12-04-2018 06:31 AM
Hi. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Here is the story:
I listed a vintage pair of dress shoes last night and early this morning I received 3 over priced offers within 3 minutes of each other from 3 differents users all with a 0 feedback score. I have the shoes listed at $29.97+shipping and received offers of $30 and two at $50. Another odd part is the $30 offer and one $50 offer are from the same town but apparently different ebay users.
This seems odd to me, I feel like maybe I should decline all these offers but I don't want to lose out on a sale. Am I looking too far into this?
These shoes I don't believe to be particularly valuable so I don't know why anybody would try to scam me somehow on them. There is another nicer pair listed for around the same price that has been up for at least two weeks from a top rate seller, so I also find it odd they would go to my 0 feedback account when they could go with a top rated seller.
12-04-2018 06:35 AM
12-04-2018 06:37 AM
I would not except any of them and block.
12-04-2018 06:38 AM
It is a scam so they don't have to pay instanly and do some magic.
12-04-2018 06:38 AM - edited 12-04-2018 06:39 AM
There is NO legitimate reason someone would offer more than the asking buy it now price. You are being set up to be scammed.
(awesome cat lamp, btw!)
(and you know that no returns doesn't mean no refunds, right?)
12-04-2018 06:41 AM
Whenever you get offers over the buy it now price it will almost always be an attempt at frauding you the seller.
Good Luck Selling!
12-04-2018 07:11 AM
12-04-2018 07:15 AM
12-04-2018 07:18 AM
Returns for not as described are required to return the item in order to get a refund. Lots of different sellers say eBay sometimes refunds the buyer without a return. I think there maybe some instances ebay takes into consideration when they decide on requests.
Generally speaking if you do not offer returns buyers can just use a wrong reason to get out of paying return shipping. We use the free returns model and almost never have any returns. You get better search placement and the option to refund less than the entire amount should the return come back with issues.
Good Luck Selling!
12-04-2018 07:23 AM
@thevintagepeacock wrote:
I will block them. Should I be reporting this to ebay as well or can they not do anything or care? I know they could just go create another account anyway.
You can report them if you want. I think eBay actually catches them sometimes, which is what you experienced with the user name that is longer registered?
Do not give out your paypal email address to any potential buyer because they are cleaver enough to create an email that looks exactly like a paypal email to trick you into thinking you received a payment.
If you are a part time seller or new to selling, I would recommend just printing all shipping labels from the paypal payment details. Paypal will forward the tracking number into the eBay transaction details for you.
Good Luck Selling!
12-04-2018 07:27 AM
@thevintagepeacock wrote:
On the returns - if I have no returns does that mean they could get a refund without sending the item back but if I had returns listed they would have to send the item back if they wanted a refund? Still trying to figure out if I should be putting returns or no returns on my listings. Right now it just depends on the item.
No returns refers to not allowing a return for remorse/changed mind reasons. If they file a not as described return, you cannot deny the return and must pay to have it shipped back if you want it back. It will also give you an option to just refund without paying for the return, but that's your choice.
The only time I've heard of a refund being issued without a return (unless you pick that option described above) is if a seller lets ebay handle the return for them---not a good idea.
12-04-2018 07:28 AM - edited 12-04-2018 07:29 AM
If you accept they will send a fake PayPal message that the item is paid and ship immediatly.
12-04-2018 08:26 AM
12-04-2018 08:30 AM
12-04-2018 08:33 AM