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Are you unhappy with Ebay 2022

                I have been selling on ebay for a decade. I used to really love it and it made me good money. Sadly, it seems to have taken a really negative downward turn withing the past several years. I keep holding out hope that it will get better, even a little, but it only keeps getting worse. I have always sold on ebay and one other platform, and ebay used to be my bigger seller of the two. Now it is not. Not by a long shot. I used to make enough on the two platforms to live comfortably, but since ebay's decline, I have had to add on side hustles to make ends meet. I am now a part time pet sitter and I have added  on 3rd selling platform. The new platform I am using is doing great and far surpassing ebay in sales.  I originally thought that my sales were low due to inflation, the war, covid,  ect, but my sales are good and steady on the other two platforms, just not here on ebay.  Back in the day, I used to make sales on ebay daily. It was super rare to even go one day without making a sale. Now, I go several days in a row without a single sale and this happens several times a month. I barely make any money on here anymore. I feel like my listings are not being seen and I refuse to pay ebay more to promote my listings. They take enough money from us already. I know that ebay is losing both buyers and sellers in droves and it is easy to see why. 

           I know their main focus is on sellers who sell high value items, and I am not one of those sellers. If you are a seller who sells jewelry, expensive sneakers, expensive trading cards, or car parts, are you doing well at least? Just curious. I know they are advertising in these categories. 

            I am unhappy with the new listing tool. It takes four times as long to list anything. The item specifics are ridiculous, and all the stupid drop downs. Click, click, click. Let's waste more time. The new platform I sell on is so fast and easy for listings. It takes me 60 seconds or less to list an item. I timed it. 

            How do you all feel about ebay now? Are you happy? Are you still making good money? 

Message 1 of 73
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Are you unhappy with Ebay 2022

I'm sorry your sales are hurting as well. I don't want that for any seller on ebay except the China sellers. Why on earth would ebay even allow China sellers on the US platform anyways? I'm sure it has to do with money. I just wish that selling on here was fair to all US sellers. I have two ebay accounts. One was inactive (this one) but I reactivated it in July, so now I sell on both of my ebay accounts. Why do this? My other ebay account had a store subscription, but I was making so little in sales that it was not worth the cost of the store subscription anymore. I usually have 400 to 500 listings at a time, and as a non store you get 250 free listings a month, so between my two accounts that is 500 free listings, without paying the store subscription fee. I wonder how many other sellers got rid of their store subscriptions after suffering from months of low to no sales. 

Message 16 of 73
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Are you unhappy with Ebay 2022

Exactly. I used to sell 12 items a day, now I don't even sell 12 items in a week. Since January I have been profiting less and less every single month on here. It just keeps going down, down, down. It does not motivate me to want to even list on ebay anymore. I used to shop on ebay allot for myself and I don't even do that anymore. When I look for clothing, they no longer have what I want, and if they do, their search is so messed up with all the unrelated  promoted listings clogging the feed that I can't even find the correct items anyways. Where do I shop now? The other platforms. Another thing that is making my blood boil, is that just the week, I got two best offers from items that I was not watching. One was from a vintage bra that I had clicked on but it was yellowed due to age, so I had no interest in it. I got a best offer sent to me from that bra. I was like "What the heck, I'm not even watching this item".  How annoying! Just today I got an offer for a gold necklace. I have never searched ebay for a gold necklace in my life. I don't even like gold jewelry. Why is ebay sending me this crap?! It makes me not want to spend a dime on here. I can't find what I want and now they send me offers for crap I'm not even watching? Uhhh! 

Message 17 of 73
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Are you unhappy with Ebay 2022

Certain the last several years on ebay have been less than stellar for sure.  Ebay is fully aware of how many sellers are exiting the platform but just cant seem to figure out how to re-establish some degree of order and normalcy on this platform even though the sellers forum is chocked full of very reasonable solutions that are being flat out ignored.

This dissatisfaction has made into some of the more popular ecommerce reporting sites as word gets out.

I would humbly ask anybody posting in these forums about lack of sales, site issues or anything else to include real numbers........ you see......real number dont lie and when Q3 reporting time comes will be near impossible to for ebay management to hide their own dismal performance


Message 18 of 73
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Are you unhappy with Ebay 2022

@public-direct wrote:

I've wondered a lot about if there are limits the last few years so what you said make sense.

No matter how many new products I add or what I do, 98% of the time it seems like I'm getting cut off from sales once I reach either a certain amount or a certain $ threshold. Maybe I'm imagining things 😐

EBay had admit in a post awhile back that there's many types of limits. They had originally taken the post down, then once media had mentioned it outside of eBay, they claimed it was taken down by mistake and restored it. But then had a spokesperson claim there wasn't limits. But the spokespersons own words contradicted themselves and wouldn't really apply unless there were limits to begin with... lol.

Some limits are "to prevent stores from growing too fast". Some are "risk based" on how risky eBay determines you are as a seller. (On this note, in 2018 one of the CS Supervisors had claimed we had a "risk level" on our account, when prior to this they had claimed there "was no limits". And this claim of a "risk level" just happened to coincide with that limits post that was made).

