08-04-2018 10:38 AM
Buyer bough an item and confirmee they received it. A month later they filed a chargeback for unauthorized transaction. This was resolved on my end quick under seller protection. Hold on my paypal got lifted and paypal said whatever outcome happens I will not have to pay the buyer back. Case was ruled in their favor and again, under seller protection I do not have to pay anything to the buyer. Howevet they still have my item. I did not yet ask them to return it but the buyer never rose any complaint or asked to return it. So what can I do if I ask for them to return it and they refuse?
08-04-2018 10:42 AM
You have your money; why would you be entitled to get the item back?
08-04-2018 10:47 AM
You aren’t entitled to get the item back. Just move on. It would be inappropriate to ask the buyer for the item back. You kept the money from the sale.
08-04-2018 10:53 AM
I'm confused
You want the money, and you want the item back
08-04-2018 10:58 AM
Please understand the times when you won. This is one of them. You dont get money released to you and get back the item.
08-04-2018 02:45 PM
Bit confused here, Paypal case ruled in their favor but you do not have to pay anything ? they have the item, if you have the money why do you want the item back ?
08-04-2018 05:50 PM
@grouch_douglas wrote:So what can I do if I ask for them to return it and they refuse?
Don' t be discouraged, bring your complaint for a hearing on a television (arbitration) court program.
Wow - Free publicity for you & ebay !