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Beggars can be choosers........on eBay

I watched a video & it made perfect sense regarding what you post on eBay.  No point in adding 2,000 items & think this, automatically, means you will generate more sales.  If you want 200 sales, steadily, from 2,000, a lot of those items NEED to be good sellers.  Don't post items just to get a higher number.  In Dec/Jan, I only listed 16 items.  I had 5 sales.  I decided to list items that seemed to generate more interest.  I could have added another 200 items & still have only 5 sales.  Time to be picky about what I try to sell here instead of begging for more sales.  My goal is to sell more locally.  eBay will be used to boost my monthly intake.  It won't be my main focus anymore.   Don't beg for more; be choosy about what you showcase here.  I posted 2 items this week.  1 sold very quickly.  The other may sell on Marketplace.  Good luck to all!   🙂

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Re: Beggars can be choosers........on eBay

@sakic92710 wrote:

...  If you want 200 sales, steadily, from 2,000, a lot of those items NEED to be good sellers.  Don't post items just to get a higher number.  ...   Don't beg for more; be choosy about what you showcase here.  I posted 2 items this week.  1 sold very quickly.  The other may sell on Marketplace.  Good luck to all!   🙂

You can't sell it if it's not posted, but you also can't sell it if no one wants it.


At work, we've been focusing more on better sellers with higher ASP, and it's working.  Out sales count is down, but our sales dollars are moving back up.


At home, I've dug deep into my stockpile of elongates, grabbing elongates from suppliers I used years ago (I've always bought way more than I could sell -- I quick-sell enough to recover the investment, and then ease my way thru the balance while re-investing in more bulk stock to do it again.), and made the time to list just 25 of them post Christmas.  20 have already sold.  That's more sales than I've made in quite a while, and it tells me I need to bring more of that older stock out of hibernation, blend it with what I'm currently processing, and get some synergy going in the form of sales.


Once Memphis gets past this current "Ice Age", I've got a few other things to get finished so I can move forward even more.  We got snow/cold Sunday evening thru Monday... and it's still sticking around and messing up driving!  I think we've been above freezing one afternoon this whole week!  When Memphis sees single digit overnight lows, you KNOW it's COLD!  🙂


But I did reach out to some of my relatives back in MN and asked them to come get their weather.  They were less than enthusiastic - they've got their own cold, just no real snow as of yet.  At least that's what I was told... they may just be having a laugh.... 🙂


On FBMP, I put my storage shed ('the barn') up for free pickup - the only cost would be labor to help me move the contents from the shed to the garage.  About 40-50ft per trip, and it's mostly tires (which roll) and rims (which kinda roll) and a few things of mine (antique computer, old paperwork (what hasn't gotten water-soaked, that is), and a couple of racks.  Once that's done, they can take it away with my blessing.  It would cost a pretty penny to replace it, easily 2x-3x what we paid for it... 30yrs ago.  I find this to be a good "reuse/repurpose" for the building, whatever the new owner might have in mind.  My wife agrees 1000%. 🙂  Just need to get rid of the cold and moisture-from-the-sky (rain, snow, freezing rain, sleet, freezing fog, you name it, we've probably had it this week).  🙂



RKS Solutions LLC logo
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"A journey of a thousand miles begins by getting off the couch"
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Re: Beggars can be choosers........on eBay

Just need to get rid of the cold and moisture-from-the-sky (rain, snow, freezing rain, sleet, freezing fog, you name it, we've probably had it this week).


Too bad I can't hire out my labour for your project - I have a strong back and a weak mind, and rain, snow, freezing rain, sleet, freezing fog is just bog standard here - I probably wouldn't even notice it. If you keep feeding me, I will keep working. That antique computer might be of interest, though - there's a big retro computing community who loves that stuff (I still miss DOS but that may just be my youth that I miss).

“The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer.” - Henry Kissinger

"Wherever law ends, tyranny begins" -John Locke
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Re: Beggars can be choosers........on eBay

@chapeau-noir wrote:

Just need to get rid of the cold and moisture-from-the-sky (rain, snow, freezing rain, sleet, freezing fog, you name it, we've probably had it this week).

That antique computer might be of interest, though - there's a big retro computing community who loves that stuff (I still miss DOS but that may just be my youth that I miss).

That computer runs an operating system that predates DOS, predates CPM, and is not Unix or Unix-based.  The O/S was developed for a D.O.D. project in the 60's (while I was in grade school) and brought to the public when the D.O.D. said "We're done, you can keep it", so the developers did.  It's based on a relational database that does not use fixed fields and could support up to 8 active users in 640K (like my first 286).


And it's fun!  1978 thru 2012 I was always excited to see what new tricks I could make it do next.  And I got paid pretty well (at that time) for doing so.  🙂


I had it running years ago, but then needed the space and it was too soon for it to become a museum piece.  So I packed it away, knowing it would be fun to bring it back as I neared retirement and the dream of all that time on my hands.  🙂


I just hope the dumb ASCII terminals that go with it still work... classic CRT-based terminals.  Good old Green Screen terminals.  🙂  And I might have to research how to wire up a serial cable......



RKS Solutions LLC logo
Ask me about SixBit and the tools I use to sell - I'm happy to share!
"A journey of a thousand miles begins by getting off the couch"
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Re: Beggars can be choosers........on eBay

Good old Green Screen terminals.


I miss those.

“The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer.” - Henry Kissinger

"Wherever law ends, tyranny begins" -John Locke
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Re: Beggars can be choosers........on eBay

I have done no serious research,  but sellers with  several thousands of items listed make dozens of sales each day regardless of quality. Just the sheer numbers of items they have listed means at least twenty people each day will buy something from them. In some cases, hundreds of sales each day. Just click the "sold" of sellers with thousands of items.You will see for each day, they sell dozens of items at the very least. Many of these sellers sell everything under the sun. 

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Re: Beggars can be choosers........on eBay

 Yes and No.
 Sure, everybody wants to have and list the In Demand items.  But, those are in demand because not many sellers have them.
It's not easy to for most of us to list nothing but In Demand items.
   I sell car parts. Every car has several IN DEMAND parts. Some cars more than others. BUT, it's a proven thing around here. Every car has several in demand parts, we just have to research every part to make sure we find those parts and price them accordingly).  Those parts go quick.
BUT, the majority of the parts sell as they are needed. And you don't know what's going to break next on your car.  So,  I have to list the not so in demand alternator so that when you need it, it's there.

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Re: Beggars can be choosers........on eBay

I've seen sellers with thousands of items running who have not very many sold, but one thing they all have in common is terrible photos. 

“The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer.” - Henry Kissinger

"Wherever law ends, tyranny begins" -John Locke
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Re: Beggars can be choosers........on eBay

Time to be picky about what I try to sell here instead of begging for more sales. 

Exactly.  The simple notion of being extremely selective about what you sell on eBay is what separates successful sellers from the sellers who waste their time selling stuff that no one wants or stuff that everyone else is already selling for the same price.


My goal is to sell more locally.

Better yet.  And besides selling locally, there are hundreds of "online bidding only" auction houses that have opened up across the country during the pandemic that are so much more convenient and so much better than selling on eBay for a lot of reasons, especially for certain categories. 

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Re: Beggars can be choosers........on eBay

@chapeau-noir wrote:

I've seen sellers with thousands of items running who have not very many sold, but one thing they all have in common is terrible photos. 

That's just a Commodore 64 issue 😁

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