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AD click warnings are not consistent or accurate when a best offer is being received

Lately, the AD fee warnings have been missing when receiving offers, I have saved screenshots of the offers and the first offer usually that is the main and most important one (in terms of knowing if it came from an AD click or not to know how to negotiate) is constantly missing the AD fee warning, then post sale you are hit with the AD fee thinking it didn't come from an AD click.

On some items, you get the first message without the AD fee warning then in 2nd or 3rd message you get the AD fee warning but not the first one. 

Moving forward, we just have to assume all came from an AD click but its rather annoying how the warnings come for some offers off the bat and some never at all or on the 2nd or 3rd messages you're hit with the warning and in some cases no warning and then you are hit with the AD fee on the back end.


It's important to know this info when receiving best offers in order to factor the AD fee or not. We wish this site would do better regarding this especially since the AD fees generate a lot of income for them. This site has to get precise with these notifications and not leave it up to random chance.


Anyone else having these issues with their AD click warnings on best offers?

Here is an example from an item, same item, first message no warning, then the 2nd message with the warning:


Message 1 of 1
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