03-06-2021 06:58 AM - last edited on 03-06-2021 05:04 PM by kh-gary
Really? ban Dr. Seuss books. I really don't think I can be associated with a company that won't stand-up to a handfull who want to silence those who think differently and cancel our 1st amendment and freedom of expression rights. You should be ashamed
03-06-2021 07:19 AM
1st Amendment? You need to actually read the 1st amendment.
03-06-2021 08:19 AM
I should be ashamed?
I want to make it abundantly clear that these are PEER-T0-PEER community discussion boards, made up of eBay buyers and sellers. eBay staff/employees don't even read these discussion boards , so you've now just tried to shame a bunch of people JUST LIKE YOU.
Thanks a lot.
03-06-2021 08:27 AM
They're not banning the books, they simply won't allow them to be sold in their store any more. Almost every store in the world makes decisions on which products they wish to sell, and which they don't, so you'll need to also share your outrage with pretty much every online and brick-and-mortar store out there.
Also, 1st amendment prohibits the government from infringing on your right to free speech, within certain limits (see the classic "yell fire in a crowded theater example). It does not give you the right to sell what you want on a private store platform. You'd be hard-pressed to make a case that selling something for money is a form of self-expression, and eBay is in no way a government institution.
I don't really agree with the removal of these books, I would rather see them continue to be published, but maybe with a preface or footnote. Erasing evidence of racism doesn't erase either the fact that it existed, or that it continue to exist. Far better to acknowledge the past, and repudiate it. That said, eBay's platform, eBay's rules.
03-06-2021 08:38 AM
Go to My eBay > Account > Close my account. Under Closing your eBay account, select submit a request to close your account. Select a reason for closing the account and choose Continue
03-06-2021 08:41 AM
"I don't really agree with the removal of these books, I would rather see them continue to be published, but maybe with a preface or footnote"
Have you seen the pictures in those six books? I have, and no Black or Asian child should be exposed to such hurtful images.
03-06-2021 09:16 AM
Jeez, next thing you know they will remove your listings for the possibly offensive Redskins items you have listed.
03-06-2021 09:20 AM
I haven't, so you may be right, I'll try to find an image so I'll be more informed on it. The example I saw previously wasn't terribly blatant. The idea of a preface or footnote might be better applied to adult literature.
03-06-2021 10:39 AM
Now please justify selling Che **bleep**.