06-28-2023 02:06 PM - last edited on 06-28-2023 06:09 PM by kh-gary
I have been Buying and Selling On eBay Since 1996! Not a Power Seller or Power Buyer Just Sell A few Things That I don't Use anymore and Clean up my House! Never Would I sell Thrift Shop Items, Untested Junk or Yard Sale Items that Cost $5.00 and Sell On eBay for $39.00 and Buying, I look at Prices and Sometimes they are Less on eBay and a Few Bucks More on Amazon so I like to Give my business to the Little eBay Sellers even thou you never get your item the next day or even Same day Delivery like Amazon!
As Of Today I will Never Buy Anything on eBay Again! Half the Time It's Delivered From Amazon anyway by Drop Shipper eBay Sellers. But After I Figured Out that I was Being Charged Seller Fees on my Items Plus My Shipping Expenses and the Tax the Buyer Paid As my Income and Auction Value at a rate of almost 14% and sometimes the Shipping is More Than the Item itself! So If the Shipping is an Item Value and My Income I guess you Just Keep the Money and this Criminal total is also being Reported to the IRS as Your Income not to mention the Seller Fees 3 times the Value of the Item that sold! Even Items That never get paid for are left in your 90day seller totals as items you sold without a dime being paid is Your Auction Value! So I sold 5 Items That hadn't been Paid but Show SOLD at a Whopping 1,029.00 on my Seller Dashboard But My Payout 463.57 to my Bank, The Non-Pays and Canceled Items Stay Indefinitely On my Seller Dashboard as Sold Items and reported to the IRS as My Income of 1,029.00 and I print my Label Via eBay So Once I hit Purchase Label It's An Expense Not a Value and the Tax the Buyer Paid If they Payed anything Is a Value to the Government Nobody else but That's a Value to me as well? So Maybe If You keep the Shipping Money and never Ship the Items that's A value to me as a seller? So Enough with the eBay Games and AMAZON no Games, EZ returns NOT the Work it Out with Between your self for a few weak and The Your eBay Parents will Step in and Decide What Kid they will Grant the Return Shipping Expenses! Amazon Does It All, Ship, Pack, Sell, Free Instant Returns! and No Games. Half the Crap on eBay Comes From Thrift Shops that cost $5.00 Untested Junk and Yard Sales or Amazon?
Selling A few more Items and Good Bye eBay. Millions have already Started Figuring This Out. I have Never Got An eMail From Amazon (WE ARE CHANGING OR POLICY AGAIN) eBay Doesn't Do Anything But Count Money and Let the Algorithms Collect Money! Sellers Do It All And Made eBay.
The Only Way You can Make Money on eBay Is to Sell Free Goods and Wait till The IRS Hits you with the Tax on the Dashboard totals! The Payout is What I made not the Seller dashboard. And I had to buy the Items That I sell And I paid Tax For Them and Now the Buyers Tax is My Profit? and Shipping Expense Is My Profit? CRIMINAL It wasn't OK that People Listed Items for Buy It Now 1.00 and Put 120.00 shipping so eBay Thought It would Be ok For them To do it to Millions of Seller would be OK? Because eBay Only Charged fees on Item Value and they Lost Money So What they did to Retaliate is This to all sellers? NOT OK & eBay is Self-destructing. Sad Sad Day @ eBay
Now eBay Automotive (PARTS THAT FIT) Does eBay Sell Parts? NO! sellers Sell Parts! THE Seller says it Won't fit But eBay Guarantees it will or eBay Will Give you 100% of the Sellers Money Back! MORE GAMES that cost them Nothing!
Disney Land Monkey Business.
06-28-2023 05:56 PM - last edited on 06-28-2023 07:20 PM by kh-gary
To Answer The Most Common Response To My (Start a Conversation) Posts.
The Most Common Is "if I have been on eBay Since 1996 How Did I not know all the eBay Policies and Why Didn't I Study Up On all The New Swindles Before Listing My Stuff?
