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Big decline in sales

Hello, over the past 2 weeks I  have been experiencing very low sales, not sure if it is something with my listings or what.  Anyone else notice a big decline in sales? Any info would be appreciated.

Message 1 of 61
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Re: Big decline in sales

Others have reported this. Most likely due to vacations and lifting of the COVID restrictions.  People are going back to the stores and traveling again.

Never sell anything on eBay that you can't afford to lose.
Message 2 of 61
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Re: Big decline in sales

Same here


it is expected during the summer, but as rebell45 stated, things are opening up and people want to get outside right now before we are back to Winter.


Now the other issue is that "A" company had their "P" day recently along with other retailers competing.  I know this because the local news and news websites shoves it down our throats as if there is no other "real" news in the world to report.




Message 3 of 61
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Re: Big decline in sales

June/July typically slower.  BTS shopping will help things pickup as July morphs into Aug.


Hang in there!  Just unprecedented times.

....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

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Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 4 of 61
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Re: Big decline in sales

I have three different selling accounts, one at work & two personal. I sell a very different class of items on each.


When I look at my sales for the last 31 days, it shows a graph with how much up or down I am in a couple of categories, as well as how eBay is doing in those categories as a whole. The eBay #'s have been showing more than 10% down for 6 different categories for months now. Sometimes it ticks up, to maybe 2% down, but then goes back down. I have been up  10 to 75%, depending on how much I am listing as time allows.


So, as a whole I would say all of eBay is experiencing a sales slowdown. eBay just won't tell us how much, they just say more than 10%.


You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.
Message 5 of 61
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Re: Big decline in sales

Now that the COVID issue is drifting away, expect sales to be back to the dismal levels they were before last March.  I was doing lousy before then & it has come back to roost.   Before Christmas 2019 & into to January 2020, sales were beyond pathetic.  Now the trend comes back.  Barely averaging 1 sale a day.  Weekends are far worse.  Fri-Sun have been awful for about 5-6 straight weeks.  Averaging about 1 sale per.  This is not a "summer thing."   Fall 2019 was not much better than normal summers.  Find what can be a steady seller or expect struggles to get an income.  You will need a variety of platforms for  selling to make it work.   Cheers!   Good luck to us all.     🙂

Message 6 of 61
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Re: Big decline in sales

Also, it is getting annoying when you get more "where's my mail?" messages than sales!!   lol

Message 7 of 61
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Re: Big decline in sales

I'm going on one month with no sales...I haven't seen anything like that in my 22 years of being a seller.  I think what I stated earlier in the month still the country slowly opens back up from last years pandemic, people are starting to shop in stores again just for the sake of getting out and about. It will pick back up, you'll see....hang in there. Nothing lasts forever. ☺

Message 8 of 61
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Re: Big decline in sales

I agree with everyone else here as well. Sales have dropped due to buyers getting back out there to the real world. It should balance out soon hopefully.


The summer tends to bring a drop in sales, but I generally use the summer months to straighten out inventory, and recalculate my costs, and prepare for the uptick of sales in September and get ready for Black Friday  :.)


I mainly sell, work and write. So when I'm not selling as much, I concentrate more on my writing and vice versa.


From my perspective, I think sales should return to normal soon.

Message 9 of 61
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Re: Big decline in sales

Still think its all the promoted and sponsored ads on everyone's active listings.


When I look at my own listings, I can't see all the competing ads.  But when I look at other's listings, there are a total of 5 rows of competitive listings on the every item I am looking at.


There's 2 rows of similar items before the item's description, and 3 rows after...listings are becoming cluttered with other competing listings..

KrazzyKats  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1998

Message 10 of 61
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Re: Big decline in sales

I think the general clutter is also very off-putting.  It's one reason I dislike shopping on Amazon.  Browsers are easily distracted, it's a basis for the psychology of product placement in stores, and eBay and Amazon both have it down to a fine (?) art.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 11 of 61
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Re: Big decline in sales

I totally agree.  Too much clutter, confuses my brain, and I end up buying nothing.

(By then, I've forgotten what I was looking for anyway.)

KrazzyKats  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1998

Message 12 of 61
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Re: Big decline in sales

Some of the problem is sales where UP for many over the last year. The government has been giving almost everyone in the country 30K plus a year for doing nothing. That 30K is being exhausted and things are going back to normal. Many refuse to go back to work now until there is nothing left and they are forced to.

Message 13 of 61
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Re: Big decline in sales

This decline is not happening on my other selling sites, only Ebay. Here, my items are getting 5 to 10 views in the 30 days they are listed. On other sites I am making sales.  Stop making excuses due to COVID, it is just ebay gumming up the works.  I spend more time deleting listings from ebay than sending ebay packages. 

Also, I realize I am no longer shopping on ebay, either. My saved searches are broken and I have no money in my paypal account so no impulse buying for me anymore.

Oh well, ebay was "fun" while it lasted!!

Message 14 of 61
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Re: Big decline in sales

@junkstop wrote:

This decline is not happening on my other selling sites.  On other sites I am making sales. 

If it is so great elsewhere why in the world would you be so concerned about this site. Enjoy all that cash.

Message 15 of 61
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