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Buyer left negative feedback immediately after purchasing and then canceled order without cause

I had a buyer yesterday that purchased an item (a pocket watch) from me for $80. The description was spot on and it had photos of the item from every angle. The item was exactly as described.


Immediately after the buyer made the purchase (no more than 5 minutes later) they left negative feedback stating "Way to go. Your a dishonest scammer. It's getting sent right back." They then requested to cancel the order; all within 10 minutes of the original purchase.


I requested a feedback revision from eBay and it was declined saying it didn't violate any of eBay's policies. I contacted eBay for Business on Facebook and they suggested I contact the buyer, and request a revision from the buyer. I messaged the buyer politely asking what we could do to improve, and why they left the feedback they did. The buyer never responded. 


I had eBay call me back so I could speak to a live person about this, and was informed that they would submit an appeal for the eBay feedback revision request that did not end in my favor. 


I am extremely disheartened and frustrated by this experience. Why would eBay allow buyers to abuse sellers like this for no reason? What can I do beyond this to remove the false, defamatory feedback? What's stopping other sellers from doing this to their competition to tank their feedback ratings, and as a result; their sales? Why is it okay for a buyer to buy an item just to leave negative feedback to hurt a business? 

Message 1 of 85
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback immediately after purchasing and then canceled order without cause

Is it really 18k gold or gold plated? It's just too cheap to be 18k gold and too expensive to be gold plated.

Message 2 of 85
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback immediately after purchasing and then canceled order without cause

 I had a similar experience with a buyer and when I talked to a real person, they said they would submit an appeal for me and within a couple hours the feedback had been removed.

Could the feedback been left for another purchase from another seller? Maybe they aren't sure how to revise the feedback. 

Message 3 of 85
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback immediately after purchasing and then canceled order without cause

I thought that a buyer needed to wait a few days before leaving negative feedback for a seller.  How is it possible for negative feedback to be left within minutes of the purchase?

Message 4 of 85
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback immediately after purchasing and then canceled order without cause

Why does ebay allow a Buyer to leave feedback before an item has even shipped?? 

Message 5 of 85
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback immediately after purchasing and then canceled order without cause

Honestly, I would be persistent in having this removed - sometimes its taken some badgering to do. CS on Facebook really should have known better - the buyer could not possibly have received the product in the five minutes between purchase and leaving FB calling you names and saying they would send it back (why do these people always have bad spelling, too).

“The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer.” - Henry Kissinger

Check your voting registration!

Message 6 of 85
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback immediately after purchasing and then canceled order without cause

What if the seller never ships? Should that seller just not get negative feedback?


Being a TRS helps avoid this though with feedback delay.

Message 7 of 85
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback immediately after purchasing and then canceled order without cause


When you contact ebay again make sure you stress the fact that the buyer requested a cancellation and you complied.

Keep it simple and straight to the point.

Message 8 of 85
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback immediately after purchasing and then canceled order without cause

@dqdistribution wrote:

What if the seller never ships? Should that seller just not get negative feedback?


Being a TRS helps avoid this though with feedback delay.

This apparently was within five minutes of placing the order. I mean, not even Bozo's store can do that.

“The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer.” - Henry Kissinger

Check your voting registration!

Message 9 of 85
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback immediately after purchasing and then canceled order without cause

"Why does ebay allow a Buyer to leave feedback before an item has even shipped?? "


But what you quoted of mine does apply to the question it was directed to. That is the wrong question as there is plenty of reason eBay would allow feedback before something has shipped.

Message 10 of 85
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback immediately after purchasing and then canceled order without cause

It should be removed by eBay because the buyer decided to act a judge, jury and executioner. The buyer on his own decided the item was not as described, bought it and then left negative feedback as punishment for what he believed to be a scam. It is an abuse of feedback. If this is allowed to stand, it opens the door for feedback abuse by anyone against anyone. 


If eBay refuses to remove it, leave a response describing exactly what happened. It will serve as a warning to other sellers and damage the reputation of the buyer, and rightfully so. 

Message 11 of 85
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback immediately after purchasing and then canceled order without cause

It would take ebay's developers only a few keystrokes to fix it so that a Buyer's ability to leave FB is triggered by certain dates -- for example,  (1) If the item ships within the Seller's handling time, then within 2-3 days out from ebay's estimated delivery date based on that handling time (to allow for PO delays)  and (2) If the item doesn't ship within the Seller's handling time, then maybe a day or two past that. 

Message 12 of 85
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback immediately after purchasing and then canceled order without cause

My question was directed to this Seller's particular situation, not the situation where a Seller never ships.

Message 13 of 85
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback immediately after purchasing and then canceled order without cause

I get it, you think it's unfair and your thought process in delaying for a bit until the buyer actually gets isn't horrible.


But that doesn't apply to this situation. The sale was cancelled same day I believe? What would be the estimated date then since it's never going to arrive?


Do you think it would make a difference if the buyer had to wait a few minutes longer until the seller cancels the order to leave feedback?


What is the fight against this? Buyers shouldn't leave feedback on cancelled orders?


What about sellers who use 'buyer requested' cancellations when they are really OOS. Buyers shouldn't be able to leave feedback?


The feedback delay protection is reserved for sellers who have a proven track record and are less likely to deserve the feedback.

Message 14 of 85
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback immediately after purchasing and then canceled order without cause


The feedback you left for the buyer violates policy. Sellers can't leave negative comments for buyers. 


It's possible that the feedback you left for the buyer might have given ebay reason not to remove the one the buyer left for you.

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Message 15 of 85
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