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All I can say is...Wow...

I seldom post here, but this just made my jaw drop open.  I had no idea this is happening.  Perhaps I spend too much time with the kids.  Anyway, it totally makes sense why ebay is cracking down hard on sellers who sell questionable merchandise here.  


Again...Wow...what a mess!

Message 1 of 83
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Re: All I can say is...Wow...

And this is what makes me afraid to even shop at walmart anymore. Everybody eventually is going to have retail shopping PTSD. 


Message 46 of 83
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Re: All I can say is...Wow...

The Phones are all registered & are locked upon exit & if turned on, the GPS coordinates can be sent to the Police... What they stole is worthless plastic.


Message 47 of 83
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Re: All I can say is...Wow...

I have been grousing about this for years. It's fine with me if yahoos want to steal stuff, but where do you think it's ending up? EBAY, that is where. Here, competing with my store that hasn't gotten a sale in four days. 

Message 48 of 83
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Re: All I can say is...Wow...

This crap goes down in most of the big cities around the nation. What they vote for in these highly populated areas is what they get. 


They still prosecute and jail them for theft and other crime here in East Texas. Thankful we settled in where we did.  Dallas is getting worse and criminals are emboldened there as well. We do our business and outings in the suburbs.  They can have the big cities. Drown in their own schitt.

Posting ID
Message 49 of 83
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Re: All I can say is...Wow...

As a bank teller in the 1960s we were told that should we be robbed, to hand over the cash in the drawer.

We normally opened with about $5000 in our drawers, about a union man's annual wages at the time.

But we were also told to trip the silent alarm and to try to include the "paypacket" of marked bills with the contents.


Never actually had the problem, but we had a lot of Mounties who banked with us.


OTOH, a lady I was chatting with this year told me she quit being a teller the third time she was robbed.


Businesses are insured against shoptheft, but not against lawsuits by injured staff or customers or worse by their estates.

Message 50 of 83
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Re: All I can say is...Wow...

I had no idea...and thank you for posting.  I just thought this video was beyond bizarre and the fact that the law doesn't step in to stop this behavior really was surprising.  

Message 51 of 83
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Re: All I can say is...Wow...

Well, couldn't they strip them and part them out? Either way, it's crazy. 

Message 52 of 83
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Re: All I can say is...Wow...

You can say that again, it doesn't make sense to me either, I'm afraid to see where we are headed. 

Message 53 of 83
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Re: All I can say is...Wow...

@ckimodog wrote:



You've actually seen this happen?  Seriously, you can outright steal and stores do not prosecute or arrest? This is terrible.  My guess is the stores are afraid that if one of the thieves are injured in their stores from being lawfully reprimanded,  the lawsuits filed may out weight the cost of the merchandise.  What a joke! The world has definitely gone mad! 

There is that. And in California at least. Police won't do anything unless they steal more than $950. Anything less, it's not worth bothering with because they won't be prosecuted.

Message 54 of 83
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Re: All I can say is...Wow...

"Store clerks are told to do nothing about it."


My hubs was a PIC (sort of a sub-manager) at a local Safeway.  The employees were told if they interfered in a robbery they would be fired.

Message 55 of 83
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Re: All I can say is...Wow...


No one has mentioned that rampant and unregulated gun ownership might have a little to do with this.   Wanna get shot over a laptop or a head of lettuce? "


Or just for being there?


Lawsuits here in OR over 114?  My take on it is where do I get to buy a rocket launcher?  Hey, I got my Amendment rights!



Message 56 of 83
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Re: All I can say is...Wow...

@chapeau-noir wrote:

The US has the highest incarceration rate in the world as it is - we'd have to build even more prisons which I guess we could do, where incarceration would cost the taxpayers far more money in maintenance than most of the original crimes committed.  Shoplifting has plagued retailing since ancient times, and hanging people for it was was done in earlier times did nothing to stem it, either. It's one of those sticky, seemingly insoluble problems.  

This is spot on, I was in politics 15 years with my ex-fiance' who's a rather powerful lady and no I'm not pro Democratic or Republican, anyone who is "Party Politic" either tends vote solely on self-interest or tend to be very ill or uninformed.