Of course, limits are built in to the system to begin with, as if you get any VeRO's or duplicate listings, that will put a limit/penalty on your account for ~3 months, which may be this "risk level" itself. And years back, the VeRO team had told me the "fair warning" VeRO messages do NOT have a penalty (and even said on them if you repair the listing in time there's no penalty) - but then I had the Sellers Health team confirm that there was INDEED a penalty on our account for a "fair warning" that wasn't so fair at all, nor a warning. After trying to get answers for about a year, they switched up their claims on the forum here and said the fair warnings "could have a penalty". 

But yeah, many have observed the kind of limits you mention. They change how it works on occasion, but you used to be able to look at your sales(30 days) and be able to predict when you were going to slow down.

Things get messier nowadays with promotions, though, and when nearly 70% of sales are now Promoted sales (when 1 year ago it was 40%) it's clear what's going on.

Message 19 of 73
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Are you unhappy with Ebay 2022

     I will begin not with a defense of eBay but a simple fact. EBay's only purpose for existing is to maximize the profit of their shareholders. How they manage to do that and the effects it has on buyers and sellers is of little concern. I do not fault them for that and they do exactly what I do as a seller and that is to attempt to make the most profit they can. 

     For the most part I am neither happy or unhappy with the platform I simply accept it for what it is and adapt and/or adjust to survive just as eBay does. Actions however have consequences and the quasi monopoly that eBay, and a few other ecommerce sellers had, no longer exists. Like any enterprise if somebody is making money competition will enter the marketplace and if they are loosing money competitors will leave. At one point eBay comprised close to 90-100% of my sales but I began to diversify long ago for a number of reasons and eBay now accounts for less than 20% of my sales and that number is declining. It does take some close monitoring when you list the same item on multiple platforms to ensure you don't hit an out of stock problem.

    The pandemic had positive and negative impacts on ecommerce. It drove an ecommerce boom for almost 18 months before the bubble began to burst. New ecommerce sites were standing up by the 100's, obviously not all will survive but some have gained a foothold in the market. When the restrictions were lifted people began to return to B&M stores simply because they could often find the item cheaper, obtain it immediately, paid no shipping cost, did not have to worry about damage or lost items, and returns were pretty simple. Neither eBay or any other ecommerce platform can compete with that. 

     Like you I am not a high volume seller and do not list expensive items on eBay due to the risk, although eBay has attempted to reduce that with the authentication centers those are having mixed results. There are things eBay has done that I was not happy about and they have even done a few that I was happy about the GSP being at the top of that list. Apparently that works so well they are getting ready to do away with it and stand up their own version. I will continue to list here as long as the benefits outweigh the drawbacks but the platform is not the stellar ecommerce site that it once was. 

Message 20 of 73
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Are you unhappy with Ebay 2022

@dbfolks166mt wrote:

     I will begin not with a defense of eBay but a simple fact. EBay's only purpose for existing is to maximize the profit of their shareholders. How they manage to do that and the effects it has on buyers and sellers is of little concern. I do not fault them for that and they do exactly what I do as a seller and that is to attempt to make the most profit they can. 

But it should also be considered that degrading the marketplace competitiveness for those short term gains with an impending crash is not something the shareholders would either be happy with.

Nor do their stock reports reflect that they're maximizing profits. They're only becoming less competitive against the other marketplaces. 

Don't you think stock holders would be alarmed if they were aware of what was going on? If they even understood what they were actually doing with their ads as they promise growth, and knew the truth behind eBay's smoke and mirrors in their press releases? If they saw that the site was literally pay to play and the average prices compared to the competitors went up?

They instead focus on some "key categories" and show some statistics for the specific category, rather than showing that the site as a whole has had substantial drops in GMV.

And here's the kicker: Without the ridiculous promotion fees (and other fees, such as how they price gouge people on USPS fees with the illusion that they're cheaper while tricking people who don't realize you pay FVF on that price bringing them higher than 3rd parties), people WOULD NOT be able to go to B&M stores and get the same items for cheaper.

EBay gave up their advantage, and the reason that people were coming to the site ahead of others, in order for those short term gains. And if stock holders actually knew this, they would likely not be holding on to their stocks, as the long term outlook is poor.

Message 21 of 73
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Are you unhappy with Ebay 2022

But it should also be considered that degrading the marketplace competitiveness for those short term gains with an impending crash is not something the shareholders would either be happy with.

     Probably not but I doubt eBay is going to totally crash. Their asset holdings are substantial enough to cover their short, and in most cases, long term debt. 

Nor do their stock reports reflect that they're maximizing profits. They're only becoming less competitive against the other marketplaces. 

     Their quarterly and yearly reporting reflects changes in the operating environment more than what eBay is doing internally. While the last 3 quarterly reports have not been stellar eBay has still paid stock dividends. If you look a a number of large corporations you will find a lot of them have $0 net profit for a year and therefore pay no federal or state taxes, at least directly. They have however grown considerably and the value of their held assets is what determines the stocks desirability. Amazon is a prime example. Without going back through every report I don't believe they have ever reported a net income but the growth and expansion is self evident. 

