted to cancel immediately after buying because they made a mistake or something.
Well then you have had better luck than many here to include the entire Chat team as I've brought issues to them before. Since the change in how Ebay handles claims happened in October of last year I have not been able to get Ebay to deny an INAD for me no matter how much proof I have had, even the actual written words of the buyer.
I am however glad to hear that your experience is different than many others. It gives us all hope.
12-04-2019 01:54 PM