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Been wondering why your auctions don't end with a Good Sell Price?

Buyer Requirements for Auctions What a Concept, and for the Life of me, I can't figure out why eBay would do such a Bone Headed thing, it's what an auction sellers NightMares are made of, everyone knows that the main players appear on the scene at the last 10 to 20 seconds of an auction, so you can image what happens when the Hieroglyphics appear to a sniper for the First time, it's Like What The ____, and then the auction is over and a Lost Bid, LOL, That's why ALL SELLERS NEED  to Uncheck those boxes, you're just going to loose money, and eBay don't care as long as they get their 15%.

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Re: Been wondering why your auctions don't end with a Good Sell Price?

You may just be getting a rant out, but buyer requirements have been around for ages. I almost exclusively do BIN. 

Message 2 of 14
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Re: Been wondering why your auctions don't end with a Good Sell Price?

@maccnc11 wrote:

Buyer Requirements for Auctions What a Concept, and for the Life of me, I can't figure out why eBay would do such a Bone Headed thing, it's what an auction sellers NightMares are made of, everyone knows that the main players appear on the scene at the last 10 to 20 seconds of an auction, so you can image what happens when the Hieroglyphics appear to a sniper for the First time, it's Like What The ____, and then the auction is over and a Lost Bid, LOL, That's why ALL SELLERS NEED  to Uncheck those boxes, you're just going to loose money, and eBay don't care as long as they get their 15%.

Having just gone through an auction win in my buying account, I can tell you that your last-second snipe is not hindered by any additional popup now if the seller does have that auto-payment option in effect.


After you win the auction with your last-second snipe, eBay gives you a one-hour countdown timer within which you can change your funding source if necessary, and/or send your payment in immediately. Otherwise when the timer reaches zero, your default stored funding source will be used instead. There is no new delay in snipe bidding.


P.S. A bigger complaint of mine, as a seller, is that the bidding popup window that appears has three very low incremental bid buttons shown in addition to the field below where you can type in a higher amount. (For example, an auction currently at $25 might offer bid buttons of $27, $29 or $31, not much of an increase there at all.) I have long suspected that some bidders must think that those three buttons are their only options, and don't notice that they can slam in a high snipe bid like everyone else.

Message 3 of 14
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Re: Been wondering why your auctions don't end with a Good Sell Price?

I haven't heard of that, do you know how minutes from the close of the auction when that takes effect, or a checked box is disregarded?

Message 4 of 14
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Re: Been wondering why your auctions don't end with a Good Sell Price?

@maccnc11 wrote:

I haven't heard of that, do you know how minutes from the close of the auction when that takes effect, or a checked box is disregarded?

I'm... not sure I totally understand your question here... When the auction ends with a winner, that bidder will see a popup on the auction win page (I don't remember now whether it came up automatically, or after I refreshed the page) that's counting down from 60 minutes, started at the moment that the auction ended. The winning bidder has 60 minutes to change his funding source if desired (and he can also just pay immediately if desired). If no payment occurs within 60 minutes, eBay puts the payment through to the seller using the winner's stored funding details.


This setting is chosen by the seller on their Buyer Management page, the first checkbox below the Buyer rules subhead: 

Buyer Rules options on Buyer Management pageBuyer Rules options on Buyer Management page

In my screenshot above, I have that option un-selected for auctions because I didn't want a possible roadblock to last-second snipers, as you were concerned about. I left it un-checked because eBay could not clearly explain how it was supposed to work. This was one of those enhancements that was just dumped on users with no announcement, no notice and no discussion; we were left to ourselves to basically figure out how it worked.


I suppose I could check the box now, since we seem to have a pretty good understanding of how it functions, and so that the requirement will take effect on my own auctions, but I have not felt the need to do so, nor do I want to make any changes without a clear reason to do so. That's just me.

Message 5 of 14
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Re: Been wondering why your auctions don't end with a Good Sell Price?

They wouldn't loose money if they just listed at a fixed price for the price they want.

All sellers don't don't need to uncheck it, just the ones that don't care if they don't get paid or how long it takes the buyer to pay.

Have a great day.
Message 6 of 14
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Re: Been wondering why your auctions don't end with a Good Sell Price?

OK we're back on the same page, I thought you were saying the system would go into disregard of the Buyer Requirement if you were a last second bidder. No don't check any of them, or uncheck them all, eBay should have left those unchecked to start with. And told sellers to check them if they wished. A lot of people are surprised when they first see the Pop Up's, and I don't about you but when I do an Auction I want it to go as High as it can, LOL, and a last second sniper I certainly don't want to scare him off, LOL

Message 7 of 14
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Re: Been wondering why your auctions don't end with a Good Sell Price?

Well my experience has been 99 out of 100 pay so I got my boxes unchecked, I believe it reduces sells, well at least for me I know it reduces sells, because once they started it, it so surprised so many buyers that 10 months along now, still haven't recovered, people just stopped making offers. 

Message 8 of 14
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Re: Been wondering why your auctions don't end with a Good Sell Price?

The reason  auctions which end with a crummy sale price is usually that there are not two serious bidders.


Auctions require more buyer time and attention, and buyers no longer spend their lives on Ebay. There is so much cheap crap to be had which does not require two or more visits to a site that the number of Ebay auctions has dropped and the prices received has dropped.


I have a couple of auctions up today for items I would not normally sell. The starting price is low, I do not know the value but I am prepared if the do not sell to let them hang around as Buy It Now items for as long as it takes.

Message 9 of 14
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Re: Been wondering why your auctions don't end with a Good Sell Price?