Don't you think stock holders would be alarmed if they were aware of what was going on? If they even understood what they were actually doing with their ads as they promise growth, and knew the truth behind eBay's smoke and mirrors in their press releases? If they saw that the site was literally pay to play and the average prices compared to the competitors went up?

Serious shareholders, especially the major ones, know more than you think about what is going on it just takes some digging through the reports to get the clear picture.

They instead focus on some "key categories" and show some statistics for the specific category, rather than showing that the site as a whole has had substantial drops in GMV.

EBay like any publically traded company has to follow specific SEC guidance on their reporting although in some cases the SEC allows some pretty broad leeway. What would probably be a real shock to the shareholders would be what eBay's NMV is as opposed to it's GMV. I.E. the GMV - (returns, refunds, scams, lost items, etc. but that is one figure you will probably never see. 

And here's the kicker: Without the ridiculous promotion fees (and other fees, such as how they price gouge people on USPS fees with the illusion that they're cheaper while tricking people who don't realize you pay FVF on that price bringing them higher than 3rd parties), people WOULD NOT be able to go to B&M stores and get the same items for cheaper.

     Partially agree but it is more a factor of some other changes such as the addition of state sales tax as a result of the Wayfair vs. South Dakota Supreme Court decision. The new 1099 reporting requirements which impacted those sellers who had not been reporting their eBay sales as income, the constantly increasing shipping costs and yes the promoted listings all of which sellers have to factor into their pricing. I sell across multiple platforms and adjust my prices, usually downward, based on the costs associated with those platforms. 

EBay gave up their advantage, and the reason that people were coming to the site ahead of others, in order for those short term gains. And if stock holders actually knew this, they would likely not be holding on to their stocks, as the long term outlook is poor.

Agree and while eBay still holds an advantage in the number of active buyers that is slowly diminishing along with the active sellers. The stock market is more about the impact of externalities to a company than it is the internalities although both play a factor. In case you hadn't noticed the DJIA has dropped just over 16% in the last year, 9% in the last month. The Dow closed today at about the same average that it was at in January of 2020 but is still ahead of where it tanked in March of 2020 when it closed below 20,000.

Message 22 of 73
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Are you unhappy with Ebay 2022

@miyasamaco wrote:

they want to sell high end goods and be the Internet dollar store at the same time. 

You got it. They want you to sell high value items for a buck.

Message 23 of 73
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Are you unhappy with Ebay 2022

I am amazed at how bad your sales are. You have about half of our items up but only about 10% of our sales. We aren't doing well either and we're tying to make some drastic changes. I hope you can turn it around.


@kingroc74 wrote:

I'm curious as to who the other platforms are if you will whisper it to me! This year I lost my TRS after 22 years and sales are in the toilet, so to speak. One sale a month now vs, the past where I was selling around twelve items per. I am resisting change but now it has become almost necessary. I used to love this place and now it is soooo depressing.


Message 24 of 73
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Are you unhappy with Ebay 2022

I definitely think there are limits placed on accounts.  I have four accounts and all have payouts made every two weeks.  On this account 5 sales seems to be the limit every two weeks - even if those five sales occur in the first five days - I do not get more than 5.  On two of my other accounts the limit seems to be 3 sales every two weeks - all but once exactly 3 - never more.   My fourth account is my bookstore,  where I have few sales so I can't tell if there is a limit.  However, strangely enough I usually get at least one sale every two weeks and often it is 2-3 days before payout Tuesday.   

These patterns have been going on at least since May. 

Message 25 of 73
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Are you unhappy with Ebay 2022

i quit ebay last winter after 16 years.    so i am in agreement.

Message 26 of 73
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Are you unhappy with Ebay 2022

1000 items....begs the question, is the juice worth the sqweeze?

Message 27 of 73
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Are you unhappy with Ebay 2022

@gamer4life555  I'm in between happy and unhappy.

There's LOTS of room for improvement at ebay, and I can't say I feel confident that ebay is going to make those improvements any time soon. That said, ebay is not---for me---some sort of epic disaster. But I'm definitely looking at ways to improve MY business, because I cannot improve ebay's business, and both ebay and ecommerce have been changing dramatically, and I need to adapt. 

Whether I'm still selling here as my only platform next year at this time depends on how well I can make adjustments. And on whether ebay begins to make some of the improvements I think would help us all. But mostly it depends on what I do.

Q4 begins tomorrow, and I expect I'll be spending somewhat less time on the Board. 

Message 28 of 73
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Are you unhappy with Ebay 2022

Not really. I did not attend,  The same c***, that ebay is saying....  ebay is just saying, like aways.  Sellers are just a guest...

Message 29 of 73
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Are you unhappy with Ebay 2022

I feel your pain!  My sales have dropped by 90% over the past 6 months. Doing the same thing that I have always done. New items daily, at different times, switching things up.

Minimal views. 

I'm at a loss.

Message 30 of 73
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