06-01-2022 05:05 PM
Received a message today regarding one of my listings...
As this person went on about "why this??" and "why that??" , she summed it up with "It seems to me you are not being truthful about this item."
I felt it was quit inappropriate.
I did block the buyer, however to my understanding blocking prevents from buying, not from further communication?
06-01-2022 05:10 PM
@oksvanb-0 If you have not communicated with this person (i.e., not answered any messages), blocking them and also activating communication block helps to a certain extent. They still can get around the communication block by going through your feedback page, for instance, but I don't think most people will do that.
06-01-2022 05:13 PM
if you don't answer them they will almost always eventually stop sending messages.
If I get someone being a lunatic about a specific item then I just take it down and relist it a week or two later. By then they will have moved on to being obsessed with something else and I won't hear from them about the new listing.
06-01-2022 05:16 PM
They want the item, just not at that price. Block as you did so they don't reluctantly buy it and pull stuff. I had blocked someone after they sent a message along the lines of, "What would you honestly take for this $25 item". I blocked, waited a few weeks and sold it around $150. I always love when people try to value my stuff for me.