I can tell you that your last-second snipe is not hindered by any additional popup now if the seller does have that auto-payment option in effect.



Actually, eBay is still enrolling BUYER IDs into forced compliance to put up a payment source in order to bid.  Should a buyer not be enrolled when they bid on Tuesday,  they can bid as normal.  When Friday rolls around and they want to "snipe" at the last minute, they often find that their ID has been enrolled since their last bid and the screen comes up that requires the payment source, which takes time away from the snipe process.  

None of that would matter if the SELLER changed the buyer rules to "OFF/NO".   Apparently, finding out one has to comply in order to bid at the last minute is more than annoying. 

I was an avid buyer, would almost always bid on multiple auctions from the same seller until my IDs were placed in "other people didn't pay, so no combined shipping for you punishment camp".   I watch often how low the auctions end for those sellers that retain the buyer rules.  I would have bid AND PAID TWICE AS MUCH as the ending price.   

Sellers are allowed to limit their buyer pool by retaining these.  eBay is never going to tell them how many people simply backed out and refused to comply.  

Message 10 of 14
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Re: Been wondering why your auctions don't end with a Good Sell Price?

@ittybitnot wrote:

I can tell you that your last-second snipe is not hindered by any additional popup now if the seller does have that auto-payment option in effect.



Actually, eBay is still enrolling BUYER IDs into forced compliance to put up a payment source in order to bid.  

Still? I thought they had that done already. Maybe I'm thinking of the pre-pay info requirement for Make Offer, which got settled a lot sooner than the auction process.


@ittybitnot wrote:

Should a buyer not be enrolled when they bid on Tuesday,  they can bid as normal.  When Friday rolls around and they want to "snipe" at the last minute, they often find that their ID has been enrolled since their last bid and the screen comes up that requires the payment source, which takes time away from the snipe process.   

Well, they're not going to "often find" that that's happened; they're only asked for those details once, after which those details become part of your account profile. The scenario you're describing above would be a very rare occurrence.


@ittybitnot wrote:

None of that would matter if the SELLER changed the buyer rules to "OFF/NO".   Apparently, finding out one has to comply in order to bid at the last minute is more than annoying. 

I was an avid buyer, would almost always bid on multiple auctions from the same seller until my IDs were placed in "other people didn't pay, so no combined shipping for you punishment camp".   I watch often how low the auctions end for those sellers that retain the buyer rules.  I would have bid AND PAID TWICE AS MUCH as the ending price.  

You should probably tell the affected seller(s) that, but if you know that you will be bidding on multiple items from the same seller, you might want to send them a note in advance to ask if they will combine shipping for a discounted total. I get that the system can now drag separate payments out of you for multiple purchases from the same seller, but asking sellers for details about combined shipping before you bid is just good practice.


@ittybitnot wrote:


eBay is never going to tell them how many people simply backed out and refused to comply.  

I get that you're upset about it (I was not a fan either, and I do not use that setting on my own auctions), but I just don't think that bidders are really staying away in droves. Bidders know that they will be expected to pay for the item (and shipping) sooner or later, so adding the payment info to your bidding profile should not be too unusual. It's the possibility of combined shipping for multiple auction wins that would need to be confirmed with the seller in advance, since he will need to refund the overage if the auctions all go in your favor.

Message 11 of 14
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Re: Been wondering why your auctions don't end with a Good Sell Price?

I agree with you, However there is a difficulty with Smart phone users, and the folks we are trying to get interested in our items, they aren't sitting down at a Desktop trying to navigate Sellers Hub. Sellers Hub is a piece work for a Desktop user, and that's all I'll say on that subject. So what I'm saying is why not make it really simple for a buyer to make offers and place bids on auctions, rather than jump thru whoops. The check boxes were supplied for sellers that were worried about non payers, the mistake on eBay's part was in CHECKING everyones Boxes when the program started, instead of just allow those sellers who wanted it, to do it on their own. There are a Boatload of sellers that can barely Navigate Sellers Hub, to this day I have problems with it, while using a Desktop. Like you say people don't visit eBay much these days, and I figure they visit even less when conformed with stumbling blocks.  

Message 12 of 14
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Re: Been wondering why your auctions don't end with a Good Sell Price?

I have no problems with Seller Hub.


I have plenty of problems with the Ebay mobile app.


I have never had other than rare problems with non-paying bidders/


Of the two auctions I had up last week, one sold on one bid.


The other relisted for BIN sold in 5 days for a higher price than the opening bid when it was on auction.


Both were bargains, and I am glad to be rid of them because they could not be stored safely in the same manner as the rest of my inventory.


As for offers, I do not enable Make An Offer, anymore, and get too many unwanted offers from buyers who think all Ebay sellers are idiots. Maybe they are experiencing the effects of the sellers who cannot operate the Seller Hub that you refer to,



Message 13 of 14
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Re: Been wondering why your auctions don't end with a Good Sell Price?

Auction selling on eBay is fading away like the do-do bird, Hula Hoop sales, Saturday Night Auctions, yard//garage sales as a way to get make $$.  Buyers today want there stuff NOW and not wait and hope they get something at a  cheap price.  Amazon seems to be rocking and rolling withe their PRONTO delivery.  Yeah there are still some folks that like the entertainment of auctions but want to score a cheap price too.  Goodwill type stores seems to  be gaining in popularity. 

Noticed you only have 1  item  of 246 items listed the rest  fixed  price  - you might  have other auction listing didn't    look at  each listing but about 1/2 - my finger got tired from scrolling

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