08-25-2022 11:43 AM
Hello !
I just sold an item yesterday. I promoted my item and added 100% I didn't have much idea of how much this would cost me but I thought it would be like 30usd or something . I sold it for 120+60usd shipping. Total of 180usd. For some reason there's only 152 on hold and it says I am 185 negative USD. Does that mean I will have to pay 185 for the ad fees? Still needing to pay 32 USD? When I saw I almost had an heart attack, I can't believe it. Please tell me I am wrong. 😫😫😫😫😫
Solved! Go to Best Answer
08-25-2022 12:57 PM
Costly lesson that I hope you are able to recover from. As a new seller you should read some of the help files available to you regarding fees, the money back guarantee, funding holds, etc. prior to listing anything else. As a new seller you are going to be a target for the scammers if you are listing high target items. Scan the postings on this forum and learn what some of the more common scams are. You may want to start out selling lower value items using BIN format with immediate payment required and avoid the OBO option. I would also suggest you stay away from PL until you see how your items sell without it.
08-25-2022 11:49 AM - edited 08-25-2022 11:51 AM
You promoted at 100%?
08-25-2022 11:52 AM
@mario_croft Not sure I'm following you, but if I understand you listed an item for sale and used Promoted Listings Standard, setting the rate at 100%?
So, here's the thing. If I sell an item for , say, $100 plus $20 shipping (assume no sales tax), that's a sale of $120.00 Now, 10% of $120.00 is $12.00. Unfortunately, 100% of $120.00 is $120.00. Add to that the fact that you also have to pay the regular Final Value Fee on the $120.00. So, if the FVF is 10%, that's $12.00 in FVF and $120.00 in PLS fee. So, yes, you actually owe ebay more than the buyer paid.
If you have any other listings listed with 100% PL, TAKE THEM DOWN NOW.
You might be able to cancel the sale itself, but offhand I'm not sure what the effect is on your FVF or PLS fee, so do not do that unless you are certain that the fees are not charged if the sale is canceled.
I would definitely try contacting ebay Customer Service.
08-25-2022 11:56 AM
08-25-2022 11:57 AM
That's nuts. That 100% shouldn't even be an option. 😅
08-25-2022 12:02 PM
You might want to review this page before contacting ebay Customer Service:
08-25-2022 12:07 PM
Guess Ebay figures that a seller would know a 100% promotion means a hundred percent of the item sold...too complicated for some folks, obviously.
08-25-2022 12:08 PM
Unfortunately, you promoted at 100%, so you would owe 100% of the sale to eBay in just ad fee. Then you would also owe your normal final value fee, as well as lose the tax and whatever your cost is in shipping.
Sorry to see that you made this mistake as that is absolutely terrible and surely a very costly mistake unless the buyer cancels the sale and you get lucky that your mistake is refunded and canceled. Otherwise, you will need to take the loss as a very difficult learning experience.
Please make sure you read through the policies, agreements, and options for promoted listings or any of the other programs/options you may use on eBay.
Simply testing something on a live listing without understanding what you are agreeing to can be extremely costly. Luckily, this was not something overlooked that resulted in a policy violation or something that could cripple your account. Most monetary mistakes can be dealt with or absorbed (in most cases), but receiving a violation or suspension from overlooking something is not anything you want to chance occurring, being that it could result in losing your account.
As a possible solution or attempt at resolution, you could reach out to customer support / request a call back and then to the promoted listings department, and explain the situation. Maybe they will give you a courtesy to your account so that you do not have to take the extreme loss. Also, some sellers are getting a fee credit for Promoted Listings this month. Maybe you got lucky and your account is enrolled in the promotion so that you will be refunded the add fee.
Truly sorry that you are going through this, as it does seem like an honest mistake from misunderstanding the Promoted Listing policies.
08-25-2022 12:10 PM
100% Ad Fee means you will be getting LESS than nothing.
08-25-2022 12:16 PM
...... 😭 and its my first sale... i already posted the item . cant believe it... if i cancel i think they will charge me the add fee, am i right?
08-25-2022 12:20 PM
100% Ad Fee means you are willing to give eBay the full amount the buyer Paid for the ITEM + SHIPPING + TAX. On top of that you also need to pay eBay the final value fee. You end up paying eBay MORE than the buyer paid you.
08-25-2022 12:24 PM
If you already shipped the item, how can you cancel the transaction? You cant.
08-25-2022 12:24 PM
Reading and understanding what you are reading is very fundamental...
08-25-2022 12:26 PM
You didn't have much idea of how much this would cost you?
Therein lies the entire problem.
08-25-2022 12:32 PM
the customer support told me that if i canceled they would help me with this issue, i posted today morning and i could contact the post office to cancel the shipping. i used ebay standard because i am not from the us , so the shipping method is diferent , i dont print labels or something and there was still an option to cancel and refund the seller