12-17-2024 01:54 PM
I recently sold a bracelet. Buyer received and filed a return because they said they received the wrong item. The item they are saying I shipped to them is a tiny seashell, which I do not sell. It's an obvious scam and I realize, thanks to Ebays policies, there is little I can do and have to refund them in full. I will be receiving a tiny seashell in the mail as a return while the buyer gets to keep a beautiful Native American bracelet for free. I have filed a complaint against the buyer and will block them. Is there anything else I can do to at least get them off Ebay? I hate for them to do this to another seller. I hope to get rid of them short term. They obviously can just sign up with another account. So frustrating.
12-17-2024 01:58 PM
Nothing more you can do. You did right in reporting. If enough sellers report their behavior, eventually ebay will remove them.
12-17-2024 02:01 PM
This kind of thing happens to all of us once in a while.
It's the nature of selling online.
Fortunately it doesn't happen that often (to me anyways).
12-17-2024 02:37 PM
We have been successful by showing shipping weight difference. That peyote necklace has to weigh a lot more than a tiny shell. BTW nice necklace. All shippers have exact weights of items shipped.
12-17-2024 02:52 PM
Scam or mistake? Did you attempt to contact the buyer and confirm it wasn't a simple mix up on their part?
12-17-2024 02:58 PM
'Reporting a seller'...a group of us did that a while back...funny how buyers can get together and email one another by reading feedbacks of buyers.
It took about 2 years to get seller off this platform...and we had a 'stamp expert' certified in the business in our group.
So in that, not much you can do.
Seller can have 50+ negative feedbacks like the one we reported and seller continued to sell here.
We found out it was a 'ring' of 3 seller IDs with same mailing address on eBay selling fakes stamps...they all eventually got knocked off.
With artificial intelligence now...it's probably a waste of time.
12-17-2024 03:11 PM
When I sold on here I ran into a scammer like this and I just told him I was filing charges for fraud and would see him in court.
I never heard from him again and he never requested his money back.
12-17-2024 03:38 PM
It's an obvious scam and I realize, thanks to Ebays policies, there is little I can do and have to refund them in full.
If eBay always took sellers at their word, eBay would be out of business in a month - because the buyers who are currently scamming sellers would simply switch over and become sellers who are scamming eBay.
Is there anything else I can do to at least get them off Ebay?
No, eBay will not remove a buyer from eBay simply because a seller claims they should be removed.
I hope to get rid of them short term. They obviously can just sign up with another account.
So your idea of "short term" is about two minutes.