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CA Prop 65 Warning - Are there any sellers using the warnings on their listings already?

As a business where we sell Upholstery Fabrics and Vinyls, we are trying to gear up for the new CA Prop 65 warning that goes into effect on August 30th.  Are there any sellers that already have the warnings in place on their listings already?  I would like to see what other sellers are doing to preparte for this new requirement.  In actuality I would like to eliminate selling to CA altogether to avoid the headache but seeing as how we can not eliminate CA, I guess we need to do what we have to do.  Any input and/or feedback is much appreciated.

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CA Prop 65 Warning - Are there any sellers using the warnings on their listings already?

So this Proposition bacame a law in 1986?  What's all the commotion about then?  I glanced through the text and didn't see anything that would suggest to me that it would be enforceable against anyone that's not in the state of California.  I can only assume that what ebay is doing is solely for sellers that reside in that state.

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CA Prop 65 Warning - Are there any sellers using the warnings on their listings already?

@berserkerplanet wrote:
And the "uhoh!" reactions to the unintended consequences of that poorly thought out law begin:

(I'm in CA - the nanny state Smiley Sad)

Good article!


A list of 900 cancer causing agents?  Could just being alive cause cancer?  I'm in CA too, and over the decades have seen many good regulations/ideas taken to ridiculous extremes. 


I'm waiting for those dire warnings that come with every cup of coffee.  What about the milk in the lattes?  And that chocolate dust you sprinkle on top?  CA and its judges certainly provides lots of work for lawyers.

Message 32 of 39
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CA Prop 65 Warning - Are there any sellers using the warnings on their listings already?

I feel ebay needs to make an "opt out California" button.  For those of us that don't know the origin of everything, it would help keep the ambulance chasers away.  😞


It would actually solve a lot of the problems with prop65 .

Message 33 of 39
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CA Prop 65 Warning - Are there any sellers using the warnings on their listings already?

Cally the NANNY STATE!  How does this apply to vintage /used items??

Message 34 of 39
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CA Prop 65 Warning - Are there any sellers using the warnings on their listings already?

@nowthatsjustducky wrote:

You could always just leave it blank.


There is no legal requirement for anyone not operating within or having any business presence in California to comply with this demand.


I treat it like the Country of Origin box, as well as the UPC box on anything that is not new in package; I treat it as optional and ignorable.

Not true, if you sell into california and have over 10 employees you do have a legal requirement.

Message 35 of 39
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CA Prop 65 Warning - Are there any sellers using the warnings on their listings already?

@awishingwell wrote:

I actually could care less whatever california is doing - I'll wait for them to succeed from the union and become a foreign country


Here is why you have to care if you have 10 or more employees. There is an industry in California that is made up of law firms that hire people to buy items hoping to find Prop 65 violations. If you are clean you get off cheap and only get nailed for shipping costs. If you are in violation it is like an ADA violation. They willl come seeking big dollars and settle around $5000.00 per incident. The state of California does not enforce Prop 65 it is these super sleezy law firms that do. The state only gets involved with huge cases. I have friends in Florida, Colorado. Minnesota, and Nevada that have had run ins with these sleeze bag lawyers 

Message 36 of 39
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CA Prop 65 Warning - Are there any sellers using the warnings on their listings already?

@toooldtorock wrote:

"California also leads the way for other forward-thinking, progessive states and countries"


They need to stop hot dogging it and just get to the ultimate goal:


Ban people.

Speaking of which........

Reality is the leading cause of stress.
Message 37 of 39
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CA Prop 65 Warning - Are there any sellers using the warnings on their listings already?

I’m considering adding, “Seller is Exempt” as the CA Prop 65 warning. It’s completely truthful, as I AM the only employee. Hopefully, buyers will think I’m a special snowflake and buy more stuff from me.

I'm ̶p̶r̶e̶t̶t̶y̶ ̶s̶u̶r̶e̶ certain the lunatics have taken over the asylum.
Message 38 of 39
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CA Prop 65 Warning - Are there any sellers using the warnings on their listings already?

That's an interesting term which I see bandied about a lot. "Progressive" is often tossed about as something superior to whatever now exists, when what it actually means, when used in a political sense, is "incrementally". Many people with ill intentions have been "progressives", both in this country and in other countires in times past. Essentially, they want to get from whatever exists now (Point A) to their utopian idea of what they think things should be (Point B), but they know they can't do that in one fell swoop, as the jump would be too jolting to society and there would be a revolt. So instead, many incremental or "progressive" steps are taken over a long period of time, and often covering generations, in order to reach the desired goal. Those alive at the start often know they will not see their goals met in their lifetimes, since the process is slow and each small step has to be accepted by society before the next can be launched. "Therefore, it takes generations of people doing the work "progressively" to get there. In the long game, citizens of later generations don't realize what has been lost or given up earlier and so losing just a little more of what they have left doesn't seem too bad, but that's how the next "progressive" step is made."

I assume you are talking about the current Republicans in the Federal offices.
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