08-01-2020 04:49 AM
Since the US refuses to do what is necessary to stem the tide of COVID, eBay should let the 50,000 free listings continue. Just a thought. lol Stay safe all. 🙂 PS - let the unwanted MP continue to slide, also.
08-01-2020 07:13 AM
You should consider registering as an agent for a foreign government. The U.S. government has a lot on their plate right now and probably doesn't have time to consider the personal needs of one Canadian seller on eBay.
08-01-2020 07:40 AM
I want a government that doesn't run my life and make decisions for me. I don't need to be told what to do. If people don't wear a mask or won't stay home then there's a remedy for that. Stay home or carry pepper spray if they get in your personal space.
08-01-2020 07:49 AM - edited 08-01-2020 07:50 AM
@fab_finds4u wrote:I want a government that doesn't run my life and make decisions for me. I don't need to be told what to do. If people don't wear a mask or won't stay home then there's a remedy for that. Stay home or carry pepper spray if they get in your personal space.
Amen to that! We have faaaaaaaar too much government involvement in our lives as it is.
Since the US is so bad, I think the OP should suspend sales to the US entirely, and do it immediately. Don't want to be sending such quality merchandise to a bunch of lowlifes, now do we?
08-01-2020 07:53 AM
Can you read? Did I can anything about your gov't?? LOL It's eBay's decision on how many free listings they give.
08-01-2020 08:01 AM
OP has a long history of snide remarks towards our government. Not at all representative of most of the great Canadian posters here.
08-01-2020 08:33 AM
I think the USA govt did too much, first off masks DON’T work, your a fool if you think so. Secondly until the herd is inoculated, this is just a big waste of time, just completely and 100 percent contrived by the criminal democrats to win the election, plain and simple, and since their criminal buddies in China released it for them from the lab, they don’t care about killing there own people to take over the world, example Tenamon square(sp) this is what you get, a entire country of misinformed fools running around with masks. Each vote for a democrat is a vote for Socialism.
08-01-2020 08:49 AM
@pickersfindparadise_8 wrote:I think the USA govt did too much, first off masks DON’T work, your a fool if you think so. Secondly until the herd is inoculated, this is just a big waste of time, just completely and 100 percent contrived by the criminal democrats to win the election, plain and simple, and since their criminal buddies in China released it for them from the lab, they don’t care about killing there own people to take over the world, example Tenamon square(sp) this is what you get, a entire country of misinformed fools running around with masks. Each vote for a democrat is a vote for Socialism.
I wear a mask when I go out to protect YOU from me, because it does help a great deal to block droplets released when breathing, speaking, coughing, etc. I don't wear one to protect ME from you, because it helps very little. The virus can be picked up through the eyes and other mucous membranes. The more people who wear masks, the less the virus is spread, because less gets released out into the environment.
It's not a waste of time, and it's not repressing your freedom. You're free to go wherever you want and if a mask is required, then wear one. A private business, or a governmental business, can set any clothing requirements they so desire. Nobody complains about the "no shirt, no shoes, no service" signs, why are they complaining about this? It's plain old common sense.
Is this some contrived Democratic plan to skew the election? Of course not. These crazy conspiracy theories make conservatives and Republicans look like fools. While not a Republican ( I don't politically identify) I AM a conservative, and I don't appreciate people thinking I'm a fool because of all these crazy theories.
I think both parties should be totally and thoroughly ashamed of their behaviors trying to divide, divide, divide. This isn't a political issue, it's a medical and a common sense issue, but the two major parties want to make it all political.
Please, everyone, vote in November. Vote for ANYONE except a Democrat or Republican. It it has a D or an R next to it, ignore, ignore, ignore. If you can write in a candidate, do so. Please. It can't get worse than this.
08-01-2020 08:58 AM
It started In a lab, was contrived by Democrats to win this election, since all other plans to overthrow a elected President, failed. It’s way over your head I’m afraid. But thx.
08-01-2020 09:01 AM
@sakic92710 wrote:Since the US refuses to do what is necessary to stem the tide of COVID, eBay should let the 50,000 free listings continue. Just a thought. lol Stay safe all. 🙂 PS - let the unwanted MP continue to slide, also.
Perhaps because eBay's GMV in Q2 grew by 36% in the USA, which indicates that COVID is not slowing overall online sales.
08-01-2020 09:21 AM
@pickersfindparadise_8 wrote:It started In a lab, was contrived by Democrats to win this election, since all other plans to overthrow a elected President, failed. It’s way over your head I’m afraid. But thx.
This is exactly what I mean.
I didn't vote for Trump. I didn't vote for H. Clinton. I was, however, very happy with the way things were going under the President's reign, all the while dodging the ridiculous attempts at the Democratic party to get rid of him. They should be ashamed, but for people who have no shame I guess it's all over their heads. I don't think he's handled the pandemic all that great, though. He should have been less hard headed and more open to listening to his medical advisors.
I don't know how this virus came about. I'm not a scientist. I do know it was around far longer than the Chinese admit. If anything, it has nothing to do with controlling our election and more to do with the Chinese "getting rid of the competition" at the expense of their own people. The communists are notorious for that. That's what they've done throughout history.
Democratic plan to win the election? That's rich. If you want a conspiracy theory, it's a communist plot to destroy other nations. That fits far better than your theory.
Or how about the truth? It's a new virus that nobody knows about and that everyone is trying to deal with the best way they know how with the information available at the time. Nah....that makes too much sense...
Take off the red glasses. Take off the blue glasses. See things for what they are, not for what they appear to be.
08-01-2020 09:37 AM
@southern*sweet*tea wrote:Since the US is so bad, I think the OP should suspend sales to the US entirely, and do it immediately. Don't want to be sending such quality merchandise to a bunch of lowlifes, now do we?
The OP has came here several times saying they will do just that. So far he has not done what he said he is going to do.
08-01-2020 11:24 AM
You might want to look up "Occam's razor" regarding your very far fetched conspiracy theory.
Virus's are not political, virus's carry a genetic code that traces them (eventually) to their place of origin. Nature. Zoonotic spread. Humans and their very close proximity to other species + the unsanitary conditions a great many people in other parts of the World are forced to live in create zoonotic diseases like Covid 19.
In the meantime, wear a mask. They work.
Our Government was VERY foolish to try and brush this aside due to politics. Virus's don't care if you are democrat, republican, peace and freedom, independent or any other political party, they don't care if you are rich or poor (although you are more likely to survive it if you have money in America), they don't care. You are food and a place to make babies and carry on their species.
Don't believe in masks? Then by means, walk unmasked through a Covid ward and let us all know the results 🙂
BTW, I am a Retired Veterinary Technician with a Science Degree. I wear a mask, I did in practice and I definitely wear one now. THEY WORK. Not 100% effective, but they give YOU and ME a huge advantage.
Did you know that you need (usually) more than a few particles of a virus to get sick? Breath in a lesser amount, your bodies T cells activate the B cells that make the ANTIBODIES to kill the virus. You quite likely have already been exposed to Covid and didn't get enough to get you sick.
THAT is what your mask is for, to lessen the AMOUNT of virus that gets through to your nose, eyes, mouth. Mostly nose. You want a full blast of virus from the person in the grocery store who has it and doesn't know yet, or would prefer a small bit that your body can fight off in most situations?
I take the latter. Politics be %#&@!
08-01-2020 12:05 PM
Neither has eBay. 😛
08-01-2020 12:08 PM
@pickersfindparadise_8 wrote:It started In a lab, was contrived by Democrats to win this election, since all other plans to overthrow a elected President, failed. It’s way over your head I’m afraid. But thx.
Too much bleach.