08-25-2017 07:16 AM
I am trying to purchase the moschino x sephora eyeshadow palette which is sold out online and in stores, and even though it sold for only $48.00 online, everyone on ebay is selling it for almost 3 times that amount which is a rip off.
Why do this?? You will get more buyers if you sell it for the original price. I even just came across a person who had a whopping 7 palettes that they purchased for original value and jacked the price up to be twice as high!
Is there a way to report these sort of sellers? I love ebay but people should have a limit on how much higher they are allowed to sell things so that buyers arent getting ripped off. =/
08-25-2017 07:25 AM
08-25-2017 07:28 AM
I even just came across a person who had a whopping 7 palettes that they purchased for original value
And if that person sells it here for the original retail price, which is what you want to pay, then the person loses money. Why would the person do that?
For a long time I made a lot of money selling sold out/hard to find very high end cosmetics. *I* was the one who did all of the research, did the legwork, found the items, forked out full retail price for the inventory, and took the risks in reselling. Of course I marked it up.
You're not getting ripped off; you're just mad at yourself that you didn't get around to purchasing the palette when it came out. Did you think it would go down in price?
This Topic Turns Me From Usual Jolly Person To Meanie Person
08-25-2017 07:28 AM
This isn't a fraudulent sale then. It's basic supply and demand. It's a free market, sellers are free to set their own prices.
08-25-2017 07:35 AM
So a discontinued item is selling for more than retail because it's...discontinued? And this is fraudulent how? Once an item is "retired" it actually can become more valuable due to scarcity. You should know about supply and demand. It's pretty much the cornerstone of selling.
The very first Barbie doll sold for $3.00 in 1959. Today a perfect example of one in the box can fetch $10,000. If I had one, should I sell it for $3.00 because you didn't get the opportunity to buy one new in 1959?
Come on now.
08-25-2017 08:18 AM
even though it sold for only $48.00 online, everyone on ebay is selling it for almost 3 times that amount which is a rip off. Why do this?? You will get more buyers if you sell it for the original price.
To make a profit. This is how supply and demand works. This basic rule of economics have been understood for thousands of years.
Is there a way to report these sort of sellers?
Ther is nothing to report them for. eBay does not have any rules against sellers trying to maximize their profit.
people should have a limit on how much higher they are allowed to sell things so that buyers arent getting ripped off
Generally speaking, this is how democracy works. And what you are suggesting is one of the ways that democracy gets dismaantled.
08-25-2017 09:15 AM
It the make up is authentic then there is no fraud, sellers can charge whatever they want, it may not be a wise move but they can charge whatever they want.
08-25-2017 10:32 AM
@xnanichanx wrote:I am trying to purchase the moschino x sephora eyeshadow palette which is sold out online and in stores, and even though it sold for only $48.00 online, everyone on ebay is selling it for almost 3 times that amount which is a rip off.
Why do this?? You will get more buyers if you sell it for the original price. I even just came across a person who had a whopping 7 palettes that they purchased for original value and jacked the price up to be twice as high!
Is there a way to report these sort of sellers? I love ebay but people should have a limit on how much higher they are allowed to sell things so that buyers arent getting ripped off. =/
It is called free enterprise.
And as long as it is not water after a drought, gas after a natural disaster, or food after a hurricane it is not illegal.
And that is why even if this were my favorite makep in the whole world I would try something else before paying those prices.
08-25-2017 10:34 AM
@tellmemama wrote:So a discontinued item is selling for more than retail because it's...discontinued? And this is fraudulent how? Once an item is "retired" it actually can become more valuable due to scarcity. You should know about supply and demand. It's pretty much the cornerstone of selling.
The very first Barbie doll sold for $3.00 in 1959. Today a perfect example of one in the box can fetch $10,000. If I had one, should I sell it for $3.00 because you didn't get the opportunity to buy one new in 1959?
Come on now.
I was born the year these Barbies came out and received quite a few as gifts. If only I had held on to them, I could have retired already.
08-25-2017 10:35 AM
@xnanichanx Supply & demand ... eBay Sellers have the supply and the demand is driven by availability where folks normally purchase it ... if the stores run out then eBay Sellers stand to gain ... as to 3 times the price you might see in a store, well if the market bares that price and Buyers want the product and are willing to pay it is a win win. If Buyers do NOT buy the higher priced items the Sellers will eventually lower their price.
08-25-2017 10:37 AM
08-25-2017 10:42 AM
The palette was literally released yesterday and is sold out, only because people rushed to buy a bunch of them to sell on ebay for three times its worth. I really dont care about supply and demand or democracy...If you pay almost $200 for a newly released palette that is only $48, you're being ripped off.
08-25-2017 10:46 AM
Lmao so paying almost $200 for a makeup palette that literally just came out yesterday and the seller probably got for $48 isnt getting ripped off???
Would you pay those prices? Do you think thats worth it?
08-25-2017 10:47 AM
@xnanichanx wrote:The palette was literally released yesterday and is sold out, only because people rushed to buy a bunch of them to sell on ebay for three times its worth. I really dont care about supply and demand or democracy...If you pay almost $200 for a newly released palette that is only $48, you're being ripped off.
Exactly - if you buy. I never would, So many other things out there to choose from.
And since they are just sold out, not discontinued, just wait a bit until your store gets restocked.
Then you will see these prices sink fast.
08-25-2017 10:51 AM
If you feel they are being ripped off, remember it's not your money..it's theirs..
I do feel your pain regarding these pallettes..I am a Rouge member at Sephora and know how hard it is to get these pallettes..
If it makes you feel any better..other than the Teddy Bear packaging, the quality of the eyeshadows are okay..not anything spectacular like the Rennaisance pallette..