08-07-2019 04:27 AM
Once again I sold a PICK-UP ONLY item to someone who expected it to be shipped for free.
This is a pool ladder being sold for under $20, and shipping the oversize package would be triple-digits.
I don't know how to make it any clearer that it is pickup only, Capital letters in title and on picture, repeated twice in description in bold (see my 401829135525). Doesn't stop some people from buying (and sometimes paying), then wanting me to ship it for free.
Think its free to cancel an order and make a refund?
Paypal deducts an additional amount, larger than the refund.
When I cancelled due to customer asking to cancel, ebay now says it will be automatically relisted, with their fees tacked on.
As usual, seller gets the entire brunt of the buyer's refusal (or inability) to READ. I pay fees, plus the item is off the market for as long as the buyer takes to respond (if they bother to do that).
12-04-2019 02:07 PM
@movieman630 wrote:
I just had another guy tonight buy something for $70.00 then immediately want to cancel it because he didn't realize it wasn't the right part number for his car. Well who's fault is that really? I have "All Sales Final" clearly written on my policies. He's basically now threatening exactly what we're talking about here. "I'll just lie and force a return". I told him to send me the $2.33 paypal fee through paypal and only then will I cancel the transaction. I'm done paying for other peoples mistakes. Before paypal changed the rule I was way more generous and understanding in cancelling an order. Not anymore. They're forcing us to become tyrants. How is that productive to anyone?
Because I understand a rule and/or can explain it doesn't necessarily mean I like it or support it. Those are very different things.
I understand why you say what you have said in this matter. I even agree with it. But you also need to look at these as business transactions and get your personal feelings out of it. Your personal feelings and resulting actions are likely to get your business into trouble with Ebay over time due to dings and defects.
But that is your choice to make. You can stand your ground right up until you have enough dings and defects for Ebay to Sanction you. Or maybe we will all get lucky and Ebay will change the return system before that happens. I certainly hope so for all of us.
I sincerely hope everything works out for you.