04-28-2018 10:28 AM
After reading about deficit rates, I'm wondering if I made a mistake. I thought I was doing the right thing, but I never know with ebay anymore.
I sold a tee shirt for $12.00 + free shipping. When I went to ship it, I noticed a very small stain that I hadn't seen when inspecting, photographing, etc. In fact, you have to be looking in the right light just to see it. I tried to rewash, and it got a little fainter, but was still there. I felt the right thing to do was to completely refund the buyer. I emailed her, explained about the stain, immediately refunded her 100% and shipped the tee shirt to her (on my dime---it was only a few dollars) in case she still wanted it and didn't care about the small spot. I did not cancel the transaction. I have not heard back from her, yet.
Since I didn't cancel the sale, will I be ok? Will I receive a deficit?
You never know what buyers will do. I hope this buyer will not get upset. I had something similar happen to me a number of years ago. I bought a clothing item for my daughter. The seller noticed a small mark, emailed me, and sent it to me free of charge. When I received it, I had trouble finding the mark and tried to repay her, which she refused. I felt this was extremely excellent customer service and left feedback saying so (without mentioning the refund so others could possibly try to take advantage of her). I'm hoping my buyer will feel the same way, but you never know.
04-28-2018 10:31 AM
04-28-2018 10:40 AM
You will probably be OK because you did not cancel the transaction.
However, some users have reported that ebay will assume that a full refund is an admission that something was wrong, and will give you a defect point as if you had canceled for a seller-based reason such as "Out of stock." But if a defect hasn't showed up in your Seller Dashboard yet, then chances are it won't ever.
04-28-2018 10:48 AM
No deficit yey. Hopefully I won't get a neg!
Thanks for your help!
04-28-2018 10:57 AM
@theposhmermaids wroteYou never know what buyers will do. I hope this buyer will not get upset. I'm hoping my buyer will feel the same way, but you never know.
Neither your buyer or ebay have suffered any financial harm.
04-28-2018 11:05 AM
Since you didn't cancel, you will be alright. Ebay won't give you a defect.
As for the buyer, I'm betting they will be understanding.
Let us know how everything turns out.
04-28-2018 11:57 AM
You should not get a defect. The buyer will get their item and is not harmed. I have had this same thing happen a couple of times. The buyers were very nice. I remember one even commented in fb on my honesty. Good luck to you.
04-28-2018 01:02 PM
@nobody*s_perfect wrote:You will probably be OK because you did not cancel the transaction.
However, some users have reported that ebay will assume that a full refund is an admission that something was wrong, and will give you a defect point as if you had canceled for a seller-based reason such as "Out of stock." But if a defect hasn't showed up in your Seller Dashboard yet, then chances are it won't ever.
I've refunded in full lots of times with no issues. The only thing that happens on eBay's end is that the item shows back as unpaid, but then I go in and mark that it was paid. Never had an issue on several accounts.
04-28-2018 01:42 PM
The fact is when you refunded in full you got an out of stock defect.
Good Luck Selling!
04-28-2018 01:54 PM
No defect shows up on my account. I'm just hoping the buyer won't be upset.
04-28-2018 05:06 PM
Hi there, Lynscat ~ I sure hope that you don't receive a defect for the refund, but please check your dashboard often and let us know for sure after several weeks have passed.
According to the blues, a "full" refund through PayPal without a cancellation will garner a defect because the bots think it was done for an "out of stock" reason. The exception to this is when the bots can "see" that the widget has been sent and received by the buyer which would happen if the buyer sent back the widget without going through eBay and the widget just showed up at the sellers address as a return and the seller decided to refund the buyer.
Hopefully, since you sent the item to the buyer and uploaded the tracking number, the bots will give you a break...keeping fingers crossed.
04-28-2018 06:06 PM
Hi Hidy! Thanks. Ebay is the only place where you can be penalized for excellent customer service and doing the right thing!
04-28-2018 08:15 PM
I think that the OP shipping the item to the buyer wards off the defect. Hope so anyway. EBay’s big thing is that buyers get their items. EBay doesn’t really care if we get paid or not. EBay cares if eBay gets paid and they have/will. I have had issues a few times. I send the item off to the buyer, then refund and send them a message explaining. Had a framed poster. The frame separated a little at one edge while in storage and I didn’t feel right keeping the money when the condition turned out not as described. The buyer couldn’t have been nicer about it and was actually still happy with the purchase. No defect that time and I sure hope EBay does not issue defects for this....that would be wrong when the seller is absolutely doing right.
04-28-2018 08:38 PM
Thanks! I'm a little apprehensive now because I just looked at the buyer's feedback left for others. Quite a few negs, even when the seller made consessions. I'll update if I hear from the buyer.
04-29-2018 11:46 AM
Just heard from the buyer. She emailed me and left this feedback:
"Lynn is an amazing seller! Beautiful & perfect items, eBay super star!"
So, as long as ebay keeps their nose out of it, I'm fine! Thanks for all of your support!