There's also information that 99% of American's are unaware of and why the GOP was deemed "Country Club" the party of the wealthy.  America has more millionaire's per capita than any nation in the world, a whopping 22 million of them commanding an even more whopping 158+ TRILLION dollars.  That in comparison to our 750 thereabouts billionaires who command 5.7 Trillion.  What's said and what's reality by either party more or less news outlets are two different things or many different things.  Most folks don't want to be well informed as it's simply too much work.  I can cite example as my former Biz was a contractor to the US State Dept post 9/11 under Colin Powell's folks.  We had to come up to speed on causation of 9/11 and that took near 6 months, 6 days a week 6-8 hours a day of learning.


Or we can take a closer example eBay or even this forum software, its far far far more complex than any other than a highly skilled SET of engineers can fathom.


One of the biggest problems in America these days is people shirking civic responsibility and civic duty as they prefer to literally be entertained as if that were a Constitutional right.  Instead, folks expect the system to do that work and simply pay to have it done then yell when it costs too much or places undue burden upon them as citizens.  The nation likes to try and treat symptoms of a much more or many more profound core diseases.


Does anyone think that the say Apple iPhones and devices stolen and exchanged for drugs are being sold to other drug addicts or dealers?  No.  They are being sold to citizens who'd rather pay $400 for a brand new iPhone vs $1000 and could care less where it came from treating it as "That's not my problem" until its their home that get's ransacked.


There is good reason that Independent voters now outnumber both GOP and Dem's as especially educated young people are not buying in to the principles either party expounds.


As @chapeau-noir quite correctly points out this stuff is nothing new, the change is that now people have the capability via their mobile devices to record it and the online venues to distribute it.  Social media as with all things can be used for very good things and very bad things.  It's just HILLARIOUS (yet not) to me that we find legislators say for example, Twitter is like "The Towne Square" so free speech ought be completely allowed.  There's no Towne Square anywhere in America where free speech is completely allowed.  Free speech in a court of law is measured by what's said just as free speech is not allowed in the court either, the judge can hold people in contempt.


America's issues are root problems that the people refuse to address and resolve as they require changes for everyone to engage so instead we address the symptoms of said root problems.

Message 57 of 83
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Re: All I can say is...Wow...

@reallynicestamps wrote:

As a bank teller in the 1960s we were told that should we be robbed, to hand over the cash in the drawer.

We normally opened with about $5000 in our drawers, about a union man's annual wages at the time.

But we were also told to trip the silent alarm and to try to include the "paypacket" of marked bills with the contents.


Never actually had the problem, but we had a lot of Mounties who banked with us.


OTOH, a lady I was chatting with this year told me she quit being a teller the third time she was robbed.


Businesses are insured against shoptheft, but not against lawsuits by injured staff or customers or worse by their estates.

Spot on.

Message 58 of 83
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Re: All I can say is...Wow...

Target recently announced "poor earnings results" and chalked it up to $400,000,000+, that's FOUR HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS...nearly a HALF A BILLION DOLLARS of "inventory shrinkage"; aka theft.


In California, you can steal $949 or less, every single day of the year, and IF you get caught, the punishment is equivalent to J-walking. Large retailers don't bother calling the police, they're not going to show up and certainly won't invest any time/money in trying to solve the equivalent of a J-walking "crime".


Welcome to the 3rd world America!


In other news, in response to shocking level of extreme violence in their city, San Francisco has given the police department the authority to kill people with a shotgun mounted on a robot...I KID YOU NOT! 

Message 59 of 83
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Re: All I can say is...Wow...

@ckimodog wrote:



You've actually seen this happen?  Seriously, you can outright steal and stores do not prosecute or arrest? This is terrible.  My guess is the stores are afraid that if one of the thieves are injured in their stores from being lawfully reprimanded,  the lawsuits filed may out weight the cost of the merchandise.  What a joke! The world has definitely gone mad! 

Holy cow! Where have you been? Do you live in a cave somewhere:)?


This ball started rolling a decade ago in Blue Cities and states...oh, never mind, it's all a "right wing conspiracy theory"...until it isn' luck out there, you'll need it!

Message 60 of 83
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