08-08-2018 06:15 PM
All our polo shirts are now categorized as button down shirts- if you go to change to a polo there is no drop down menu- you have to use the 'browse' to find the category. when you change to 'polos' all your item specifics are blanked out! that is a big deal- all the info we put in to the specifics is gone- not only that the new specifics has no place for material, size and pattern. its a mess. so is male and female active wear- it has all changed to "tops" - the pants skorts etc. . called ebay and spoke to a rep who had no idea what i am talking about so i got a supervisor who took screen shots anad said she will 'call me back'.
if you look at ecommerce bytes it is big news.
another great Ebay update!
anyone else out there having problems have a solution?
08-10-2018 01:54 PM - edited 08-10-2018 01:55 PM
@emerald_door wrote:When listing a skirt in the women's clothing category, the options for "occasion" are Belly Dancing, Club Wear, Dance, and Formal. That's it. There is no option for Casual or Career. You would have to type those in yourself, and they would come up as "not specified." However, this isn't new; it's been this way for a while.
The same happens when you have a size that ebay does not like. Lets say a womens size 32 capri. Ebay wants you to list it under 32", or a 32W, no that is not right. A size 32 is NOT a 32 W. Okay so you type in your own size 32 but when you try to do a search (logged out) narrow down the search on the left, there is no size 32 so how does one find a size 32???
Same goes if you search for fashion bug clothing. They are such as 26/28w, there is no such size in ebay world.
Not everyone is little. Look at womens sizes, a regular only goes up to size 22. There are alot of sizes bigger than 22 and NO a 24 is not a 24W. So if you post your 24 in 24W you will get a snad because there is a big difference.
08-10-2018 02:15 PM
That's good.....Odie.......not the problem, but the explanation..........we need more of that.........
08-10-2018 02:19 PM
08-10-2018 02:28 PM
@emerald_door wrote:When listing a dress in the Girls' Clothing category, the choices for Style are Kaftan, Maxi Dress, Tunika, and Tutu Dress. That's all.
Under the mens category dress shirts the only style options are 2 ply, italian, mexican, and tuxedo(? Really?). If you type in your own (such as button down, etc) in the search results you are thrown into unspecified.
08-10-2018 02:29 PM
You tagged alan@ebay but isn't he on vacay for 7 weeks? This really does need to be addressed
08-10-2018 02:42 PM - edited 08-10-2018 02:44 PM
No, Triston is the one on vacation.........
I don't know if Alan is going to do anything........
I'm going to try to put together a comphrensive list of what people post and try to get him to refer the classification people to it......or send it to them...... Whether it will do any good, I don't know........but we can try.........
08-10-2018 06:25 PM
Hi, DH. I think either you or someone else posted the other day there needs to be a separate Specific thread with all of this either in that drop down box when you first sign in, or as a first item on the Seller Board. And demand it doesn't close in less than 3 days like the other important threads did today. IMO. Thanks for your take on this. The more this doesn't work, the more SNADs are a'commin due to misinformation in a seller's listing thru no fault of their own...meaning seller.
08-10-2018 06:36 PM
yes, I'd like a specific place that people could voice their problems with categories and item specifics..... but I ain't got no pull........lol.......and it looks like ebay is going to continue their silence, tho Alan, et al, has referred some of the corrections needed to the "team".......so we have no idea what/if/when they are going to do anything as usual. I was hoping their would be some corrections last nite, but don't see any, tho haven't had time to look deeply......
In any case, I'll try to consolidate what we have so far in a thread and get it out sometime this wkend........for whatever good it might do.....
08-10-2018 06:51 PM
Thanks DH. It needs to be nipped in the bud before it gets out of control so to speak, although it is already out of control lolol.
Please let them know to focus on their NEW Catalogue and leave the rest of us alone lolol until they can understand how it works. And if there isn't a separate thread, you do know how many new threads will be created asking about the same problem? Like the no views, like the missing pix, like the...you know...tons of individual threads not compartmentalized into a succint summary. Sorry, that is how my brain works. Good night, and thanks again.
08-10-2018 06:58 PM
Sorry, and before I retire for the evening lol. If you put in your measurements in IS, ebay is deciding whether it is Regular or Big and Tall even if you put in it was Regular. Using whatever measurement chart they use. Who knows. Not a retail clothier in the whole bunch. Button down...makes me nuts. Done now.
08-11-2018 06:26 AM
Thanks, I knew someone was away, I just got the names mixed up.
08-12-2018 07:00 AM
Morning, DH. I am not that astute finding all the rules & regs related to eBay.
Would you know where I can find the Category list with its subcats so I can print out. UNLESS, they are not done with the changes in clothing? I had an old list but now can't find it, and I believe I found it someplace on this Board a few months ago. But it would be outdated anyway.
I work better with a hard copy next to me. I want to do some women sweaters' listings today and don't want to have to go back in and try and fix something that the Bots moved/changed. And be faced with the fact I can't change it. Thanks for all of your help with this.
08-12-2018 07:07 AM - edited 08-12-2018 07:10 AM
Trying to list a pair of capris today. Under the old categories, one would list them under pants then under style drop down menu there would be capris, cropped pants. Now the capri, cropped option is gone and if you type it in, they get lost in the search. Have to type in exact size, name brand, etc. All of my capris that I try to search for are having this problem. I guess I have to list them under casual pants now????
This is horrible.
08-12-2018 08:05 AM
Hoping this picture will help. You can see there are 1785 pairs of alfred dunner capris. If you click on style, it does not give you the option for capri, you get only 6 choices of styles and one that says unspecified. These total up to 514. Where are the other 1271??????
08-12-2018 08:31 AM
I see capri under
Clothing, Shoes & Accessories > Women's Clothing > Pants
Length........along with ankle, knee length, full length tho what the difference is between ankle and full length I can't fathom......