11-18-2017 04:49 AM
Why is there a discrepancy between the active listing remova tool and the individual listing tool?
I have been working to remove active listings and have a problem. The active listing tool http://www.isdntek.com/ebaytools/ActiveContentSandbox.htm
Tells me my listing is free of active content yet the tool on the individual listing says I do and removes it. Shortly thereafter I go in to the listing to make a change and the individual listing tool again says I have active content.
What gives?
11-18-2017 06:22 PM
11-19-2017 02:33 AM
11-19-2017 08:30 PM
Looked at item 172987882576.
Other than the HTTP link to your store (which I assume has to be HTTP since eBay hasn't fixed up the stores yet and is ok), there is the following chunk of JavaScript embedded. You must be using (or have used) LastPass with the plugin in your browser when editing the script (IIRC that was a bug in LastPass)
I suspect that is the problem (it is active content) and you need to remove it from your listings. I guess @shipscript tool doesn't trigger on that.
<script>try{(function() {if (typeof(lpcurruser) == 'undefined') lpcurruser = '';
if (document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt') && document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value != '') {
lpcurruser = document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value; document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value = ''; }
if (typeof(lpcurrpass) == 'undefined') lpcurrpass='';
if (document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt') && document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value != '') {
lpcurrpass = document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value; document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value = ''; }
var lploc=1;var lponlyfill=1;(function() {
var doc = document;
var frm = doc.getElementById('SignInForm');
var old_username = doc.getElementById('userid');
var old_password = doc.getElementById('pass');
var runids = doc.getElementsByName('runId2');
var runid = null;
if (runids.length==1) { runid = doc.getElementsByName('runId2')[0]; }
if (frm && runid && old_username && old_password ) {
try {
old_username.value = "";
old_password.value = "";
old_username.parentNode.nextSibling.getElementsByTagName('input')[0].value = lpcurruser;
old_password.parentNode.previousSibling.getElementsByTagName('input')[0].value = lpcurrpass;
} catch (e) { };
})();lpcurruser = ''; lpcurrpass = '';})();}catch(e){}</script><script>try{(function() {
if (typeof(lpcurruser) == 'undefined') lpcurruser = '';
if (document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt') && document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value != '') {
lpcurruser = document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value; document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value = ''; }
if (typeof(lpcurrpass) == 'undefined') lpcurrpass='';
if (document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt') && document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value != '') {
lpcurrpass = document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value; document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value = ''; }
var lploc=2;var lponlyfill=1;(function() {
var doc = document;
var frm = doc.getElementById('SignInForm');
var old_username = doc.getElementById('userid');
var old_password = doc.getElementById('pass');
var runids = doc.getElementsByName('runId2');
var runid = null;
if (runids.length==1) { runid = doc.getElementsByName('runId2')[0]; }
if (frm && runid && old_username && old_password ) {
try {
old_username.value = "";
old_password.value = "";
old_username.parentNode.nextSibling.getElementsByTagName('input')[0].value = lpcurruser;
old_password.parentNode.previousSibling.getElementsByTagName('input')[0].value = lpcurrpass;
} catch (e) { };
})();lpcurruser = ''; lpcurrpass = '';})();}catch(e){}</script>
Additionally you also have a bunch of font tags starting to nest in the description HTML - currently about 30-35 deep. Not a problem that eBay bots trigger on, and not an issue today, but something I have discovered causes Firefox (and maybe other browsers) to simply not display the content embedded in the tags (in this case your description text) when the nesting gets deep enough (which may happen over time as additional nesting levels pile up when editing?) Would likely be a problem (your description would just disappear in Firefox) at around 75 levels deep from my little bit of testing.
See my posts here for more info on that: https://community.ebay.com/t5/Selling/Firefox-fails/m-p/27698764
11-19-2017 09:35 PM
I ran item 172987882576 in the Sandbox tool and it does report an error to me.
Does it still fail to report an error to you? If so, what browser are you using?
As @berserkerplanet mentioned, the culprit is the LastPass tool. It had a bug that was fixed in June of 2016, so if you have not updated your tool, you should. The script that the tool added does not function, but it does trigger eBay filters, and it looks like half of your listings are infected with it.
If you can't update LassPass immediately, I recommend that you disable the tool while creating eBay listings to prevent it infecting every edit.
11-20-2017 07:02 AM
Thanks for the input
I have been using Firefox with the Paid Lastpass App. Lastpass version is Several sites seem to offer a version 4.3 but it does not appear to be available from lastpass directly.
In any case I turned off Lastpass and listings seem to work fine. Also tried MS Edge with Lastpass ON and it worked OK, so I have 2 options for proper working.
Thank you for your assistance