Answer: I hadn't Sold On eBay For a Long Time and I am not a Power Seller, I Wanted to Sell A few Items I thought Someone might want to Buy because Some are Vintage Collectable and Rare Items Dated Back to the 1970s And Even 1930s So I didn't Want to Spend Days Reading and Try to Understand That an Enterprise Like eBay Could Be Charging Fees On Expenses Like Shipping and Taxes Payed Buy the Buyer as My Item Totals, (Who Could Ever Believe That?) Anyway, I listed Some Stuff to Clean up my House and I bought an Impact Gun That Cost $149.00 on Amazon That the eBay Seller Paid for it and Paid Tax, He couldn't Use the Impact Gun because his Compressor was To small from Harbor Freight and He listed it for $80.00 and $15.00 Shipping for a total of 95.00 and a savings of over $50 to me, So eBay Charged him 14% on the Item and His Shipping Expenses Combined and the Tax I paid to the Government as his Income! So I bought it and It was way to Powerful For What I needed so instead of returning it and The Seller Incurring The Return Shipping Cost I relisted It for $5.00 and $100.00 for Shipping Not To Lose all the Expenses and Fees and Tax AGAIN but Much To my Surprise It Was Foiled that Shipping is a Item Value even thou it is and Expense if It Cost 100.00 to Ship It! I Listed it As (SELL "THIS" ITEM!) The Same Item I just Bought 3 days before and Paid Tax and Now I am Being Charged Fees and Taxed Income as If I made 105.00 on an Item I Just Bought for the Same Money! NO INCOME at all! That's the Only Item I ever did that To See If Again The Taxes and fees Would Be Calculated for a 3rd time on the same Item Bought and Sold 3 times in a Month! So The Guy That Bought it From me Paid a Hundred Five But was only Taxed on $5.00 So that worked out for him!
My Dashboard Shows I made $105.00 But the Payout Was $70 and I will Be taxed Next Year for $105.00 on Just that item that the Item Value Was $5.00 So On my Other Honest Listings That the Item Sells For $30 but Cost $200 Shipping I will Be Charged Fees and Tax on $230.00 plus the Tax the Customer Payed in their State as My Income? Now Follow This The Fees 14% on 230 Are 32.00 So It Cost Me $2.00 to List Pack Ship My Item on eBay and then Next Year Come Tax Season That Same Item Will Be Again taxed As Income Unless You Document Every Item And Hire Accountants For Thousands To Claim All The Expenses Like Shipping Fees and Taxes On every Item You Sell On eBay? Can you Imagine Being A power Seller, Selling Thousands Of Items and Documenting All This? and No The IRS Doesn't have a 1099 That will Pay you all the eBay Fees Collected on Your Shipping Expenses! Youtube Has Many very Informative Video's From Top Rated Power Sellers and the Games being Played, Like Should You Get Sick and Not List for a few Days Its Penalized As if You Called in Sick From A job With Health Benefits. The Guy Said He Ships His Items to Amazon And they LIST, SELL, SHIP, PACK and DELIVER next Day and He Can Go On his Honeymoon Without Being Reprimanded For Not Listing for a While? It's a Bit More Money But He Got His Life Back and The Pop Up Button Asking If your Interested in Making Your Item Visible for Just an Extra $7.00-$40? Wouldn't You Think eBay would Want Your Items to Sell So they could Bang you For Shipping Expenses and Item Values but No We Like Our Items Hidden From Buyers and just Like Listing Stuff? WHAT?
Being an Amazon Prime Customer I have only One Story after All the Years Buying on Amazon! (AWESOME) the End! No Drama Instant Returns, No eBay Parents need to step in after a few Weeks Zero Drama, Next or same day delivery and Half the Stuff on eBay Is Delivered VIA Amazon eBay Drop Shippers and When You Need to Return Your eBay/Amazon Package that you Bought on eBay They Want you To Contact Amazon!
The eBay Empty Box Scam That Thousands of eBay Sellers Fell Victim To FULL MONEY BACK Empty Box That USPS Said Was 16lbs Shipped Was an Empty Box! This Happened With Apple I pads at 1,000.00 Full Money Back eBay Policy! Scambay Original along With I didn't Get My Item And Tracking Shows Delivered to The Address of the Buyer FULL MONEY BACK!
