12-19-2018 03:29 PM
I just received two orders within the last day. They both list the same Ebay buyer ID, yet they have been paid by two seperate Paypal account in two different parts of the country. Paypal says I am protected and that I am ready to ship. What am I to make of this? Is this some new scam?
12-20-2018 08:23 AM
Nobody has experienced this before?
12-20-2018 08:34 AM
Could be they are sending something as a gift to someone or maybe they let someone use their eBay account to buy but that person used their own PP account? I used to have 2 different PP accounts for some reason, these are the 2 scenarios I can come up with. Hopefully someone more helpful will come along. I've been awake since 8am Tuesday morning and I can't even think any more. 😕
12-20-2018 08:40 AM - edited 12-20-2018 08:42 AM
I assume you logged in to PP to verify the money was there and that's where it says OK to ship? Depending on the item (is it large value or a high scam item or both?) I would ship if they money is there and it says OK. Make sure to ship to the address on each transaction and get DC and Sig Conf. if the item is over $750. Again, someone else may come in with some better advice, I'm sure more people will respond here soon. I see you said PP says you are eligible for seller protection, that's good. If you ship make sure you follow all the rules. Good luck. 🙂
*yes I realize I am probably the opposite of helpful. I'm trying, sorry.*
12-20-2018 08:40 AM
It does not sound like a scam to me. If you actually got paid and you checked your paypal account to verify the payment is there, then it does not sound like a scam.
I am curious though. Can you reply back to this message in how you know the two payments are from different paypal accounts?
I can not recall having info to a buyers registered paypal account and or paypal email address.
Good Luck Selling!
12-20-2018 08:42 AM
I have 4 paypal accounts. I have my reasons. I wouldn`t read too much into it. If paypal states you are good to go then you more than likely are IMO.
12-20-2018 08:45 AM
Not sure if paypal still shows the email address or not in the payment info........but if you "reply" to the payment email, the reply shows the email address........
@goodluckselling wrote:It does not sound like a scam to me. If you actually got paid and you checked your paypal account to verify the payment is there, then it does not sound like a scam.
I am curious though. Can you reply back to this message in how you know the two payments are from different paypal accounts?
I can not recall having info to a buyers registered paypal account and or paypal email address.
Good Luck Selling!
12-20-2018 08:54 AM - edited 12-20-2018 08:56 AM
I get 2 different types of notifications from PP when I get a payment. Some come in from Paypal and the subject is something like "instant payment received from eBayUser12344566" then other times it will come "from" the Buyer's real name VIA paypal, with the subject line "notification of payment received". This is just a stab in the dark, maybe they are coming in like this? Or they are assuming they are from different PP accounts because they have different shipping info on each Payment even though it's the same user?
B.T.Dubs does anyone else get their notifications from PP like these (rather than the same format all the time?) Most of mine are like the first one I posted, maybe one of out 5 come the other way (from Barb Johnson via Paypal). I always log in to make sure (and i do my labels through PP) so they are all legit. I just never get why some show up differently.
eta: GLS I just wanted to acknowledge I realize you didn't direct this question at me. Just throwing something curious (to me) out there. And I'm really tired. 😉
12-20-2018 08:56 AM
Paypal does not show anything that I could find? You are correct when I tried to reply to a payment email it does give me a buyers email address.
I double checked the ebay transaction for this payment message and it is the same email the buyer has registered at eBay. They could also use that email at paypal as well like you are suggesting.
I do not think it is a good idea to give out a persons registered paypal email address, (user name).
Good Luck Selling!
12-20-2018 09:00 AM
The two emails you described are two different kinds of payments.
I appreciate your input.
Good Luck Selling!
12-20-2018 09:08 AM
These are not high priced items($30) plus shipping.
As to how I know they are two different Paypal accounts? Different people's names in different locations.
To sumup.
2 identical sold.
Same Ebay user id on both sales.
Different Paypal account used on each sale.
Paypal says it is ok to ship.
In fact there was a third sale with the same Ebay user ID, but itwas not paid.
12-20-2018 09:09 AM - edited 12-20-2018 09:12 AM
Sounds like a guest account, one user id multiple users.
12-20-2018 09:12 AM - edited 12-20-2018 09:15 AM
I how to separate PayPal accounts. One is a "savings" type account that I stash money in, the other is tied to my bank. Depending on what I'm buying I use one account or the other.
I also ship gift to friends and family around the world. off and I use my secondary PayPal account for that because that's my mad money
12-20-2018 09:14 AM
@r_liggieri wrote:These are not high priced items($30) plus shipping.
As to how I know they are two different Paypal accounts? Different people's names in different locations.
To sumup.
2 identical sold.
Same Ebay user id on both sales.
Different Paypal account used on each sale.
Paypal says it is ok to ship.
In fact there was a third sale with the same Ebay user ID, but itwas not paid.
Different peoples name and locations is a very common practice when a buyer wants to send a gift to someone which is probably happening manys times during the holidays.
Buyers can change the ship to location. It saves buyers money and time by not having to reship it to a gift recipient.
Good Luck Selling!
12-20-2018 09:19 AM - edited 12-20-2018 09:22 AM
The problem is the shipping address is matched to the actual Paypal payer. So different people paying and receiving, yet one Ebay user ID.