10-11-2021 06:56 PM
Hello all, I have a bit of an issue. Tonight I sold a $200 lego set. As I sometimes do with a sale this large, I checked the buyers feedback ratings before I printed the shipping label. This person is a seller themselves, with many positives feedbacks, but what I noticed is that when they are a buyer, they leave negative feedback for nearly every purchase. This makes me nervous, as I value my good feedback rating. Can I cancel the sale? Should I? Is it even ethical to do so? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!
10-11-2021 06:59 PM
Best solution would be to forget feedback. Ebay CS unlikely to remove and some buyers are jerks.
10-11-2021 07:32 PM
...what kind of words that buyer left in negative FB to sellers and how those sellers responded...???
...I personal never looked at any buyer's FB records...I packed carefully and shipped quickly as soon as eBay notified buyer paid...
...just do your selling professionally...I wish you well...!!!
10-11-2021 07:35 PM
No hun, buyer paid you ship. Just be as nice as you can possibly stand it, ship and package extremely well, maybe put a little Thank you note inside, doesn't hurt. Unfortunately tippy toes with this one is going to be needed.
Best to you.
10-11-2021 08:01 PM
You and I must be looking at the same Buyer....
Sold a game controller today BIN and I always check FB and this buyer has given 165 Negatives out of 250. Only 1 was a neutral.
Can't imagine anyone having that many problems...most say something like "seller never shipped my order".
I Blocked him but it's too late for this order.
10-11-2021 08:11 PM
Rather than worry, I'd be sure I was shipping exactly what I said I sold. Maybe those people overstated what they were selling and he was disapointed when he received something other than expected.
Focus on doing what you say and hope that you get to be the one good feedback he leaves.
10-11-2021 08:13 PM
Wow! You would think that any sane person that had that many issues with purchases would find another venue to buy from...
10-11-2021 08:19 PM
Kid Gloves as others have shared. No idea what it is about Legos lately!
I think you should always ship, as the Buyer paid. I would BBL so they can only buy this 1 time from you if you have concerns.
I "would" try and ship tomorrow if you can and let the Buyer know it is on its' way. The suggestion above about a nice hand written note is a great one. Pack like it will be stomped on by King Kong himself.
Diary the tracking on this one. Let the Buyer know it appears to have arrived and ask them to let you know if they have any concerns. Thank them again for their purchase.
We had once back in June - same deal, their FB for others was really ugly. They actually left us glowing FB and thanked us for the "personal" attention. Who knows. Kill them with kindness. You already know the worst that can happen! Good luck!
10-11-2021 08:57 PM
Do not cancel. You have no grounds to cancel the transaction. If the buyer paid all you can do is ship and hope for the best.
10-11-2021 10:09 PM
I too haver seen a few buyers who have a ridiculously high percentage of negative feedbacks. And I have no clue why Ebay allows such behavior other than Ebay corporate admires people who act like themselves.
10-11-2021 10:28 PM
@brickbonestoys wrote:Wow! You would think that any sane person that had that many issues with purchases would find another venue to buy from...
Exactly...but this Buyer is also a seller, so it's all scam to receive as many free items as he can to resell.
Why ebay allows this kind of behavior is beyond me...it makes ebay look shady to have people like this on their site...
This Buyer signed up in 2017 and has given out 165 Negatives in 4 years. I've never seen anything like it. This guy must have a rap sheet a mile long of complaints from sellers, and I have a feeling I'm his next victim.
10-12-2021 12:31 AM
Forget any kid glove treatment and don't grovel - people like this depend on using negativity and threats to get what they want. Just use your usual good customer service, pack the item with your usual care and ship it off. You can't control the grinches of this world. If they leave you the knee jerk neg, just reply professionally. Stand behind what you sell and try not to worry.
10-12-2021 12:56 AM
If a buyer has left a slew of negative feedback, such as the OP and another poster has mentioned, that is actually going to assist you in getting a negative removed.
eBay can and will take this buyers habitual negatives seriously and I doubt a removal would be a hassle.
10-12-2021 03:48 AM
Ship it and don't worry about it.
Feedback doesn't matter so much. I know it hurts personally to drop from 100% to 99.9%
If you stood on a corner and gave 100 of these lego sets away for free, some people will complain. It is life.
10-12-2021 03:53 AM
How does leaving negative feedback for a seller result in anyone being able to "receive as many free items as he can to resell"?