So a Seller That has 100% Top Rated Power Seller Shipped 70 Of these iPads But For this One Guy Sent Him an Empty Boxes? How Many Empty Boxes Has Amazon Delivered? Sellers Just Get Screwed Constantly and The Next Scam and Now The eBay Shipping Expense Fees is Just (I Just Don't Have A Word) Criminal Is Close!
I Understand The NEW Whole Transparency and Accountability Thing But That is The Most Unacceptable Founded upon Thing Everywhere, That's Just Something People Say To Get Voted In To make you Think That Person has honest Intensions.
Spend Some Time Reading The Antics Of Buyers and Sellers on Here and The Stupid Stuff and Endless Frustration!
I buy Something On Amazon Get It the Next or same Day and Should I not Be happy I tape the Box and Drop it at the Local CVS Free Label DONE Now eBay One The Other Hand? READ THE STORIES! It's Almost Comical? Yes You Kids Work It out And If you Can't The eBay MOM & DAD will Step in in a few weeks and decide What Kid Get The Other Kids Money? AND Of The Disney Dashboard Of What You Would Have Made had People Payed for your Items and If you Could Keep the Shipping Money Your 90day totals WHAT?
No Kidding, I have Lost 1000.00 In Scams Selling to Item Not as Described NO NEED TO RETURN anything FREE FULL MONEY BACK INCLUDING SHIPPING EXPENSES and Hey People Can Be Scumbags working the eBay Scam Policies But When eBay Is running Shipping Scams of their very Own!
Disturbing, Still Not the Correct Word! Sickening, Dis-cus-ting, Unethical etc.
Here Is a Fun Fact after watching Youtube Videos And How to make a Profit selling on eBay and Why So Much is Worthless Junk! You Have to Buy $5.00 Untested Broken Items from Thrift Shops, Like Car Radios That the Buyer Won't install right away and Go over the Return Deadline, Reseller/flipper says You List 25 worthless 5.00 items and Most People are to Lazy to Ship it Back Ya So Once in a While You get a Return But all the Other Crap Was a Win! So Buy a Broken BMW Radio At the Thrift Store for $15.00 and it Sells For $170.00 This Seller Has 35 Negative Feedbacks in 12 months 47 Neutral For Worthless Broken Items but Says He sold 785 Worthless Items from the Yard sales and Thrift Shops WIN! That is How You Make Money On eBay Not Selling Valuable Quality Items because 50% is Taken In fees and Taxes if not more! so What we can learn from this is The Reason a large Percentage Of Items Being Sold is Garbage is because that is all you can make Money From! (TESTED WORKING!) Bought At a Thrift Store OEM BMW Car Stereo. Seller Doesn't have a BMW to Test It but TESTED WORKING, No Hurry To Test it in my BMW because The Seller Tested It in His Toyota Corolla? Comical! Maybe The Quality Of the Items on eBay Would Be Better If You Could Make Money On Quality Items?
Do Un To Others As You Would Have Done To You! It Was not OK to List Items for 1.00 and Have 100.00 for Shipping and eBay Lost Fees When Item Value Was the Item Value Fee But eBay Thinks It's OK to Charge Fees on Shipping Expenses that the Label Is Purchased VIA eBay EXPENSE NOT VALUE! So In Reality eBay is No better Than The ones that Did the 1.00 Listing to Avoid the Fees, eBays Is doing it to Millions and That's Ok Because? KA-CHING GREAD
So I have a Solution! Never Will I buy anything On eBay and few more Items I will Never Sell On eBay and Avoid the Continued Drama of SCAMBAY, Watch Soon Once The Revenue Pie Shows Huge Profit eBay Will Be Sold To Amazon or Some Other Enterprises. We have a Business that Runs On Algorithms You Don't Have do Do Anything But Count MONEY and All the People Do all The Work!
