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Buyers Stalking My Account With Dumb Offers

I sell only in the USA and this is my buying account. The other day I made a post saying how I blocked over 1,000 Ebayers and some people were upset. Well get ready to hear the mother of all stories !

I sell name brand items like Victoria Secret, Prada , Juicy Conture, Sony, Nintendo , Playstation, Gucci, and anything under the sun.  I'm a Power Seller and TSR PLUS !.. Today I had once person using 3 Different Accounts make a " BEST OFFER " on an item which I turned down every single time asking for next to nothing on shipping in the offer details.  All the offers came from the same ZIP CODE !...All were PAYPAL Verified as I require on my account. All accounts I put on the block list. Now I get an offer on the same item from what seems to be a friend of the original bidder and turns down my offer by .99 cents ???... Another for the block list.

Where and when does the madness end on Ebay ?...And please do not tell me to do Buy It Now with Immediate Payment because I do all types of Listings depending on the item.

Again when does the madness end?  Ebay Does not care when I call them. Just takes down reports that go nowhere. Thank You.

Message 1 of 32
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Accepted Solutions

Buyers Stalking My Account With Dumb Offers

Since you mention don't tell you to use Fixed Price with Immediate Payment required, I believe this does not involve your setting an auto decline, but eBay changed their policies in recent years from, if the seller does not have best offer on a listing, they are not interested in receiving a best offer, to anyone can offer anything on any listing, whether it has best offer on it or not.


Sorry but eBay hopes that this process will lead to more sales, so nothing to report.  I know you feel that different formats suit different items, but if these are seriously aggravating you, the auto decline would make sure you never see them as others have said.  Might be a good idea for your peace of mind, but it's just a thought.


Don't let it get you down.  You could just send, Thank you for your interest but I must decline.  Then BBL as needed.


Good Luck.




View Best Answer in original post

Message 17 of 32
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Buyers Stalking My Account With Dumb Offers

If you want to avoid receiving offers below a certain amount, just set a minimum limit and all offers below that will be auto-rejected. You'll never even see them.

Message 2 of 32
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Buyers Stalking My Account With Dumb Offers

The madness never ends as the band WASP said "The torture never stops".

Message 3 of 32
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Buyers Stalking My Account With Dumb Offers

I've said this before and will say it again.........  People will NOT live up to your cannot force them to act by your rules....  The ONLY thing you can control is your reaction........


You deal with the "stuff" in your preordained manner and move on.......leaving out the emotional reactions and drama... so you don't drive yourself mad. 


To put it in the put on your Big Boy/Girl pants.....handle it.....and stop whining.......

Message 4 of 32
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Buyers Stalking My Account With Dumb Offers

"Again when does the madness end?  Ebay Does not care when I call them. Just takes down reports that go nowhere. Thank You."


Relax and enjoy the flight - It doesn't end.


Don't you know?  There are MANY people at ebay that just sit there all day thinking up - or, trying to, at least - new ways to help buyers 'buy' so that there is a steady stream of income.  Buy, without hinderence or problems with the seller or any of the other 'noise'.


Just remember that there will be other challenges 'soon'.

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 5 of 32
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Buyers Stalking My Account With Dumb Offers

You're reporting buyers to Ebay for offering too little?


Message 6 of 32
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Buyers Stalking My Account With Dumb Offers

I also do not understand why you are so worked up over this!?


1. You can set auto decline so that you never see them, you can igore them completely and just not respond

2. You can send them a friendly counteroffer with what you can do- why the item is such a good buy- wow them with salesmanship or

3. You can get in a huff, take it personally and go to all the trouble of adding them to your BBL (1000 strong), call EBay which, by the way doesn't seem to be working for you....


Your choice how to handle it. Calling EBay will not do any good, many sellers are very willing to make deals and do not want those buyers put off

Message 7 of 32
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Buyers Stalking My Account With Dumb Offers

What did you want ebay to do when you called them? Commisserate? Force buyers to make better offers? Hmmm, pretty sure your CS rep doesn't care. 

Message 8 of 32
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Buyers Stalking My Account With Dumb Offers

@countwilley wrote:

All were PAYPAL Verified as I require on my account.

What is a "PayPal Verified" account?

Message 9 of 32
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Buyers Stalking My Account With Dumb Offers

@countwilley  I think I read that other thread you mentioned ... I think all that you describe depends on what one is selling. 

Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 10 of 32
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Buyers Stalking My Account With Dumb Offers

PayPal Verified means that the account is in the PayPal system with the correct address and name. Not a fake account anyone can make in a minute and bid or make phony offers. That is why you set your setting to " PAYPAL ONLY " which means the person has to register with PayPal. Avoids fake bidders that is all when selling. Also does not let GUEST ACCOUNTS scam you. Great isn't it ?

Message 11 of 32
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Buyers Stalking My Account With Dumb Offers

My goodness no. The title says " STALKERS " . Well one of these STALKERS just NEGGED ME now for no reason other than the buyer said the box was too big ?... I knew I should have blocked this person when he asked how my shipping was . Happy now ???... Yea I got caught with my pants down. It will not happen again . Ebay is working on the NEG, but I will have to call again. 

Message 12 of 32
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Buyers Stalking My Account With Dumb Offers

@countwilley wrote:

PayPal Verified means that the account is in the PayPal system with the correct address and name. Not a fake account anyone can make in a minute and bid or make phony offers. That is why you set your setting to " PAYPAL ONLY " which means the person has to register with PayPal. Avoids fake bidders that is all when selling. Also does not let GUEST ACCOUNTS scam you. Great isn't it ?

Actually, no, since there's no option in your eBay buyer requirements settings to require a verified PayPal account. You can only require a linked account; totally different thing. The link only proves they have a PayPal account, not that any verification of their name or address has been done.


I know how PayPal defines "verified"; I was hoping you had just confused it with "linked". Since you haven't, you don't seem to fully understand the settings you've chosen.

Message 13 of 32
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Buyers Stalking My Account With Dumb Offers

I stand corrected than. I know what you are saying though . a "LINKED ' account works great for me. Again it blocks worthless accounts from creating havoc. Not everyone has a link account. Yesterday I had 3 troublemakers that had Linked Accounts and where coming from the same Zip Code. Same Person ???

Message 14 of 32
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Buyers Stalking My Account With Dumb Offers

Didn't Paypal do away with verified accounts years ago?

The easier you are to offend the easier you are to control.

We seem to be getting closer and closer to a situation where nobody is responsible for what they did but we are all responsible for what somebody else did. - Thomas Sowell
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