08-25-2017 07:16 AM
I am trying to purchase the moschino x sephora eyeshadow palette which is sold out online and in stores, and even though it sold for only $48.00 online, everyone on ebay is selling it for almost 3 times that amount which is a rip off.
Why do this?? You will get more buyers if you sell it for the original price. I even just came across a person who had a whopping 7 palettes that they purchased for original value and jacked the price up to be twice as high!
Is there a way to report these sort of sellers? I love ebay but people should have a limit on how much higher they are allowed to sell things so that buyers arent getting ripped off. =/
08-27-2017 09:40 AM
You all are so pressed cuz i dont wanna spend my money
I thought you weren't coming back.
What does "pressed" mean?
08-27-2017 10:20 AM
@xnanichanx : " I dont need to address it, its illegal but it doesnt mean that ripping people off is ok."
It is also consider defamation when you incorrectly label 'fraudulent' on your OP Title.
You misled readers on your OP title. Further reading, discovered that OP is groundless
on 'fraudulent' claims of the sellers. That is NOT a good territory to venture - especially
in an open community forum.
*still rollin' with the punches*
08-27-2017 10:26 AM
08-27-2017 10:26 AM
@themagicmountain wrote:Learn how these `brand name ripoffs cheat you out of your food money lol
You get nothing more for $48 than the cheap stuff in the drugstore. The marketers prey on the minds of people who don't know how it all works
With all due respect to you and your opinion- as a makeup artist, I can tell the difference between high and low end brands. I can feel it when I use them and I can see how it lays on the skin and long it lasts.
"Ripoff" like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.
08-27-2017 10:28 AM
@xnanichanx wrote:
I dont need to address it, its illegal but it doesnt mean that ripping people off is ok.
you are telling a selling platform to enact and then enforce an illegal action.
You do need to address it.
08-27-2017 10:28 AM
08-27-2017 10:29 AM
@xnanichanx wrote:
Joe get off my post and go do something more productive lmao
Only mods can tell anyone who to post here, sorry.
Jump back on Joe
08-27-2017 10:51 AM
@xnanichanx wrote:
I dont need to address it, its illegal but it doesnt mean that ripping people off is ok.
If they are willing to pay for it they aren't getting ripped off.
Its become clear that you're a troll, please go back to your bridge
08-27-2017 10:57 AM
@*help_no_brakes* wrote:
@xnanichanx wrote:
I am also giving the truth, which is selling products for almost 3 times more than the actual manufacturer is wrong.
Now I feel guilty about the thousands of Lego sets I have purchased over the last 55 years & sold at more than 10 times my aquisiton costs...many purchased direct from Lego in Denmark.
Not to mention the item I purchased recently for $5 and sold for $600.06 at auction.
Strange how the buyers were pleased with the items & the price.
Well according to OP, thats fraud and you ripped those poor buyers off......but don't worry, we'll all write to you in prison 🙂
08-27-2017 11:00 AM
You want to outlaw profits? Never ever going to happen.
08-27-2017 11:57 AM
@mg152 wrote:
I'll admit I have a particular eyeshadow I like. I buy 2-3 at a time from eBay sellers because it's been discontinued for years. Oddly enough I get it cheaper now than when it was in the store. Actually I need some more in case I can ever see well enough to use it again.
I cannot think of anything in the cosmetics line that has been discontinued that I could not live without.
Most of the time I find something I like even better. And that search mission is half the fun.
08-27-2017 11:58 AM
@mg152 wrote:
@a*river*runs*through*it wrote:"Folks don't have to sell on ebay to put food on the table, etc. There are jobs out there, even seasonal ones to make extra Christmas cash."
Oh really? And how pray tell do you know that?
Not everbody is physically capable of having outside jobs. Many people might be too old to get hired anywhere, many people are caretakers of others and can't hold an outside job, etc...
Many sellers use ebay to supplement a minimum wage job. Most of us living in the real world know that a minimum wage job won't feed the kids, pay for daycare, gas, bills, etc.
I have an outside job.
If I didn't need to sell on Ebay, you can bet your sweet rump I wouldn't be here.
Quit making blanket statements about Ebay sellers who you clearly know nothing about.
Amen! I've been disabled for 15 yrs & now my eyesight is pretty much gone. I can't work & even with insurance my medical bills hover around $2000 a month.
I am so sorry.
Having diabetes, that possibility is always at the back of my mind.
08-27-2017 12:02 PM
@mg152 wrote:
I get your frustration! I've been there myself but I only blamed myself. Some years ago, my child wanted a tickle me Elmo. Well, I didn't get to the store fast enough (this was before internet) & I couldn't afford the $300 & up people were selling them for on the radio & newpapers. My kid never got the Elmo & he grew up just fine.
I really do get it but you can't be mad at people that are trying to earn a living either.
The few times I've lucked into a money maker, I buy a few & leave some for others but I'm sure another seller comes right behind me & takes them all. It's just how free enterprise works. I hope you get your palette.
I have done it with beanie babies and power rangers.
And if I could do it over I would have never get sucked into it . I would just wait, as they invariable do, to come back on the shelves.
There were also 2 other products I drove my self crazy over during the Christmas season which turned out to be junk. Once they came back, they could not gi e them away.
I wonder how many drove themselves nuts over those animal things popping out of eggs. And what will be the the next must have. Thankfully my children are now all grown.
08-27-2017 12:07 PM
@themagicmountain wrote:You want to know the real ripoff?
Makeup is made in a few factories.It is all the same thing. They just put it in different containers, slap on different brand names to suck people in, and get them to overpay for average stuff.
You can match all those shades with inexpensive drugstore type makeup made in the same factories, or cheaper brands you can find on Ebay, and save your money. It will be the same thing.
We are all getting tricked with the brand name game, promised something special which we aren't getting
Not to derail, but it is the same as pet food.
With all the problems from some varieties from China, where dogs have gotten sick and even died, I was relieved mine was not one of them. Then I learned they are pretty much all made in the same factories with just different company names on them.
08-27-2017 12:13 PM
@themagicmountain wrote:Learn how these `brand name ripoffs cheat you out of your food money lol
You get nothing more for $48 than the cheap stuff in the drugstore. The marketers prey on the minds of people who don't know how it all works
Exactly. The only part you can actually use is the eye shadow itself. I will not pay extra for elaborate packaging.