Was A Nice Place that I loved Years ago But Now It's a Joke! Fun To Watch The Youtube Videos Read The Drama Stories. Shipping Value Fees WOW! Just Say You Changed Your Policies AGIAN and the NEW End Of ITEM FEE IS 50% Pretty Much The Same Exact Thing If the Shipping is More than the Item! NO?
06-28-2023 08:02 PM
After reading through your War and Peace posting that is almost impossible to follow since it veers off in multiple directions and covers multiple topics within single blocks of text. You would have been better served posting a number of individual postings focused on a single topic. To summarize with regards to the following.
I just Bought 3 days before and Paid Tax and Now I am Being Charged Fees and Taxed Income as If I made 105.00 on an Item I Just Bought for the Same Money! NO INCOME at all! That's the Only Item I ever did that To See If Again The Taxes and fees Would Be Calculated for a 3rd time on the same Item Bought and Sold 3 times in a Month! So The Guy That Bought it From me Paid a Hundred Five But was only Taxed on $5.00 So that worked out for him!
My Dashboard Shows I made $105.00 But the Payout Was $70 and I will Be taxed Next Year for $105.00 on Just that item that the Item Value Was $5.00 So On my Other Honest Listings That the Item Sells For $30 but Cost $200 Shipping I will Be Charged Fees and Tax on $230.00 plus the Tax the Customer Payed in their State as My Income? Now Follow This The Fees 14% on 230 Are 32.00 So It Cost Me $2.00 to List Pack Ship My Item on eBay and then Next Year Come Tax Season That Same Item Will Be Again taxed As Income Unless You Document Every Item And Hire Accountants For Thousands To Claim All The Expenses Like Shipping Fees and Taxes On every Item You Sell On eBay? Can you Imagine Being A power Seller, Selling Thousands Of Items and Documenting All This? and No The IRS Doesn't have a 1099 That will Pay you all the eBay Fees Collected on Your Shipping Expenses
What eBay reports to the IRS on the 1099 is the Gross amount of funds processed with regards to the transaction. In short the total cost of the transaction (Item Price + Shipping), it does NOT include sales tax. When you file your Federal and State Income taxes any expenses such as eBay fees, actual shipping costs, shipping supplies, POV, etc are deductions to the gross amount on the 1099 to get you to a net income which is what you pay income taxes on.
Orders where the buyer never paid do NOT factor into the gross on your 1099 since no money was ever processed.
06-28-2023 08:07 PM
That is How You Make Money On eBay Not Selling Valuable Quality Items because 50% is Taken In fees and Taxes if not more! so What we can learn from this is The Reason a large Percentage Of Items Being Sold is Garbage is because that is all you can make Money From!
You will have to show me the math on how you came up with 50% being taken as fees. Sales taxes are irrelevant since those are paid directly to eBay by the buyer. My eBay fees have never exceed 16%.
06-28-2023 08:07 PM
Congrats to all that could read that entire novel. No paragraphs, horrible font and the capital letters where they do not belong, left me with a headache.
06-28-2023 08:09 PM
@zippo_hall_of_flame wrote:Like Should You Get Sick and Not List for a few Days Its Penalized As if You Called in Sick From A job With Health Benefits. The Guy Said He Ships His Items to Amazon And they LIST, SELL, SHIP, PACK and DELIVER next Day and He Can Go On his Honeymoon Without Being Reprimanded For Not Listing for a While?
LOL what? You don't get penalized if you don't list for a few days. You get penalized if you list and then don't ship within your handling time. Two very, very different things.
06-28-2023 08:40 PM
Did read the whole thing. And all i can say is sorry your experiences here were bad, and caused you this much angst. My advice is to get as far away from eBay as possible, as soon as possible, to save yourself further grief.
And stop watching those d*mn YouTube videos! Some of those are just total fabrications. And as for any seller who trades in broken junk, passing it off as working, well, he won’t be on this platform long. The Money Back Guarantee will bite him in the end and NARU’d will he be.
Best of luck to you wherever you land.
06-29-2023 02:50 AM
Kudo's to each and every responder, you all have the patience of a Saint
06-29-2023 04:16 AM
Sorry -- there are some states where the state sales tax IS charged on the shipping cost as well as the item price. There is a chart somewhere -- TaxJar?
