04-30-2018 10:40 AM
As a new seller, I tried to cover my bases and because of my past experience as a buyer not being able to receive Paypal purchases at a PO Box, I set up my shipping exclusions to include PO Boxes, as I accept Paypal. Having no experience on how payment systems work related to shipping addresses, my settings for payment saying Paypal accepted means that I only accept Paypal. I need to be straightened out on this if I am incorrect.
A zero experience buyer (account opened one day prior to auction ending) sent a message stating she/he has attempted to pay but cannot because of my shipping exclusion to PO Boxes and cannot find it anywhere in my listing, and wants the transaction cancelled IF I will not ship to PO Box.
I replied with instructions to find See Exclusions and asked for a reply after she/he reviews the listing and ebay policies.
Should I:
Cancel the transaction per buyer request? -> contact second highest bidder for second chance?
Let the 3 day payment timeframe run out and report non-buyer?
Thank you to those who assist the newly-confused sellers!
05-01-2018 06:23 AM
@loveyourimagination49 wrote:
Couldn’t the seller (op) just put the buyer on his exclusion block list, so he could ship to the POBox? I did that for an international buyer when I had the country excluded and they paid.
Yes - they could have done that to allow payment.
05-11-2018 06:06 AM
@lookwhatbobfound wrote:There are a lot of small communities that get free post office boxes because their area has no physical addresses. I live in one of those areas. To not deliover to post office boxes is just pure discrimination. Also, do you realize that delivery to a post office box is the most secure address to have? No worries about mail being stolen from a mailbox or from a home.
It is exactly the same in My town...
05-11-2018 06:17 AM
05-11-2018 06:36 AM
@d-k_treasures wrote:
@missjen831 wrote:
@tev4all wrote:
@missjen831 wrote:
Except that when you bid, there is a warning that comes up that the seller has excluded PO boxes. So they really don't even need to read the exclusions, where, if the seller doesn't ship international, it's at the end of a long string of countries.
Jen You are right about this...I fact this pop-up has made me lose an ITEM with MY HIGHER Bid on Some auctions when I am sniping. The pop-up window takes longer to load and I have to figure out and give more time on the clock. So, Sellers Might be losing higher bids If they have a No PO exclusion.
I mostly snipe because then some POSSIBLE LIstings might have a friend trying to raise the BID, and I think It prevents that. I especially do this on items where I see competative bidders who have lots of cancelations. I especially do it on PRIVATE Auctions... Sugar
05-11-2018 08:09 AM
@cooprr wrote:Still here, working this item. I phoned Ebay to ask the exact question "how is it a buyer can pay for an item after it has been cancelled by Ebay?"
I was told that in all probability, when the buyer received an email notification that the transaction was cancelled, they did not agree. To which I said, "please look at the messages - the buyer requested the cancellation." Ebay took a look and agreed that the transaction cancellation was official and I was indeed on the correct path to offer the item SCO to the next highest bidder.
How did the buyer accomplish this?
Maybe they kept their paypal "confirm payment screen" open all day, changed the "ship to" address and hit confirm.
This is my guess. Ebay wouldn't offer an exact methodology or process.
Ebay then told me "go to your paypal account and issue a refund to the buyer, as the transaction has been cancelled and your fees in your dashboard reflect that. Proceed with your SCO."
I had something simular in reverse happen like that...
Seller had Item BIN for a lower price than anyone else. I bought it now paid for it and 10 days it hadn't been shipped yet. The Seller had tried to get out of a defect by canceling it in Pay Pal. All I saw in the PP details was Seller canceled, a credit on PP and a note from Seller...( I looked everywhere and I could not find it...) When they canceled it in Pay Pal IT did not go through in eBay as PAID. So, the message that I got from eBay from her (after she canceled it on PP) said to PAY NOW...Not wanting to get an UPI I paid again.
So, there was some problem between the payment gateway between PP and eBay
05-11-2018 08:15 AM
If you've paid, the seller won't be able to file an unpaid item claim, even if they issue a refund.