06-29-2023 04:33 AM
As a former teacher, that font should have NEVER been invented
Dangling modifier.
Sentence means "that font" was a former teacher.
06-29-2023 08:21 AM
@monroe67 wrote:"An item priced at $29 with free shipping is charged tax on...uhh...on how much?
Like item priced at $20 with $9 shipping is charged tax on $20? (no)
Like item priced at $9 with $20 shipping is charged tax on $9? (no)
If I was selling one, I'd price it at 1 cent and charge $28.99 for shipping.
Tax is charged on the total due to these scenarios."
Sales taxes on eBay are a little more complicated that that.
* Five states do not charge state sales tax. Alaska is one of them, but I believe some of its counties or cities do charge sales tax.
* Some states do charge state sales taxes on the cost of shipping/delivery, while many other states do not.
* Some states exempt some types of products from sales taxes. These exemptions also apply to eBay sales of those types of products but only when the seller -- seller -- is careful to list the item in the proper category.
On eBay, when Tax is charged, it's charged on the TOTAL.
Because eBay does not know what the actual shipping cost is-vs-the item cost.
They only know what you "claim" it is.
06-29-2023 09:10 AM
An item priced at $29 with free shipping is charged tax on...uhh...on how much?
Like item priced at $20 with $9 shipping is charged tax on $20? (no)
Like item priced at $9 with $20 shipping is charged tax on $9? (no)
If I was selling one, I'd price it at 1 cent and charge $28.99 for shipping.
Depending on the tax laws in the destination state, the shipping may or may not be taxable.
Selling at a penny with a large shipping charge was the reason Ebay started collecting fees on shipping. It was a long time ago, and many sellers were engaging in fee avoidance and enforcement was messy and expensive.
06-29-2023 09:21 AM
Tbh, I did read their first posted epistle but it gave me a headache trying to figure out what their issue was so I just skim past them these days.
06-29-2023 09:22 AM
I don't think what the OP is using is classified as a "font" per se. It's not the font itself it's all the randomly capitalised words that get to me. (well that and the general rant structure lol)
06-29-2023 09:58 AM
Way back in the day - the issue eBay ran into was people skirting fees by putting the majority of the value of the item in shipping to avoid fees. People were listing a 1K dollar item for $5 and $995 shipping fee. eBay doesn't really have an alternative outside of charging fees on shipping. They can't standardize shipping as items can range from a wrist watch to a truck.
Just to clarify something else - a lot of people ship in amazon boxes because there are so many around. Once upon a time, I had many neighbors and friends saving their amazon boxes for me to use for shipping. If people are drop shipping off of amazon to eBay, it's EXTREMELY rare. Items on Amazon cost substantially more than eBay in almost every case. Trust me, I've done a lot of market analysis.
I agree that it's not ideal for us to be charged fees on shipping and tax. Frankly, I agree with you that the fees on tax is taking things too far. But I don't agree that fees on shipping is too far. There is no other solution to the problems that arose very early in eBay's life, which I described in the first paragraph.
You, as the seller, need to account for your selling costs. The example you gave with the customer in Washington - you easily could have used calculated shipping as your option, input the dimensions and weight, and the customer would have been charged the appropriate amount of shipping and you'd be out no money. Sure, you'd have to pay a little more fees than if your neighbor had purchased it, but as we went over, already, there isn't a better solution.
My advice would be to take a deep breath. eBay is a great tool for someone like you and most of your headaches could have been avoided with a little forethought into your listing and shipping options.
And, just a heads up - my dashboard only accounts for items that have been paid for. I don't know why your dashboard is showing items not paid for. That's pretty bizarre. Maybe contact eBay CS to get that looked at.
Deep breath.
06-29-2023 10:03 AM
It's criminal what ebay is doing. but we the sellers are doing nothing about it. We could all band together, and file a class action lawsuit against ebay criminal activities. But nobody seems to be taking the initiative. Because the people who could actually get that motion going, are the ones making the most money, and they're contempt because they're doing well financially.